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Chapter no 25

Crave by Tracy Wolff

โ€ŒWaffles Are the Wayโ€Œ

to a Girlโ€™s Everything

I wake up slowly to the sound of a text coming in. I groan as I think about ignoring it, about staying wrapped up in my covers where itโ€™s warm and comfortable andย perfect. But Iโ€™ve been slow in responding to Heatherโ€™s texts since I got to Alaska, and thatโ€™s not cool.

Except when I roll over and grab my phone, I realize two things. One, itโ€™s after ten in the morning, which means I slept right through first period. And two, the text isnโ€™t from Heather.

And itโ€™s not from Macy, either. Instead, itโ€™s from a number I donโ€™t recognize.

Unknown:ย How is your ankle?

Flint?ย I wonder as I brush my hair out of my eyes and sit up.ย Or someone else?

For a moment, Jaxonโ€™s eyesโ€”deep, dark, fathomlessโ€” come to mind, but I canโ€™t believe itโ€™s him. Not when heโ€™s been so hot and cold the entire time weโ€™ve known each other. And definitely not when he told me last night that we were going to do things the hard wayโ€”whatever that means.

Deciding to play it safe, I text back:

Me:ย Who is this?

Thereโ€™s a long pause. Then:

Unknown:ย Jaxon

Itโ€™s only one word, and yet it somehow all but crackles with indignation. Like he canโ€™t imagine that I donโ€™t already have his number in my phone, just waiting for him to finally get around to texting me. I should be annoyed at the assumption, but Iโ€™m amused instead. So amused that I canโ€™t help answering:

Me:ย Jaxon who?

Jaxon:ย I donโ€™t know the punch line

Me:ย To what?

Jaxon:ย Whatever knock-knock joke youโ€™re setting up

I burst out laughing, because heโ€™s funny over text in a way he hasnโ€™t shown me in person.

Me:ย Iโ€™m terrible at knock-knock jokes

Jaxon:ย Finally some good news

Me:ย Hey!

Me:ย How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?

Thereโ€™s a long pause, where I can totally imagine his face.


Jaxon:ย I didnโ€™t realize octopi laughed

Yeah, thatโ€™s pretty much the response I expected.

Me:ย eye roll emoji

Me:ย Come on. Play along.

Jaxon:ย I just wanted to know how your ankle was

Me:ย Take a guess and Iโ€™ll tell you Another long pause.

Jaxon:ย 17

Me:ย 17?!?!?!?!?!

Jaxon:ย Well, itโ€™s obviously not 8 or it wouldnโ€™t be a jokeย Jaxon:ย And I donโ€™t have a clue otherwise, so why not 17?ย Me:ย double eye roll emoji

Me:ย Letโ€™s try this again

Me:ย How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?

This pause is so long that Iโ€™ve just about convinced myself that Iโ€™ve blown it and he isnโ€™t going to answer. But then:

Jaxon:ย How many?

I nearly drop my phone in excitement, and Iโ€™m grinning so hard that my cheeks hurt. Which is ridiculous, but Iโ€™m learning that when it comes to this boy,ย Iโ€™mย ridiculous.

Me:ย Ten-tickles

Jaxon:ย Thatโ€™sโ€ฆactually pretty good

Me:ย Wow. High praise

Jaxon:ย Donโ€™t let it go to your head

Me:ย Believe me, I wonโ€™t

Me:ย Triple eye roll emoji

Jaxon:ย What do you get when you cross a vampire and a snowman?

What? A joke? From the perennially serious Jaxon Vega? I canโ€™t answer back fast enough.

Me:ย I have no idea.

Jaxon:ย Frostbite

I laugh out loud, because who is this Jaxon? And how do I keep him around?

Me:ย Halloween and Alaska all rolled into one, huh?

Me:ย Color me impressed

Thereโ€™s another long pause, but this time something tells me not to give up on Jaxon quite yet. That he isnโ€™t not

texting because heโ€™s put down his phone but because heโ€™s trying to figure out what to say next. Whichโ€ฆcan you say mind-boggling? I can barely imagine a Jaxon who doesnโ€™t know exactly what to do and say in any situation.

Finally my phone dings again.

Jaxon:ย You promised to tell me about your ankle

Itโ€™s not a great segue from the fun conversation we were just having, but I go with it, because the alternative is not answering, and I donโ€™t want to do that. At least not yet.

Me:ย I donโ€™t know. Iโ€™m just waking up. My uncle must have decided I donโ€™t have to go to class again today.

Jaxon:ย Iโ€™d say lucky you, butโ€ฆ

Me:ย What, falling out of a tree not lucky enough for you?

Jaxon:ย Do you KNOW what lucky means?

The laugh hits me so unexpectedly that I nearly snort. Then slap a hand over my mouth in horrified amusement, even though thereโ€™s no one around to hear.

Me:ย I walked away, didnโ€™t I?

Jaxon:ย eye roll emoji

Jaxon:ย Pretty sure I carried you awayย Me:ย Oh. Right. Thanks again for that.ย Jaxon:ย All the eye roll emojis

Now that heโ€™s got me thinking about it, Iโ€™m curious how my ankle is, too. So I throw back the covers and try to climb out of bedโ€”only to whimper the second I put any weight on my right foot. Well, that answers that. With the added problem that I really have to pee.

Jaxon:ย What are you going to do today?

Me:ย I think Iโ€™ll lie in bed and feel sorry for myself

Jaxon:ย Good times

Me:ย Yeah, well, turns out the ankle hurts a little bit

Jaxon:ย You ok?ย Me:ย Of courseย Me:ย brb

I use the promise of Advil to propel myself across the room to the bathroom. When Iโ€™m done, I wash my hands and grab two of the little round pills and a bottle of water before hobbling back to my bed. I force myself to take the pills before I pick my phone back up again, but itโ€™s hard. Iโ€™m dying to know if Jaxon texted me back.

He didnโ€™t. Which is cool, I tell myself. I mean. Iโ€™m the one who cut our conversation off so abruptly.

Me:ย Iโ€™m back No answer.

Me:ย Sorry that took so long. Still no answer.

Ugh. I blew it.

Iโ€™m pissed at myself for stopping our conversation. And just as angry for being pissed off. Jaxon showed me more of himself in the last fifteen minutes than he has since I got here. What do I have to be annoyed about that he stopped texting?

Absolutely nothing. I mean, the boy does have to go to class, after all.

Somehow, telling myself that only makes everything worse. Well, that and the fact that Iโ€™m starving, and the peanut butter is all the way across the room. Of course.

I lie back against my pillows and fire off a couple of messages to Heather. Then I check Snapchat and Instagram and even play a couple of rounds ofย Pac-Manโ€”all while

telling myself that Iโ€™m absolutely, positively not waiting for Jaxon to text again.

But eventually my stomach starts growling, and I toss my phone aside. A girl canโ€™t live on peanut butter alone, even if right now Iโ€™m hungry enough to give it a try.

I start to hobble toward the fridge but get distracted halfway there by a knock on my door. For a second, just a second, I wonder if it might be Jaxon. Then common sense kicks in. Itโ€™s probably Uncle Finn coming to check on me and my bum ankle.

Except when I answer the door, itโ€™s not Uncle Finn. And itโ€™s not Jaxon, either. Instead, itโ€™s a woman carrying a heavily loaded food tray.

โ€œGrace?โ€ she asks as I step aside to let her in.

โ€œYes.โ€ I smile at her. โ€œThank you so much. Iโ€™mย starving.โ€

โ€œAnytime.โ€ She grins back. โ€œWhere do you want me to put it?โ€

โ€œI can take it.โ€ I reach for the tray, but she shoots me a look that says to give her a break. โ€œUm, the bed is fine, I guess.โ€ I gesture toward my side of the room.

She crosses to my bed and puts the tray down toward the foot of it. Then asks, โ€œIs there anything else I can get you?โ€

I have no idea, considering the food is under two of those silver dome things to keep it warm. But since Iโ€™m hungry enough to eat almost anythingโ€”and Iโ€™m not in the habit of having anyone wait on meโ€”I answer, โ€œNo, this is perfect. Thank you.โ€

Trust Macy to think of me even when sheโ€™s in class. My cousin is a goddess.

Except, as I settle back onto the bed, I realize thereโ€™s a

small black envelope on the tray. One that has my name written on the front in a masculine scrawl that definitely isnโ€™t Macyโ€™s.

Uncle Finn, I tell myself, even as my heart beats triple


Because it canโ€™t be Jaxon, I figure as I reach for the envelope with trembling fingers.

Canโ€™t be Jaxon, I think again as I slide out the simple black card.

Definitely canโ€™t be Jaxon, I tell myself one more time as I open up the card and search for a signature.

Exceptโ€ฆexcept itย isย from Jaxon, and my heart is actually threatening to burst out of my chest.

I donโ€™t know what you like yet, but I figured you were hungry. Stay off that ankle.


Oh my God. OmigodOmigodOmigod. Oh. My. God.

I mean, itโ€™s not theย mostย romantic note in the world, but

that doesnโ€™t even matter. Because Jaxon sent me breakfast.

Thatโ€™sย why he didnโ€™t text me back. He was busy doing this.

I grab my phone and fire off a quick text to him.

Me:ย Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! You really are a lifesaver

He doesnโ€™t answer right away, so I start poking around the tray, seeing what he had the cafeteria bring me. The answer isย everything.

Thereโ€™s a cup of coffee and another one of tea. A bottle of sparkling water and a glass of orange juice. Thereโ€™s even an ice pack for my ankle.

I lift up the domes to find one plate loaded with eggs and sausage and a giant cinnamon roll that smells amazing. The other has a Belgian waffle on it, topped with strawberry compote and what looks to be freshly whipped creamโ€ฆin the middle of Alaska. Inย November.

Iโ€™m so touched, I think I might cry. Or I would if I wasnโ€™t so hungry.

Still, thereโ€™s no way I can eat all this, and I should feel bad about wasting the food. But right now, Iโ€™m too busy smiling to worry about anything else.

My stomach growls again, louder this time, and I dig in, starting with the waffle. Because whipped cream plus syrup plus strawberries equals nirvana.

Iโ€™m halfway through the whipped cream covered deliciousness when my phone finally dings againโ€”and I nearly upend the whole tray trying to get to it.

Jaxon:ย Sorry, taking a test

Jaxon:ย Waffles or eggs?ย Me:ย Waffles all the wayย Jaxon:ย I figured

Jaxon:ย Use the ice pack

Me:ย Wow. Bossy much?

Me:ย I am using it. I can take care of myself, you know

Jaxon:ย Now whoโ€™s being bossy?

Iโ€™m not sure if I should be offended or not by that latest crack. I probably should be, but a waffle this good gives the guy a little extra leeway. Plus, I maybe, possibly deserved it.

Me: How about you? Waffles or eggs?

Jaxon: Neither

Me: So what do you like to eat?

As soon as I hit Send, I immediately regret that last text. Oh my God, it sounds way more suggestive than I intended. Damn it. Heโ€™s either going to think Iโ€™m a creep or reply with something really off-putting, and Iโ€™m not prepared for either outcome.

Itโ€™s been a while since Iโ€™ve flirted with anyone, and Iโ€™m definitely not ready for it to end.

Iโ€™m especially not ready to stop talking to Jaxon, whoโ€™s witty, charming, and makes me feel things no one else ever has. Besides, itโ€™s so much easier to chat with him over text than face-to-face, especially when heโ€™s all dark and brooding.

Seconds tick by with no response, and I consider either hurling my phone across the room or drowning my anxiety in the leftover maple syrup.

Ultimately, I do neither. I just wait, my patience wearing thin. When his reply finally comes through, I hold my breath and swipe open my screen. Then I burst out laughing because:

Jaxon: I donโ€™t think weโ€™re there yet, but Iโ€™m sure youโ€™ll let me know when we are.


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