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Chapter no 59 – Evie

Assistant to the Villain

โ€œMs. Sage!โ€ A wide, perfect smile spread across the kingโ€™s handsome face. He was certainly into his late forties if not his fifties, with sprays of gray through his thick, sandy-colored hair.

โ€œAt last we meet.โ€ He walked toward her, tucking his fur cape behind him. โ€œChain up The Villain, would you?โ€ The king nodded to one of the knights. โ€œWith theย specialย cuffs.โ€

โ€œNo.โ€ Evie threw her body in front of his.

โ€œSage, move,โ€ Trystan gritted out, sounding strangled. โ€œNo,โ€ she said, panicking.

The king shook his head sympathetically, nodding toward another knight. โ€œIt would do you well not to struggle, my dear.โ€ Such kindness in his voice. Evie wouldโ€™ve trusted that kindness, in another place, when she was another person.

The knight reached down in a flash, gripping her by the waist and hoisting her off Trystan. โ€œNo! Get off me!โ€ she screamed, kicking and flailing, swiping her hands out. The knight dropped her for a second and raised his arm high before backhanding her. She fell.

โ€œStop!โ€ It was The Villainโ€™s voice, not Trystanโ€™s, that cut across the clearing. It was cold and deadly. โ€œStep away from her!โ€ he roared, the clinking of metal following his every movement as he pulled against his cuffs. Evie rolled to her side, looking at him, feeling a tear slide down her cheek.

She pulled herself up, blood dripping from her lower lip, leaves tangled in her hair.

โ€œYes, stop. The brutality is hardly necessary. Heโ€™s chained. He cannot hurt anyone, and if you cannot handle that woman without harming her, perhaps we should rethink your position as one of my guards,โ€ the king said firmly.

Trystan didnโ€™t look to be in great pain anymore, but he was obviously weakened. From that minute of torture or from the cuffs, she was unsure.

โ€œI didnโ€™t want it to come to this, really.โ€ The kingย tsked. โ€œI was hoping to keep this clean, but youโ€™ve really left me no choice. Youโ€™ve simply interfered too much. I was content to let you play your little fairy-tale role for as long as you desired.โ€ He walked closer to The Villain, the well-formed smile disappearing into coldness.

โ€œBut now youโ€™re trying to ruin my plans. And that, Iโ€™m afraid, I cannot allow.โ€

Trystan was breathing heavily, nostrils flared, eyes glazed over with rage. โ€œWhatโ€ฆare you talking about?โ€ he gritted out.

The king clicked his tongue as he looked down at her boss. โ€œSo much potential, yet how disappointing you were.โ€ Benedict knelt beside him, putting a hand on Trystanโ€™s cheek that he tried to shake off. โ€œThe guvresโ€”I have a great need of them. To aid in Rennedawnโ€™s veryโ€ฆbrightย future.โ€

Trystan narrowed his eyes before saying in a pinched, breathless voice, โ€œFuck. You.โ€

โ€œI second that,โ€ Evie said from the ground, drawing the attention of every man surrounding her.

โ€œAnd that brings me to you, Ms. Sage!โ€ The king turned around and started walking toward her.

โ€œDonโ€™t touch her, Benedict.โ€ Trystanโ€™s voice was raw as he pulled once again at his chains.

โ€œYou were supposed to be my sweet little savior, but it turns out youโ€™re just as rotten as your father said.โ€

She glared at him. โ€œMy father was a liar. But youโ€ฆโ€ Evie slowly stood, brushing the leaves from her skirts and the blood from her lip. โ€œYouโ€™re a coward.โ€

The king smiled at her. Not the charming one heโ€™d arrived with, but a sinister one, a vindictive one. It didnโ€™t look natural; it was almostโ€ฆ villainous.

โ€œIโ€™m afraid I need my guvres back, Ms. Sage,โ€ he said. โ€œYou see, without her mate, my guvre was unable to produce any venom in all my time with her. But now, it would seem, she does.โ€

โ€œYouโ€™ll get them over my cold, dead body,โ€ she said, smiling. โ€œOr yours.โ€

โ€œIโ€™m so glad you said that.โ€ The kingโ€™s cape swept behind him as he returned to Trystan, who was still being held back by two knights. โ€œIโ€™m

afraid youโ€™re going to need to come with me. It would seem youโ€™re of more use than I originally suspected.โ€

The king turned to Evie with a sad tilt of his head. โ€œYou, my dear, are not.โ€

Evie felt large arms close around her and a familiar vile scent flood her senses.

โ€œNo! Benedict!โ€ Trystan was going wild, tearing at the chains and the knights so hard, a third had to join in restraining him. โ€œLet her go, Warsen, or this day will be your last.โ€

โ€œSuch pretty threats!โ€

Evie was disgusted to find her suspicions confirmed when she heard Otto Warsenโ€™s voice in her ear.

โ€œThank you for the cuffs, Mr. Warsen. Youโ€™ve been most helpful.โ€ The king nodded at the blacksmith.

โ€œIโ€™m going to kill you,โ€ Trystan vowed calmly. โ€œI am going to rip your heart out of your body, and I will watch the life leave your eyes.โ€

โ€œI believe Iโ€™ll see the light leave yours first,โ€ the king said in a mock whisper before turning back to Evie and Mr. Warsen. โ€œYou may finish her off as you please; just be sure to save the body. Iโ€™ll have use for it after sheโ€™s gone.โ€

Evie began to shake, the panic at finding herself once again in this situation with Otto washing through her like a fast-acting poison.

โ€œNo, Benedict, no! Please.โ€ The Villainโ€™s voice cracked, pained, shattering his composure.

Evie felt tears burn before flowing down her face.

โ€œPlease, I beg you. I will do anything you ask, anything you want.

Anything, if youโ€™ll spare her. Just pleaseโ€”I beg you to spare her.โ€ When Trystan, The Villain, dropped to his knees, Evie cried.

โ€œI.ย Beg.ย You.โ€

Stop, she wanted to scream at him,ย donโ€™t lower yourself for me. Donโ€™t bend your will. Iโ€™m not worth it.

The king for a moment had a genuine look of emotionโ€”surprise. With wide eyes, he lowered on his haunches to look Trystan in the face. โ€œI believe I underestimated your attachment to this woman. I merely believed her to be someone who worked for you.

โ€œBut I see now. I understand.โ€ King Benedict smiled, placing a hand on Trystanโ€™s cheek. โ€œNo, I wonโ€™t do this.โ€ He stood up and motioned to one of

the knights, who brought a large syringe forth.

Mr. Warsenโ€™s hand closed around her mouth before she could warn him. โ€œI wonโ€™t make you watch.โ€

Trystanโ€™s eyes widened at the words, and he opened his mouth to yell, but the needle was already thrust under his skin, the liquid being pushed into his blood.

Evie screamed on the other side of Mr. Warsenโ€™s thickly gloved hand, thrashing and squirming, trying to get free.

But Trystanโ€™s eyes rolled back into his head, and he hit the ground with a


โ€œTake him to the back cart and lock him inโ€”that should keep him down until we return to the Gleaming Palace.โ€ The king nodded to Otto, and Evie couldnโ€™t believe that mere minutes ago, she had been laughing with Trystan, planning an office tea party, thinking that things might end up okay.

โ€œYou stay behind.โ€ The king motioned to two of his knights. โ€œAllow Mr. Warsen to kill her himself, but then ensure he returns the body to me promptly.โ€

โ€œYes, Your Majesty,โ€ one of them said.

Evie watched as the rest of the knights dragged Trystan away and threw his body carelessly into the cart. And Evie knew, with a certainty that flooded her with ice, that this was the last time sheโ€™d ever see him. That her last memory of him would be him lying limp and broken, alone in a carriage.

It was too tragic, too unfair. And all because she wanted her ridiculous notebook, with her ridiculous dreams inside. Dreams that would never come true.

The carriage rattled away, and Evie said a quiet goodbye to the man who had become the focal point of her heart. The one whoโ€™d changed her whole worldโ€”a world she would no longer be a part of.

When just she, the knights, and Mr. Warsen remained, she stayed stock-still, part of her merely awaiting the inevitable. She had truly never felt so low in all her life. Once again she was trapped under the control of someone stronger, someone who took. And took and took and took. This man had robbed herโ€”of her comfort, of her securityโ€”and she was now to be robbed of her life.

Do the right thing, Evie. Do the kind thing, Evie. Beย good, Evie.

Otto held her there, chuckling quietly in her ear. And something about the sound galvanized her, made fire stir low in her belly.

Where the fuck did being good ever get her?

What would The Villain say?ย Make this man pay, little tornado.

And so she did.

Evie moved her foot, jamming her heel into his shin, similarly to how she had with her father, except this time she gave a rough elbow to his middle as well. When Otto doubled over, loosening his grip as he reached for his stomach, Evie slipped out and ran as fast as she could. But the other two knights surrounded her, clearly trying to follow orders and not get involved but also loath to let her leave. And she knew she was sorely outnumbered.

Iโ€™m sorry, Trystan, she thought.ย I tried.

Suddenly Mr. Warsen was upon her again, red-faced, clearly still in pain but recovered enough to let his rage take over. He picked her up and slammed her against the ground.

He held her there, pinning her arms down with his knees and wrapping his hands around her throat. This was it, she knew. She struggled and tried to move her arms, but she was overwhelmed by a wave of pain that had nothing to do with her rapidly depleting air supply.

She moved her eyes over and saw her satchel spilled open, the box with the dagger in it turned on its side, the dagger lying there on the ground, so close it could kill her.

Except it hadnโ€™t killed her. Not yet.

Looking up at Mr. Warsenโ€™s face, one that used to cause her so much fear, she knew she didnโ€™t want to fear him anymoreโ€ฆ

She wanted to be feared.

The blacksmith loosened his grip for a second, smiling above her with yellow-stained teeth. โ€œIโ€™m serving the kingdom by ridding the world of you. You donโ€™t belong here. After debasing yourself the way you have, this death is a mercy.โ€

Evie narrowed her eyes, and Mr. Warsen did not notice her right hand slipping free. He kept his grip around her throat as he leaned in close to her face. โ€œWhat could be betterโ€ฆfor The Villainโ€™s whore.โ€

Evie closed her palm and her eyes, feeling the burn of pain in every pore, feeling it pulse in her blood.

โ€œActually,โ€ she rasped out. She opened her eyes.

โ€œIโ€™m. His. Fucking. Assistant,โ€ she whispered and smiled, before whipping the dagger up and slitting his throat.

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