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Chapter no 3 – Auburn


Life is strange.

I have no idea how I went from working at the salon this morning, to an appointment at a law o๏ฌƒce this afternoon, to working at an art studio tonight, to walking into a bar for theย rst time in my life.

I was too embarrassed to tell Owen Iโ€™ve never been to a bar before, but Iโ€™m pretty sure he could tell by my hesitation at the door. I didnโ€™t know what to expect when we walked in because Iโ€™m not yet twenty-one. I reminded Owen of this and he shook his head and told me not to mention it if Harrison asks for ID. โ€œJust tell him you left it at the studio and Iโ€™ll vouch for you.โ€

Itโ€™s deย nitely not what I expected a bar would look like. I imagined disco balls and a huge, central danceย oor, and John Travolta. In reality, this bar is much less dramatic than I imagined. Itโ€™s quiet, and I could probably count the number of occupants on both hands.ย ere are more tables covering the

oor than there is room to dance. And thereโ€™s no disco ball anywhere in sight. Iโ€™m a little disappointed by that.

Owen weaves through a few tables until he gets to the back of the dimly lit room. He pulls out a stool and motions for me to sit while he takes the one next to it.

ereโ€™s a guy at the other end of the bar who looks up at us just as Iโ€™m taking my seat, and I assume this is Harrison. He looks to be in his late twenties, with a head full of curly, red hair.ย e combination of his fair skin and the fact that there are four-leaf clovers on almost every sign in this place makes me wonder if heโ€™s Irish or if he just wishes he were.

I know it shouldnโ€™t surprise me that this guy owns a bar and appears this young, because if everyone around here is anything like Owen, this city must be full of young entrepreneurs. Great.ย Makes me feel even more out of place.

Harrison nods his head in Owenโ€™s direction and then brieย y glances at me. He doesnโ€™t stare long, and then his eyes are back on Owenโ€™s with a perplexed look. I donโ€™t know what has this guy confused, but Owen ignores the look he shoots him and turns to face me.

โ€œYou were great tonight,โ€ he says. His chin is resting in his hand and heโ€™s smiling. His compliment makes me smile back, or maybe itโ€™s just him. Heโ€™s got such an innocent, charming vibe.ย e way his eyes crinkle in the corners makes his smile seem more genuine than other peopleโ€™s.

โ€œSo were you.โ€ We both just continue to smile at each other and I realize that although bars arenโ€™t typically my scene, Iโ€™m actually enjoying myself. I havenโ€™t in so long, and I donโ€™t know why Owen seems to extract a whole di๏ฌ€erent side of me, but I like it. I also know that I have so many other things I should be focusing on right now, but itโ€™s one night. One drink. What harm can it do?

He lays his arm on the bar and swivels his chair until heโ€™s facing me full- on. I do the same, but the chairs are really close together and our knees end up overlapping. He adjusts himself until one of my knees is between both of his, and one of his is between both of mine. We arenโ€™t too close and itโ€™s not as though weโ€™re rubbing our legs together, but theyโ€™re deย nitely touching and itโ€™s kind of an intimate way to be seated with someone I barely know. He looks down at our legs.

โ€œAre weย irting?โ€

Now weโ€™re looking at each other again and weโ€™re both still grinning and it hits me that I donโ€™t think either of us has stopped grinning since we left his studio.

I shake my head. โ€œI donโ€™t know how toย irt.โ€

He looks back down at our legs and is about to comment when Harrison approaches us. He leans forward and casually rests his arms on the bar, placing his attention on Owen.

โ€œHowโ€™d it go?โ€

Harrison is deย nitely Irish. I almost canโ€™t even understand him, his accent is so thick.

Owen smiles in my direction. โ€œPretty damn good.โ€

Harrison nods and then focuses on me. โ€œYou must be Hannah.โ€ He reaches his hand out to me. โ€œIโ€™m Harrison.โ€

I donโ€™t look at Owen, but I can hear him clearing his throat. I take Harrisonโ€™s hand and shake it. โ€œNice to meet you, Harrison, but Iโ€™m actually Auburn.โ€

Harrisonโ€™s eyes grow wide and he slowly turns back to Owen. โ€œShit, man,โ€ he says, laughing apologetically. โ€œI canโ€™t keep up with you.โ€

Owen waves it o๏ฌ€. โ€œItโ€™sย ne,โ€ he says. โ€œAuburn knows about Hannah.โ€

I donโ€™t really. Iโ€™m assuming Hannah is the girl who just dumped him.

e only thing I do know is that Owen told me coming to this bar after a showing was tradition. So Iโ€™m curious how Harrison has never met Hannah if sheโ€™s worked shows for Owen before. Owen looks at me and can see the confusion on my face.

โ€œI never brought her here.โ€

โ€œOwen has never brought anyone here,โ€ Harrison o๏ฌ€ers. He looks back at Owen. โ€œWhat happened to Hannah?โ€

Owen shakes his head like he doesnโ€™t really want to talk about it. โ€œย e usual.โ€

Harrison doesnโ€™t ask what โ€œthe usualโ€ is, so Iโ€™m assuming he understands exactly what happened to Hannah. I just wish I knew what โ€œthe usualโ€ meant.

โ€œWhat can I get you to drink, Auburn?โ€ Harrison asks.

I look at Owen a little wide-eyed, because I have no idea what to order. Iโ€™ve never ordered a drink before, considering Iโ€™m not yet old enough to do so. He understands my expression and immediately turns back to Harrison. โ€œBring us two Jack and Cokes,โ€ he says. โ€œAnd an order of cheese sticks.โ€

Harrison taps the bar with hisย st and says, โ€œComing right up.โ€ He begins to turn around but quickly faces Owen again. โ€œOh, weโ€™re all out of cheese sticks. Travesty. Cheese fries okay?โ€

I try not to frown, but I was really looking forward to cheese sticks.

Owen looks at me and I nod. โ€œSounds good,โ€ I say.

Harrison smiles and begins to turn around but then faces me yet again. โ€œYouโ€™re over twenty-one, right?โ€

I quickly nod, and for a second I see doubt appear in his expression, but he turns and walks away without asking for my identiย cation.

โ€œYouโ€™re a horrible liar,โ€ Owen laughs. I expel a breath. โ€œI donโ€™t normally lie.โ€ โ€œI can see why,โ€ he says.

He adjusts his position on the stool, and our legs brush together again.

He smiles. โ€œWhatโ€™s your story, Auburn?โ€

Here we go.ย e moment when I usually call it a night before the night even gets started.

โ€œWhoa,โ€ he says. โ€œWhatโ€™s the look for?โ€

I realize I must be frowning when he says this. โ€œMy story is that I have a very private life and I donโ€™t like to talk about it.โ€

He smiles, which isnโ€™t the reaction I was expecting. โ€œSounds a lot like my story.โ€

Harrison is back with the drinks, saving us from what was about to become a failed conversation. We both take a drink at the same time, but his goes down a whole lot smoother than mine does. Despite being underage, Iโ€™ve had a few drinks in the past with friends back in Portland, but this is a tad strong for my taste. I cover my mouth to cough and Owen, of course, smiles again.

โ€œWell, since neither of us feels like talking at all, do you at least dance?โ€ He glances over my shoulder at the small, empty danceย oor on the opposite side of the room.

I immediately shake my head.

โ€œHow did I know that would be your answer?โ€ He stands up. โ€œCome on.โ€

I shake my head again and almost instantly, my mood changes.ย ereโ€™s no way Iโ€™m dancing with him, especially to whatever slow song just started playing. He grabs my hand and tries to pull me up, but Iโ€™m gripping my chair with my other hand, ready toย ght him o๏ฌ€ย if I have to.

โ€œYou really donโ€™t want to dance?โ€ he asks. โ€œI really donโ€™t want to dance.โ€

He stares at me for a few quiet seconds and then takes a seat back in his chair. He leans forward and motions for me to come closer. He still has hold of my hand, and I feel his thumb brush slightly over mine. He continues to lean toward me until his mouth is close to my ear. โ€œTen seconds,โ€ he whispers. โ€œJust give me ten seconds on the danceย oor. If you still donโ€™t want to dance with me after my time is up, you can walk away.โ€

ere are chills on my arms and legs and neck, and his voice is so soothing and convincing, I can feel myself nodding before I even know what Iโ€™m agreeing to.

But ten seconds is simple. Ten seconds I can do. Ten seconds isnโ€™t enough time to embarrass myself. And after his time is up, Iโ€™ll come back and sit down and heโ€™ll leave me alone about dancing, hopefully.

Heโ€™s standing again, pulling me toward the danceย oor. Iโ€™m relieved the place is relatively empty. Even though weโ€™ll be the only ones dancing, the place is deserted enough that I wonโ€™t feel like Iโ€™m the center of attention.

We reach the danceย oor and he slips a hand to my lower back. โ€œOne,โ€ I whisper.

He smiles when he realizes Iโ€™m actually counting. He uses his other hand to position my hands around his neck. Iโ€™ve seen couples dance enough to know how to stand, at least.


He shakes his head with a laugh and wraps his free hand around my lower back, pulling me against him.

โ€œย ree.โ€

He begins to sway, and this is where dancing becomes confusing to me. I have no idea what to do next. I look down at our feet, hoping to get an idea of what Iโ€™m supposed to do with mine. He rests his forehead against mine and also looks down at our feet. โ€œJust follow my lead,โ€ he says. His hands slide to my waist and he gently guides my hips in the direction he wants me to move.

โ€œFour,โ€ I whisper as I move with him.

I can feel him relaxing just a little bit when he sees Iโ€™ve got it down. His hands slip to my back once again and he pulls me even closer. Naturally, my arms loosen slightly and I lean into him.

His smell is intoxicating and before I realize what Iโ€™m doing, my eyes are closed and Iโ€™m inhaling the scent of him. He still smells like he just stepped out of the shower, even though itโ€™s been hours.

I think I like dancing.

It feels very natural, as if dancing is part of a humanโ€™s biological purpose. Itโ€™s a lot like sex, actually. I have about as much experience with sex as I do with dancing, but I deย nitely remember every moment I spent with

Adam. It can be very intimate, the way two bodies come together and somehow know exactly what to do and exactly how toย t while doing it.

I can feel my pulse getting faster and warmth spreading over me, and itโ€™s been so long since Iโ€™ve felt this way. I wonder if itโ€™s the dancing thatโ€™s doing this to me or if itโ€™s Owen. Iโ€™ve never slow-danced before, so I have no other dance to compare it to.ย e only thing I have to measure this feeling against is the way Adam used to make me feel, and this is pretty close to that. Itโ€™s been a long time since Iโ€™ve wanted someone to kiss me.

Or maybe itโ€™s just been a long time since Iโ€™ve allowed myself to feel this way.

Owen lifts his hand to the back of my head and lowers his mouth to my ear. โ€œItโ€™s been ten seconds,โ€ he whispers. โ€œDo you want to stop?โ€

I shake my head softly.

I canโ€™t see his face, but I know heโ€™s smiling. He pulls me against his chest and rests his chin on top of my head. I close my eyes and breathe him in again.

We dance like this until the song ends, and Iโ€™m not sure if Iโ€™m supposed to let goย rst or if heโ€™s supposed to let goย rst, but neither of us does. Another song begins and luckily, itโ€™s slow like the last one, so we just keep moving as though theย rst song never ended.

I donโ€™t know when Owen began moving his hand away from the back of my head, but itโ€™s slowly moving down my back, making my arms and legs feel so weak, I question their existence. Iย nd myself wishing he would pick me up and carry me, preferably straight to his bed.

His initials are very appropriate for the way heโ€™s making me feel right now. I want to whisper, โ€œOMG,โ€ over and over.

I pull away from his chest and look up at him. Heโ€™s not smiling right now. Heโ€™s piercing me with eyes that seem a thousand shades darker than when we walked into this bar.

I unlock my hands, and I slide one against his neck. Iโ€™m surprised I feel comfortable enough to do this, and even more surprised by his reaction. He exhales softly and I can feel the chills erupt over the skin on his neck as his eyes fall shut and his forehead meets mine.

โ€œIโ€™m pretty sure I just fell in love with this song,โ€ he says. โ€œAnd I hate this song.โ€

I laugh a little and he pulls me closer, resting my head against his chest. We donโ€™t speak, and we donโ€™t stop dancing until the song ends.ย e third song begins to play and it isnโ€™t something Iโ€™m willing to dance to, considering itโ€™s not a slow song. When we both accept that the dance is over, we inhale simultaneous breaths and begin to separate.

His expression is full of concentrated intent, and as much as I like his smile, I also really like it when he looks at me like this. My arms leave his neck and his hands leave my waist and weโ€™re both standing on the dance

oor, staring at each other awkwardly, and Iโ€™m not sure what to do now.

โ€œย e thing about dancing,โ€ he says, folding his arms across his chest, โ€œis that no matter how good it feels when youโ€™re doing it, itโ€™s always extremely awkward when itโ€™s over.โ€

It makes me feel good to know that itโ€™s not just me who doesnโ€™t know what to do now. His hand touches my shoulder, and he urges me back toward the bar. โ€œWe have drinks toย nish.โ€

โ€œAnd fries to eat,โ€ I add.



He didnโ€™t ask me to dance again. In fact, as soon as we got back to the bar, he seemed like he was in a hurry to get out of there. I ate most of the fries while he chatted with Harrison a little more. He could tell I wasnโ€™t really digging my drink, so heย nished it for me. Now weโ€™re walking back outside and it feels a little bit awkward again, like when the dance came to an end. Only now, itโ€™s the entire night thatโ€™s coming to an end, and I hate that I really donโ€™t want to say good-bye to him yet. But Iโ€™m certainly not about to suggest we go back to his studio.

โ€œWhich way is your place?โ€ he asks.

My eyes swing to his and Iโ€™m shocked by his forwardness. โ€œYou arenโ€™t coming over,โ€ I immediately say.

โ€œAuburn,โ€ he says, laughing, โ€œitโ€™s late. Iโ€™m o๏ฌ€ering to walk you home, not asking to spend the night.โ€

I inhale, embarrassed at my assumption. โ€œOh.โ€ I point to the right. โ€œIโ€™m aboutย fteen blocks that way.โ€

He smiles and waves a hand in that direction, and we both begin walking. โ€œBut if Iย wereย asking to spend the night . . .โ€

I laugh and push him playfully. โ€œI would tell you to fuck o๏ฌ€.โ€

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