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Chapter no 2 – โ€Œโ€ŒSaturday

All American Boys




โ€ŒCustody.ย ๎ขatโ€™s the one word I kept hearing over and over again as I dri๎‚ed in and out of a painkiller coma, which by the way, mightโ€™ve been the best sleep Iโ€™d had in I donโ€™t even know how long. And thatโ€™s with a broken nose and a few fractured ribs.

Custody.ย ๎ขey brought me into the hospital, handcu๏ฌ€s still on, blood still pouring from my nose like a faucet with rusty pipes. My head pounding. Every breath hurt. My jacket, the one my brother gave me, now torn.

Custody.ย ๎ขe doctors sent me through X-rays, administered pain drugs,

ddled with my nose until it was set back in its original place, even though they made sure to tell me that it would never look the same.ย ๎ขat it would always look broken. But once it healed I would, at least, be able to breathe normally.ย ๎ขey applied ice packs to my ribs, which were super uncomfortable because a๎‚er a while the cold makes your skin feel like itโ€™s burning. But a๎‚er that, it all goes numb.

Custody.ย A police o๏ฌƒcerโ€”not the one who did this to me, but a di๏ฌ€erent one, the one whoย ngerprinted meโ€”stood outside the hospital room on guard, making sure I didnโ€™t run. As if I could. As if I were a real criminal. As if I were a criminal at all. He stood watch at the door until my parents arrived.

Custody.ย ๎ขe police o๏ฌƒcer explained to my folks that I had been caught stealing. Not only that, but that I had also been charged with resisting arrest and public nuisance.ย ๎ขere was no point trying to explain. I could barely breathe. I could barely keep my eyes open.ย ๎ขe o๏ฌƒcer read the citations and explained that even though they were all misdemeanors, I had been processed and would still have to appear in court.ย ๎ขen, because Iโ€™m a minor, my folks had toย ll out paperwork so that I could be signed over and returned to their custody. A๎‚er that, the police o๏ฌƒcer le๎‚.

๎ขe next morning, when I woke up from it all, there was my mother, sitting in a chair on the other side of my hospital room, staring out the window.

โ€œMa,โ€ I said, instantly wincing. I could feel the gauze taped to my face, to my nose. Itโ€™s that same tight feeling my skin gets a๎‚er swimming, a๎‚er the chlorine has turned me into cardboard. I cleared my throat and called out for her again.

She whipped toward me, sprang from the chair, and dashed over to my bedside as if I was about to deliver my last words.

โ€œRashad,โ€ she said, her voice full of all the motherly stu๏ฌ€. Worry and love and hope and fear. โ€œOh, baby,โ€ she repeated, rubbing her hand on my forehead gently, her voice cracking. โ€œHow you feelinโ€™?โ€

๎ขe truth was, I was feeling two ways. Physically, I obviously didnโ€™t feel great, thatโ€™s for sure. But not terrible. Not like I thought Iโ€™d feel. But maybe that was the drugs doing their thing. I did feel some soreness, though. My breathing was weird and uncomfortable. Every breath felt like a hundred tiny needles sticking me in the chest. And that was breathing through my mouth. Breathing through my nose wasnโ€™t an option. Not yet, at least. But I was okay. Hell, I was alive. And so the other stu๏ฌ€โ€”well, the alternative was way worse.

๎ขe other way I was feeling was just . . . confused. I mean, I hadnโ€™t done anything. Nothing at all. So why was I hooked up to all these machines, lying in this uncomfortable bed? Why was I arrested? Why was my mother waiting there for me to wake up, dried tears crusted on her face, prayer on her breath?

โ€œIโ€™m okay,โ€ I said.

She sat on the side of the bed. โ€œListen, I need you to tell me what happened, Rashad. And I need you to be honest with me, okay?โ€ But before I could answer, my father came into the room, making a not-so-grand entrance. He had two cups of co๏ฌ€ee, and even though one was for my mother, my dadโ€™s face looked like he couldโ€™ve used them both. And maybe a third. But him being tired didnโ€™t stop him from preaching.

โ€œHe up?โ€ my dad asked my mom, handing her a cup. He hadnโ€™t even looked at me yet. If he had, just for a second, he wouldโ€™ve noticed my eyes were open, a sure sign of me being awake. My mother nodded, almost as if she were giving him the green light to acknowledge me.

โ€œRashad.โ€ He said my name the same way he said it every other day when he was waking me up for school. As if nothing was wrong. As if he wasnโ€™t broken up by the sight of me lying in bed, black and blue and taped and bandaged and tubed and connected to machines monitoring whether or not I was actually still breathing.

โ€œHmm,โ€ I grunted.

โ€œHelp me out here, son,โ€ he said in his normal voice, which was his asshole voice. โ€œI need to know what the hell you were thinking, shopli๎‚ing. Shopli๎‚ing? And from Jerryโ€™s of all places?โ€ Dad had that disappointed look on his faceโ€”the same face he used to give me before I joined ROTC, the same face he made whenever he talked about Spoony.

โ€œI didnโ€™t steal nothinโ€™,โ€ I said, suddenly feeling too tired to explain, even though I just woke up.

โ€œWell then, why did the cops say you did?โ€ Dad replied, narrowing his eyes and taking a sip of his co๏ฌ€ee. A slurp.

โ€œI donโ€™t know.โ€

โ€œYou donโ€™t know?โ€ Dad sco๏ฌ€ed. โ€œReally, Rashad? You donโ€™t know?โ€

I felt a cough coming on and did everything I could to pinch it back, knowing that if I let it out, my entire body would feel like it was being hit by a million tiny hammers on the inside. I managed to get it down to a single, closed-mouth grunt, and guess what? It didnโ€™t matter. Every bone still seemed to tremble, and my head suddenly felt full of helium.

โ€œNo, I donโ€™t know,โ€ I repeated a๎‚er getting through the cough.

โ€œLook, baby, just tell us what happened,โ€ my mother said, calming my father down as usual. โ€œFrom the beginning.โ€

I started the story but didnโ€™t get very far before the nurse came in, interrupting everything with breakfast.

โ€œGood morning,โ€ she said in a singsongy way a๎‚er a light knock on the door. My mother greeted her pleasantly. My father forced a hello.

โ€œGot you some oatmeal, and some orange juice, and a little bit of fruit cocktail.โ€ย ๎ขe nurse set the food on the tray by my bed. โ€œIs everything else okay?โ€

โ€œWhatโ€™s your name, hon?โ€ my mother asked. โ€œClarissa.โ€

โ€œClarissa, everything isย ne, thank you,โ€ Ma said. โ€œBut do you think we can raise the back of the bed up just a little, so heโ€™s not lying soย at?โ€

โ€œOf course,โ€ Clarissa said, sliding the tray away and coming to my side. She pulled out a remote that was wedged between the mattress and the frame. With the push of a button, the bed started to reposition, which meant my body started to reposition, which meant . . .ย ooooouch!

โ€œIs that good?โ€ Clarissa asked. I just nodded, which was hard to do because now my chin was smashed into my chest. I had literally been folded up.

She moved the food tray back so that it was close enough for me to reach, and a๎‚er telling us that the doctor would be in shortly, she le๎‚, and my mother helped me situate myself on the bed so that I could look and feel normal. As normal as possible. Normal enough for my father to get back to business.

โ€œSo walk me through this, son. You got to the store . . .โ€

โ€œI got to the store, just to get gum and chips. I picked the bag of chips I wanted, and then I bent down and dug in my bag to try to get my phone so I could call Spoony.ย ๎ขis lady didnโ€™t see me squatting behind her, and tripped over me.ย ๎ขen I lost my balance, and the bag of chips wentย ying.ย ๎ขe cop assumed I had done something to the lady, which I didnโ€™t.ย ๎ขe dude who works the register looks up and thinks Iโ€™m trying to put the chips in my bag, but I wasnโ€™t.ย ๎ขen the cop rushed me and yoked me up all crazy.โ€ I paused, then added, โ€œAnd thatโ€™s it.โ€

My mother sat quietly and my father paced back and forth, from the door to the window. Ma was clearly horriย ed. But Dad, he had on thatย Son, you arenโ€™t telling me everythingย look. It was clear that to him, I had to have done something wrong to bring this on.

โ€œWere your pants sagging?โ€ Dad interrogated, now back over by the door. โ€œWere my pants sagging?โ€ I repeated, shocked by the question. โ€œWhat

does that have to do with anything?โ€

โ€œOh, it matters. If it walks like a duck, and it talks like a duck . . .โ€

My mother glared at him. โ€œDavid!ย ๎ขis is your son weโ€™re talking about.

๎ขe boyโ€™s never even been suspended.โ€

โ€œBut they donโ€™t know that,โ€ Dad said. โ€œWhat they see is what he presents.

And it sounds like he presented himself as just anotherโ€”โ€

โ€œAnother what?โ€ Ma cut in again, this time her voice spiking to thatย Donโ€™t startย level. Dad swallowed the rest of his statement.

โ€œWell, they said you resisted arrest,โ€ he continued in another direction. โ€œIf you didnโ€™t do anything wrong, why would you resist arrest?โ€ His voice began to rise. โ€œAnd how many times have I told you and Spoony, I mean, since yโ€™all were young weโ€™ve been going over this. Neverย ght back. Never talk back. Keep your hands up. Keep your mouth shut. Just do what they ask you to do, and youโ€™ll beย ne.โ€

๎ขat was another one of those way-too-familiar songs Spoony and I were forced to sing when we were kids. Every time Dad said it, it was always the same. Just like the army talk. But this one was even worse, because it had a rhythm to it, like a poem, or a chant. Neverย ght back. Never talk back. Keep your hands up. Keep your mouth shut. Just do what they ask you to do, and youโ€™ll beย ne.

โ€œI know, I know. And I did all that,โ€ I said, running through the scenario in my head again. โ€œI didnโ€™tย ght back; I couldnโ€™t. And I didnโ€™t say jack besides trying to explain that I hadnโ€™t done nothing wrong, but before I could even get a word out, he was all over me.โ€

โ€œYou couldnโ€™t have,โ€ Dad said, matter-of-fact. He looked at me as if he didnโ€™t know me and shook his head. As if he was disappointed. As if I asked for this.ย ๎ขat really pissed me o๏ฌ€.ย ๎ขat really, really got me going, because I was being blamed for something I didnโ€™t do, not just by that stupid store clerk and that asshole cop, but also by my father. A burning sensation rose in my chest and stomach, the fractured ribs sizzling. My eyes began to water with frustration.

โ€œI did.โ€ My voice shattered in my throat and came out pitchy and emotional. โ€œYou donโ€™t gotta believe me. But I did.โ€ I turned my head away.

You know who did believe me? My brother Spoony. He showed up a few minutes later, a๎‚er working an overnight shi๎‚ย at UPS and catching a quick nap. And let me tell you, when he arrived, he was full ofย re.

First was the obligatory mother hug. Spoony ran over to our mom and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Made sure she was all right.ย ๎ขen came the โ€œDad.โ€ย ๎ขatโ€™s all Spoony said to him. Just an acknowledgment of his presence. Itโ€™s not that he was beeย ng with our father or that they didnโ€™t get alongโ€”I take that back.ย ๎ขey really didnโ€™t get along.ย ๎ขey just couldnโ€™t see eye to eye on most things. Dad was all about discipline and believed that if you work hard, good things happen to you no matter what. Of course, part

of working hard, to him, was looking the part, dressing the part, and speaking the part, which Spoony didnโ€™t really vibe with.

Spoony had, I donโ€™t know, maybe eight or nine locs sprouting from his head like antennae.ย ๎ขick and matted like strips of carpet, but I always thought they looked pretty cool. Dad . . . not so much.ย ๎‚ปeyโ€™ll think youโ€™re doing drugs,ย heโ€™d say. Spoonyโ€™s clothes were always two (or three or four) sizes too big.ย ๎ขat was just his style.ย ๎ขat was pretty much his whole generationโ€™s style. Nineties hip-hop, gritty, realness. Wu-Tang. Biggie. Hoodies and unlaced boots.ย ๎‚ปeyโ€™ll think youโ€™re selling drugs,ย Dad would say.ย Why canโ€™t you get a haircut? Why canโ€™t you dress like a respectable adult? Why canโ€™t you set an example for your brother? Huh, son? Why?ย And because Spoony was tired of explaining himself, and Dad was tired of asking him to change, they kept their conversations short and sweet. Like Spoony greeting him, โ€œDad,โ€ head nod. Followed by Dad saying, โ€œSpoony,โ€ head nod. And that was that.

Spoony came over to my bed.

โ€œLiโ€™l bruh, you good?โ€ he said, something grape-ย avored on his breath. โ€œIโ€™m good.โ€

โ€œWhat happened?โ€

I started running the story down and got about halfway through, just up to when the cop pressed me, when Spoony lost it.

โ€œSee?โ€ he said, looking around to our parents. โ€œSee?ย ๎ขis is that bullshit! Iโ€™m so sick of them treating us like we animals. Like we Americaโ€™s disobedient dogs!โ€

โ€œCalm down, Spoony,โ€ Ma said, which only made it worse.

โ€œCalm down?ย Calm down?โ€ Spoonyโ€™s voice got signiย cantly less calm. โ€œHavenโ€™t we been a little too calm?ย ๎ขey get to do whatever they want to us, to himโ€”to your sonโ€”and weโ€™re supposed to just calm down?โ€ He put his hands on his head,ย attening his locs, rocking back and forth in that way people do right before they punch a wall.


โ€œAnd he was unarmed! Calm down? Do you know the stats? Itโ€™s something like black people are twice as likely to have no weapons on them when theyโ€™re killed by cops. Twice as likely! Should I run down the list of the people this has happened to? Calm down? Letโ€™s paint their names on the

walls and watch, thereโ€™ll be enough to give the entire hospital a fresh new look.ย ๎ขen tell me to calm down. He couldโ€™ve been killed!โ€

โ€œBut he wasnโ€™t,โ€ Dad said, deadpan. He seemed totally unimpressed by Spoonyโ€™s outburst, and probably wrote it o๏ฌ€ย as theatrics. He was always calling Spoony a rebel without a cause.

โ€œBut he couldโ€™ve been! For a bag of chips that he was gonna pay for! For having brown skin and wearing his jeans a certain way. And guess what, Dad, that ROTC uniform was right there in that bag.ย ๎ขe bag was open so that cop probably saw it. But did it matter?โ€ Spoonyโ€™s voice fanned, the anger breaking him down.

โ€œ๎ขatโ€™s enough!โ€ Ma saidย rmly.

Dad and Spoony glared at each other untilย nally Dad turned away and looked out the window. Ma just sat on the bed, rubbing my hand, her eyes wet from it all. Spoony leaned against the wall. And I sat there thinking about what was going to happen to me. I know my father and brother were arguing about whatย hadย happened, but all I could think about in that moment was what was going to happen next. Would the charges stick? Would they follow me around, a smudge on my record until I was eighteen when it wouldย nally disappear? Does anything actually disappear these days?

๎ขe silence was much worse than the yelling, so Iย ddled with the remote.ย ๎ขe same one that controlled my bed controlled the television. I turned it on. Too bad TV sucks on Saturday morning unless youโ€™re a little kid or a politician. And politics are painful to watch. Boring. So the sound of helium-pitched cartoon characters had to be the life ra๎‚ย for this sinking ship of awkwardness.ย ๎ขankfully, the doctor came in to save us from the equally awkward distraction of cartoons.

โ€œGood morning, folks,โ€ he said, full of cheer, which was weird because this was not a cheerful occasion. But I guess doctors always have to try to li๎‚ย the mood. โ€œIโ€™m Dr. Barnes.โ€

โ€œDavid Butler,โ€ my father said, shaking his hand. โ€œJessica,โ€ my mother said, doing the same.

โ€œRandolph,โ€ Spoony said, introducing himself with his government name. He got the nickname Spoony because when he was young, he refused to eat with a fork. He was always scared heโ€™d poke himself in the tongue, so he only ever used spoons. But thatโ€™s not something you tell a doctor.

โ€œAnd Rashad,โ€ the doctor said, pointing at me. I nodded. โ€œNice to meet all of you. I just want to give you all an update on whatโ€™s happening and whatโ€™s ahead of us.โ€

โ€œSounds good,โ€ Dad said.

โ€œOkay, so Rashadโ€™s nose was broken, but weโ€™ve already set it, so as long as he doesnโ€™t bump it or knock it, itโ€™ll heal justย ne.ย ๎ขe same goes for his ribs.

๎ขereโ€™s really nothing we can do about them except make sure that Rashad isnโ€™t in any pain, but as long as theyโ€™re fairly stable, theyโ€™ll heal up as well. We did do an X-ray just to make sure there were no lacerations to any of his organs, and there werenโ€™t, so weโ€™re pretty much in the clear with that.โ€

โ€œSo when can he come home?โ€ Ma asked, starting to beam.

โ€œWell, thatโ€™s the thing. Under normal circumstances I would say that Rashad could go home tonight.โ€ Ma stopped rubbing my hand.ย ๎ขe doctor continued. โ€œBut this isnโ€™t a normal circumstance. He has some internal bleedingโ€”hemothorax, itโ€™s calledโ€”which just means there are some torn blood vessels around his lungs due, Iโ€™m sure, to the impact. Usually, thisย xes itself, but weโ€™ll need to monitor him for a few days in case it doesnโ€™t.โ€

โ€œAnd if it doesnโ€™t . . . ,โ€ my mother began. โ€œ๎ขen heโ€™ll need surgery,โ€ the doctor told us.

Surgery.ย ๎ขatโ€™s one of those words that no matter how many times you hear it, it always freaks you out.ย Surgery.ย My motherโ€™s face tightened as she did everything she could to hold it together, but she couldnโ€™t keep her leg from bouncing like she always does when sheโ€™s trying keep her emotions tucked in. Spoony bit down on his bottom lip. My father just seemed to be taking it all in, not particularly bothered.

โ€œSound good?โ€ the doctor asked.

โ€œSounds good,โ€ Dad replied, shaking the doctorโ€™s hand once more. Dr.

Barnes said heโ€™d be in to check on me in a few hours, and le๎‚.

I reached for the remote and turned the channel.



I wish there were more interesting things to tell you about the rest of the day, but the truth is that most of it I spent dozing in and out of sleep, while my family sat around watching me doze in and out of sleep. Well, at least, Ma and Dad did. Spoony was in and out of the room, making and taking phone

calls, and whenever he was in the room he was texting. I didnโ€™t know who all the texts were going to, but I knew at least some of them were going to his girlfriend, Berry. And, funny enough, Berryโ€™s little brother was my homeboy, English. English Jones.ย ๎ขe athlete, pretty boy, non-asshole who everybody loved. Yep, that guy. So I knew that if Berry knew what happened to me, English knew. And if English knew, Carlos and Shannon knew. And if those two dudes knew, then by Monday, half the school would know.

And then I was asleep. And then I was awake again. And Clarissa brought lunch in. I had barely touched breakfast.ย ๎ขe oatmeal. Maybe a spoonful or two. It wasnโ€™t so bad, but a๎‚er my father acted like . . . my father, I had pretty much lost my appetite. I o๏ฌ€ered it to my mother, but she couldnโ€™t eat either. Spoony ate the fruit cocktail and said it reminded him of elementary school. โ€œI used to love the grapes, but there was never enough of them,โ€ he said,

holding the cup up to his face and slurping the fruit out.

For lunch, Central Hospital served up itsย nest turkey club sandwich with vegetable soup. I ate half the sandwich a๎‚er my mother pretty much forced me to eat something, and I have to say, it was pretty good. All these years I had been hearing about how nasty hospital food was, and now that I

nally got a chance to taste it, it wasnโ€™t half-bad. Better than school lunch, thatโ€™s for damn sure.

Still nothing on TV except for an overly dramatic Lifetime movie that my mother was totally into. A clichรฉ stalker story. A woman meets a man on a bus on her way home from work.ย ๎ขey exchange numbers. Go out on aย rst date. Heโ€™s perfect: attractive, smart, and he has a good job as an audio engineer for television shows. Sheโ€™s excited until sheย nds out heโ€™s wired her whole house so that he can hear everything she does when heโ€™s not around. He can hear her shower, and cook, and talk to her friends about how crazy he is. And he listens to the feed while he watches TV, on mute, in the attic of the house next door, where he lives (she doesnโ€™t know this, though). Total stalker. Shittiest actors on Earth meets the shittiest story on Earth, which makes for the perfect Saturday a๎‚ernoon movie. For my mom.

And then I was asleep. And then I was awake again. But this time, my folks were knocked out. Dad in the chair, his head bent at a painful-looking angle, his mouth wide open. As usual. My mother, small, had tucked her knees to her chest and nestled into her chairโ€”the only cushioned oneโ€”like a child. She looked so peaceful. So calm. It was nice to see her get some rest.

๎ขe only person who wasnโ€™t asleep was Spoony. He was still sitting there. Still fooling with his phone. Still texting.

โ€œSpoon,โ€ I called out so๎‚lyโ€”I didnโ€™t want to wake my parents. It was nice to have the room quiet for a moment. It was nice to not see their eyes, my fatherโ€™s disappointed, my motherโ€™s all sad and worried.

Spoony looked up and rushed to my bed. โ€œWassup, man, you okay?โ€ โ€œIโ€™mย ne, Iโ€™mย ne,โ€ I said, calming him down.

โ€œOkay,โ€ he said, glancing down at his phone. โ€œLook, I talked to Berry and told her what happened. Sheโ€™s been all over the internet, checking to see if anything has been postedโ€”you know, some live footage or something.โ€


โ€œAnd so far, nothing. But somethingโ€™s gotta pop up. And I donโ€™t care what Dad says, this ainโ€™t right.โ€ He bit down on his bottom lip. โ€œIt just ainโ€™t right. And you know me. You know Iโ€™m not gonna sit here and let them sweep this under the rug, like this is okay.โ€

โ€œI know.โ€

I gotta admit, there was a part of me that, even though I felt abused, wanted to tell him to let it go. To just let me heal, let me leave the hospital, let me go to court, let me do whatever stupid community service they wanted me to do, and let me go back to normal. I mean, I had seen this happen so many times. Not personally, but on TV. In the news. People getting beaten, and sometimes killed, by the cops, and then thereโ€™s all this fuss about it, only to build up to a big heartbreak when nothing happens.

๎ขe cops get o๏ฌ€. And everybody cries and waits for the next dead kid, to do it all over again.ย ๎ขatโ€™s the way the story goes. A di๏ฌ€erent kind of Lifetime movie. I didnโ€™t want all that. Didnโ€™t need it.

But I knew not to even bother saying it. Not to Spoony. No point. Because heโ€™d agree that this was normal, and that that was the problem. Spoony had been dealing with this kind of crap for years. Heโ€™d never been beaten up, but heโ€™d been stopped on the street several times, questioned by cops, asked to turn his pockets out and li๎‚ย his shirt up, for no reason. Heโ€™d been followed around stores, and stared at on buses by women who clutched their purses tight enough to poke holes in the leather. He was always a suspect. And I knew, without him saying a word, that the one thing he never wanted, but was sure would eventually happen, was for his little brotherโ€” the ROTC art kidโ€”to become one too. So there was nothing that was going

to stop him fromย ghting this.ย ๎ขere was nothing I could do to calm him down.ย ๎ขis was not going away.ย ๎ขis was not getting swept under the rug of โ€œoh well.โ€ Not if Spoony had anything to do with it.



โ€ŒIn our town, it really isnโ€™t shocking to see aย ght go down. Iโ€™ve seen kids with house keys tucked between their knuckles throwing punches at each other. Iโ€™ve seen ten guys from our school chasing four dudes from another school down a block and a stranger step into the melee with a bat to protect the guys who were outnumbered. And Guzzo, Dwyer, and I spent most of Jillโ€™s party telling ourselves we were tough as balls and that what happened outside Jerryโ€™s was nothing. It wasnโ€™t on our minds, we kept telling each other. No big deal.ย NBD, Dwyer wrote in beer on the wooden slats of the back porch with the nozzle from the keg.

In fact, we spent most of the party on that back porch, ignoring everyone

else. Guzzo never said a word to Jill for me, and through the window, I saw English moving through the room like the frigging king he is, getting up close to girls and making them laugh and giggle. I was sure if he found Jill, itโ€™d be the same. I was out there in the darkness of the back porch, looking in through the window to the bright kitchen, like I was watching the whole damn party unfold on TV.

I gave Guzzo myย ask at some point and when I eventually got it back it was empty, but I didnโ€™t bug him about it. Because even though what happened at Jerryโ€™s was NBD, it was really all we talked about that night. โ€œMy brother has to deal with that shit every day,โ€ Guzzo kept saying. โ€œAnd he just does it, no complaints. Heโ€™s amazing.โ€

But what had always amazed me most about Guzzoโ€™s brother, Paul, was how he had made time for me. I was ten when my father died, and it was Paul whoโ€™d taken me down to Gooch to practice. Gooch was the neighborhood park, but Paulโ€™d get us down there so early, weโ€™d have the whole court to ourselves. He showed me how to do the spider drill, how to dribble with two balls, how to tuck my elbows when I shot. But the man Iโ€™d

watched grind a kid into the sidewalkโ€”I donโ€™t knowโ€”was like someone else. Someone I couldnโ€™t place, some hulking animal stalking the shadows of my mind all night. I could hear his voice, and yet it wasnโ€™t him. I could see his face, and yet it wasnโ€™t him.

Dwyer and Guzzo drank much more than I did, and they stood around the keg shouting out the lyrics of all the hip-hop songs blasting from the living room inside. Earlier that day, Iโ€™d imagined myself dancing with Jill, hands in the air and then down along her back to her hips, as she draped hers around my neck, but I spent most of the night still stuck on that sidewalk outside Jerryโ€™s, my heart pumpingย ercely in my throat, and when someone at Jillโ€™s yelled that the cops had arrived, I almost thought Iโ€™d called them there with my mind.



I slept terribly, but no matter how much or how little I sleep, I begin almost every day the same way: Maโ€™s voice in my head, telling me what I needed to do, what I needed to think about, how I needed to act. But on mornings like this oneโ€”or if Coach Carney was making us do suicides up and down the court forย ๎‚een minutes, or when Dwyer dropped anotherย ve-pounder on either side of the bar on my last rep in the weight roomโ€”it was Dadโ€™s voice in my head, or at least what I thought was his voice. I hadnโ€™t heard it in so long, I couldnโ€™t even tell if it was his or if I was making it up. Whatever it was, it got me to where I needed to get.

PUSH! If you donโ€™t, someone else will. LIFT! If you donโ€™t, someone else will.

Faster, faster, faster, faster, FASTER!

I was in the living room, my feet tucked under the lip of the couch,ย ring through a set ofย ๎‚y crunches when I heard Maโ€™s actual sleepy voice dri๎‚ย up and over the room.

โ€œDonโ€™t kill yourself,โ€ she said. Iโ€™d been so into my push-ups and sit-ups and all that I hadnโ€™t even heard her come home. โ€œWhereโ€™s the mat?โ€ she continued.

I kept at it in my head.ย Push 25, 2, 3. Push 26, 2, 3. Push.ย Ma sighed. โ€œBoys,โ€ she said. I heard her slough into the kitchen and open the fridge. I

nished my set, sprang to my feet, and felt the room spin. Black dots popped

across my vision, and before I passed out, I dropped to the couch and sat there catching my breath.

โ€œWater?โ€ Ma asked from the kitchen.

โ€œYes,โ€ I whisper-shouted, but she was already on her way to give it to me.

Ma sat down next to me and put her head on my shoulder. She was so much smaller than me now, and I liked the way she sometimes leaned into me or hugged me, like she was excited. Not in a weird way, but with something I think might have been pride. Sheโ€™d already kicked o๏ฌ€ย her shoes, and sheโ€™d already changed into one of the three T-shirts she always wore around the house.

I drank my water in two long gulps.

โ€œHoney, you stink,โ€ Ma said, pulling away from me. โ€œSorry. Gotta do my workouts, though. Every morning.โ€

She rolled to the other side of the couch. โ€œGet o๏ฌ€! Youโ€™re going to make the cushions stink.โ€


โ€œIโ€™m serious.โ€ She pushed my shoulder and laughed and I rolled onto the

oor. โ€œCome on,โ€ she continued. โ€œYouโ€™ll ruin the rug.โ€ She leaned back on the arm of the couch and crossed one leg over the other. She could have fallen asleep right there.ย ๎ขe bags under her eyes were prunes. Loose strands of hair sprang from her head like sheโ€™d pulled a wool hat o๏ฌ€ย and the static electricity still hung in the air around her. But, despite her exhaustion, somehow she still always found a smile for me.

โ€œWhatโ€™s the matter with you?โ€ she said, yawning. โ€œYou look strange.โ€ โ€œNothing,โ€ I said.

She rubbed her face and squinted at me and I knew her mind was working to put it all together. But she was so tired. โ€œI can trust you, right?โ€ she asked, still slouched in the corner of the couch. โ€œYouโ€™d tell me if something was the matter?โ€

โ€œOf course,โ€ I said quickly, even though there was a helluva lot on my mind. But I didnโ€™t feel like telling her about any of it. โ€œIโ€™m just going to rinse o๏ฌ€,โ€ I said. It was going to be a two-shower day. โ€œ๎ขen I got to hit the court. Coach is picking the starters this week.โ€

โ€œYouโ€™ll make it,โ€ she said, as ifย ghting for a starting spot was NBD. As if itโ€™d just come to me because I wanted it, not because I had toย ght for it.

I le๎‚ย Ma slumped against the armrest and went straight to the bathroom. I got the water running hotย rst, then switched it to cold, just toย re up the senses and wake up. I still felt a little groggy from last night and I was pissed at myself, because a๎‚er my workout I wanted to get right to the court. I thought I had a real shot at being a starter, but next week was too important to coast through. I had to hit more three-pointers when we went around the world. I had to have the higher free-throw percentage. English was so good, he didnโ€™t have to give up the ball, so if he did, I had to make sure he felt more comfortable givingย meย the ballโ€”and that meant working harder to get open, and more importantly, making the shot when I got the ball. Because the scouts were coming. Of course the stands were going to beย lled, but a few of those seats at every game were the seats we were all playing for. Full ride to Michigan State. Full ride to UNC. My dad had college paid for because heโ€™d gone through ROTC at City College, but I had to do even better. Butler, Notre Dame, Villanova. Wisconsin, Arizona, Duke. Saint Springย eldโ€™s son needed to go full ride too. Scouts paved the wayโ€”and I had to show them who I was. I had to be a starter.

And, as I was trying to psych myself up for a day of drills down at Gooch,

I stepped out of the bathroom, wrapped only in a towel, holding my stank- ass clothes in a wad, and nearly ran right into Ma. She held my jeans in one hand and myย ask in the other. She jutted her chin at me.

โ€œQuinn Marshall Collins. You tell me the truth this minute and you start from the very beginning.โ€ She pinched her lips tight. โ€œIs this how you want the world to know you? Some kind of derelict who doesnโ€™t give a damn about his actions?โ€

I stuttered. It was the strangest thing. Iโ€™d never been caught before. It was like there was regular me, the one Ma smiled at and loved, the one Iโ€™d always been, and then this new guy, the one shivering in the hallway outside the bathroom, standing in his towel, wondering why Ma had gone looking through my room while I was in the shower.

โ€œCan I just get dressed?โ€

Ma sni๏ฌ€ed. โ€œYou have thirty seconds.โ€ย ๎ขen she turned and marched to the kitchen. I broke the worldโ€™s record for throwing on sweats and busting back to the kitchen. She sat on one side of the little Formica table, steam from her mug of tea rising up to her face as she stared out the window to the

Barrowsโ€™ house next door.ย ๎ขeย ask lay askew beside the mug. She ran her hand over her eyes, and then up over her forehead like a visor.

โ€œYou know,โ€ she said slowly, โ€œthis stu๏ฌ€ย can kill you. I know you donโ€™t think so, but it can.โ€

โ€œMaโ€”โ€ I said, sitting in the chair across from her.

โ€œListen,โ€ she interrupted. โ€œWhen you act like thisโ€”when you sit around, breaking the law, thinking it is okayโ€”you embarrass me, you embarrass your brother, and you embarrass yourself. You have more important things to worry about, young man.โ€ย ๎ขeย ask sat on the table between us and she picked it up. She waved it gently. โ€œ๎ขis is going in the garbage.โ€

โ€œOkay.โ€ย ๎ขen I had to add,ย at-out lying, โ€œIt was Guzzoโ€™s idea.โ€ โ€œBut you took it from our house. I just checked.โ€

Sheโ€™d never done that before. Plus, I only took aย askful a๎‚er sheโ€™d emptied a glass or two from the bottle, and there was always a new bottle to replace the old one.

โ€œAnd even if it was.โ€ She waved theย ask again. โ€œGuzzo drank nearly the whole thing.โ€

โ€œGuzzo drank the alcohol. It was Guzzoโ€™s idea. You make it sound like you werenโ€™t there, Quinn. But you were. You were there.โ€

Maybe it was the alcohol still in my blood, but the way she said it, I was there, in the night, that hollowed-out gutted feeling, making me nervous and stupider than usual, like I couldnโ€™tย nd the simplest words. I saw Paul.

โ€œIโ€™m sorry.โ€

โ€œNot good enough.โ€

โ€œIโ€™m sorry I stole the bourbon. Iโ€™m sorry I drank it with Guzzo and Dwyer.โ€

โ€œYou talk about wanting to be somebody, you talk about basketball, you talk about making your family proud, but then you act like this. What do you think people are going to think of you now?โ€

โ€œJesus, Ma,โ€ I said. โ€œItโ€™s not that big a deal. It was only one night. It wonโ€™t happen again.โ€

She tapped theย ask with herย nger. โ€œRemember you said that.ย ๎ขat it was only this one time. Donโ€™t let it happen again. And donโ€™t โ€˜Jesus, Maโ€™ me.โ€

I looked out the window. โ€œIโ€™m just saying that I know it was dumb, and Iโ€™m sorry. I didnโ€™t even have that much to drink. I swear.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s not about that, Quinn.โ€ Ma leaned forward and grabbed my hands. She waited until I stopped looking out the window and looked at her. โ€œItโ€™s about how the world looks at you and when they do, who do you want them to see? What kind of a person do you want to be? Who do you think you are? Youโ€™re the one your brother looks up to. Youโ€™re a senior, Quinn.ย ๎ขis is the year everyone looks to see what kind of man you want to become.โ€

I pulled my lips tight against my teeth to try to keep calm and not tear up like a baby. I didnโ€™t want to be a baby. I didnโ€™t want to be a jerk-o๏ฌ€.

โ€œIโ€™m doing the best I can here,โ€ Ma continued. โ€œIโ€™m on my own, honey, and Iโ€™m doing the best I can to help you, but I need your help to help your brother.โ€

She sipped her tea and watched me. I sat there like a mute because I didnโ€™t know what to say. I felt like an idiot.

She sighed. โ€œI was going to ask you, but now Iโ€™m just telling you. Pick up Willy from his game today.ย ๎ขe Cambis are bringing him. In fact, go see your brotherโ€™s game. It means more to him if youโ€™re there than me anyway, so go see his game.โ€ She reached for her purse that hung on the back of her chair and pulled a few bills from her wallet. โ€œHe looks up to you. Spend some time with him. Take him out for pizza a๎‚er. Once basketball starts weโ€™ll never see you. Take him out for lunch.โ€

So I did what I was told, and I put on some clean jeans and my light hoodie and took the bus over to the East Side for Willyโ€™s game. Tough Will. Tough Will, who was known to sit down in the middle of his own soccer game, right there on theย eld, until his coach gave up and called in the sub. Tough Will spent most of his games sitting on the sidelines eating orange slices.

When I got there, both teams were already warming up on either end of theย eld. Iโ€™d played soccer before I was in high school and loved it. For Tough Will, it was another story. It was only the warm-ups and I could see him dragging his feet, not chasing anything or anyone anywhereโ€”just standing around and waiting for someone to pass him the ball.

โ€œGet in there, man!โ€ I shouted. โ€œWill! Will! Get in there, man.โ€

He looked over at me and waved, totally oblivious to the rest of the players and balls around him. Still, I guess I inspired him, because he turned and chased down a red-and-white ball and dribbled it a bit before taking a shot on net. It went wide le๎‚, but at least he ran a๎‚er the ball.

My phone started blowing up with texts, but Regina Cambi had set up a folding chair beside a cooler, and she was waving me over, so I had to ignore the texts because I sure as hell couldnโ€™t ignore her. She sat with a few other moms, and the dads whoโ€™d come to the game stood around in a circle a little ways behind them, under the boughs of the one large oak tree that gave this park its name. I chatted with Mrs. Cambi atย rst, but then the game began, and I started cheering Willy and his team on, using that as an excuse to pull away as if I wanted to walk down the sidelines and see the action more clearly, because my phone kept buzzing and buzzing in my pocket and I wanted to see what was going on.

Guzzo had texted โ€œwassupโ€ ten times.

SATURDAY 12:53 p.m. to Guzzo HOWS UR HEAD?

SATURDAY 12:53 p.m. from Guzzo FCKING AWFUL



SATURDAY 12:55 p.m. to Guzzo DAMN. U BUSTED?

SATURDAY 12:55 p.m. from Guzzo NO

SATURDAY 12:55 p.m. to Guzzo


SATURDAY 12:57 p.m. from Guzzo ITS A SHITSHOW HERE

SATURDAY 12:57 p.m. to Guzzo WHA?


SATURDAY 12:58 p.m. to Guzzo


SATURDAY 12:59 p.m. from Guzzo I DONT KNO. UM YEAH.

SATURDAY 1:00 p.m. to Guzzo DAMN

SATURDAY 1:02 p.m. from Guzzo


SATURDAY 1:02 p.m. to Guzzo WHA?

SATURDAY 1:03 p.m. from Guzzo


SATURDAY 1:03 p.m. to Guzzo SHE HAS 2 WORK I THINK


I hesitated, and he wrote again.

SATURDAY 1:06 p.m. from Guzzo


So something had to be up, because the Galluzzo family never had people over. Or rather, they never invited people over.ย ๎ขere were so many people coming and going from the house that it always seemed like a party. But they never โ€œo๏ฌƒciallyโ€ organized anything. I tried him a few more times, but he didnโ€™t text back, so I gave up. Iโ€™d see him at the BBQ anyway, because of course Iโ€™d go. I always went, and wound up wolย ng down Paulโ€™s famous

burgersโ€”but now I saw that face, Paulโ€™s, burning, a bloodred mask of rage. Heโ€™d been so focused on kicking the shit out of that guy. Iโ€™d seen him. Had he seen me? What if he had? Iโ€™d never felt nervous around Paul, and suddenly, just thinking about him made me sweat.

As I was going through all this, I tried to watch the game, but it was slow as all hell and Willโ€™s team was terrible. Still, Will was playing le๎‚ย back and he was actually running around and chasing the ball. Near the end of theย rst half, one of the players on the other team got around a couple guys just over midย eld and seemed like he had a clean break for a shot, but Will came out of nowhere and nailed a sweet slide tackle.ย ๎ขe parents on the other side of theย eld started screaming like crazy, but Willโ€™s tackle had been legal, at least as I could see it, and thatโ€™s what the referees thought too, and so when the

rst half ended, Will was the momentary hero, keeping the game more respectable because his team was only down one to zero. I found him and slapped himย ve over the heads of a few teammates in the huddle with his coach, and then I backed o๏ฌ€. People always felt bad for me at games because of Dad, and Ma was always working, but I liked being on my own. I liked

guring out what I had to do and doing it. No one seemed to get that, and I didnโ€™t want to crowd Will, either, so I let him be. His coach was thrilled and put him back in for the second half.

Guzzo still didnโ€™t text back, and I went back and forth with Dwyer a few times, but eventually, I put the phone away because it really was more fun to check out the gameโ€”and check out Will especially.ย ๎ขis might sound dumb to some people, but itโ€™s actually pretty cool having a little brother. I mean, he was a pain in the ass, and that I was here and not practicing over at Gooch pissed me o๏ฌ€, but watching him smash into the guys on the other team, watching the way he shook o๏ฌ€ย his own pain, made me realize that I did the same thingโ€”twirl myย st like I was revving myself up. He had the same crooked smile. And once, when there was a pause in the action, and he was close to me on the sidelines, and he was hunched over, with his hands on his knees, he looked over at me and nodded. And I knew he was saying thank you. Not because Iโ€™d shown up to watch him, but because I had shown up to watch him he was playing harderโ€”and he was loving it.

And a๎‚er the game, I didnโ€™t mind taking Tough Will over to Motherโ€™s Pizza. On the bus back to the West Side, he kept asking me about the game

and what his team could have done better. โ€œScored a goal,โ€ I said. โ€œ๎ขat would have helped.โ€

He rolled his eyes. โ€œYeah, I know, but how?โ€

โ€œYour striker. He couldnโ€™t run.ย ๎ขat was his problem. And when he had a shot, he hesitated. Canโ€™t hesitate. Like you, man. You were awesome today.โ€ I shook his shoulder and felt bad it was the only game Iโ€™d made it to all season. I wanted to be the guy who showed up, not the one who didnโ€™t.

When we got to Motherโ€™s it was slammed like always. Motherโ€™s sits on a corner and the front door faces Spring Street and the to-go window faces Twentieth Street, and while I usually just hit the to-go window, especially when I swung by at night, the line was jammed inside and outside. So I stuck Willy on the end of one of the two picnic tables and went inside to see if it moved any faster. It still took awhile, and while I waited, I had to try to look everywhere else around the room except the one spot where I felt those eyes always watching me.ย ๎ขatโ€™s why I preferred the to-go window; I couldnโ€™t see those eyes blazing into me.ย ๎ขose eyes. My eyes. My dadโ€™s eyesโ€”in the photo the pizza guys had up on the wall, two guys in greasy T-shirts with their arms up around my dadโ€™s shoulders. Dad, a pillar of stone, dressed like usual in his Class A blues.ย ๎ขe rest of the photos were of people in the pizza shop, but not the one with Dad. Heโ€™d gotten the guys to make pizzas for the soup kitchen at St. Maryโ€™s. His photo looked down on me.

When I wasย nally up near the front, I felt a tug at my arm. I was about to turn back to Willy to tell him that he might have lost our seats, but it wasnโ€™t Willy at my arm. It was Jill.

She pulled close to me, so the people behind us couldnโ€™t hear. โ€œHey, Quinn, you mind getting an extra slice?โ€ she asked. Her hair fell in two blond-brown curtains around her face, and I could smell her shampoo as she looked up at me conspiratorially, and when a girl looks at you like that, all you can say is,ย Whatever you wantโ€”Iโ€™ll do anything for youโ€”is there anything else you want?ย โ€œYeah,โ€ I somehow managed to say instead.

โ€œYeah, you mind?โ€ She grinned.

โ€œNo. Yeah. No.โ€ I laughed. Like a moron.

๎ขe thing about slices at Motherโ€™s is that they are huge, so she stuck around to help carry it all outside. She o๏ฌ€ered some money but I waved her o๏ฌ€. Because I had it good at Motherโ€™s. Iโ€™d grabbed us all Cokes, too, because the guys at Motherโ€™s always gave Saint Springย eldโ€™s son a major discount,

and yeah, well, I was the kind of guy who just kept taking those free Cokes, no questions asked, like I actually deserved them or something.

โ€œHow were you planning on carrying this all out there on your own, anyway?โ€ she asked.

I had two giant slices and two Cokes by the necks of the bottles; she had two slices and a Coke. โ€œGuess I was just waiting for you,โ€ I said.

She frowned, but in a cute way, like it was really a smile. โ€œOh, yeah. I bet you were.โ€

Willy had managed to save two seats, but when he saw us, he got up and o๏ฌ€ered Jill his. โ€œPlease,โ€ he said. She tried to protest, but he wouldnโ€™t let her. He stood at the end of the picnic table and glanced back and forth at us while he shoved pizza into his face.

โ€œOne of us is what youโ€™d call a gentleman,โ€ he informed us.

โ€œHeโ€™s hilarious,โ€ Jill said to me. Now what kind of world did I live in where my twelve-year-old brother was the coolerย irt than me?

โ€œYeah,โ€ I said. โ€œIโ€™m supposed to be his role model. But maybe itโ€™s the other way around.โ€

โ€œNah,โ€ she said. โ€œI bet he learned all this from someone. But this someone needs to sit down today, huh?โ€

โ€œIโ€™m old and broken. Heโ€™s got his whole life ahead of him.โ€ โ€œYeah,โ€ Jill said. โ€œAnd youโ€™re hungover, right?โ€

โ€œI knew it!โ€ Willy yelped. โ€œI knew you were going to a party last night.โ€ โ€œOops,โ€ Jill said.

I pointed at Willy. โ€œBetween us. Got me?โ€

โ€œOh, yeah,โ€ Willy said. โ€œUntil I need the ammo.โ€ โ€œWillyโ€”โ€

โ€œWill, please.โ€

Jill laughed. She put her hand on Willyโ€™s wrist, and his face changed. His whole body probably blushed as deep red as his face. He gave her the dopiest smile. Had I looked like that when sheโ€™d asked me to get her a slice? Jesus. But Jill didnโ€™t mind. โ€œWill,โ€ she said. โ€œDonโ€™t get him in trouble, because then it will be my fault, and heโ€™ll never speak to me again.โ€

I stared at Will, and he knew exactly what I was saying with my eyebrows:ย Donโ€™t fuck this up, dude.

โ€œWhatever,โ€ Willy said. โ€œIโ€™m only kidding.โ€

Willy and I shared the extra slice as Jill and I talked about the party. I tried to get a sense of whether or not she and English had hooked up, but I wasnโ€™t going to ask outright because it really was none of my damn business. She was being superย irty, but not in the way I wanted her to mean it.ย ๎ขis had happened before. Sometimes I got the feeling she thought of me more as a brother, but no dude wants to be thought of as a brother when he is sitting across from a girl who is not his sister and who makes his stomachย ip when she says his name.

While we were talking, though, things were getting a little heated over by the corner. A couple of guys had walked up to two other guys in line and started barking.ย ๎ขey kept at it to the point where the rest of us outside couldnโ€™t even hear ourselves. People started yelling around them, and when one of the guys pushed one of the guys in line, they broke into punches. I jumped up and stu๏ฌ€ed Willy into the seat behind me. People yanked out their phones, calling the cops, but somebody must have called the cops already, because the berry lightsย ashed down the block.ย ๎ขe guys in the

ght tried to swing a few more punches, but people in the crowd had pulled them apart and locked them in arm holds. One cop car pulled up and then another and everything happened so quickly, we all just stood around watching like dumb idiots until the cops had grabbed the four guys whoโ€™d beenย ghting, pinned them to the hoods of the two cars, and cu๏ฌ€ed them.

I, of course, was back at the night before, when Iโ€™d seen Paul arrest the kid outside Jerryโ€™s. But this was di๏ฌ€erent. Another cop car pulled up and then another, then all eight cops started asking the crowd to disperse, only holding a few people back to ask questions.ย ๎ขis kind of thing happened all the time at Motherโ€™s; it sat right between neighborhoods, and kids from one block might beef with kids from another or some other shit, and while I tried to stay out of it, it was impossible not to watch it explode right in front of you.

๎ขe crowd outside Motherโ€™s was white, black, Latino, Asian, just like Springย eld.ย ๎ขe four guys being cu๏ฌ€ed were white.ย ๎ขe cops, almost all of them were white, but two of them were black. It was impossible not to think about this as Paul slamming that black kid into the sidewalk the night before replayed in my mind. It wasnโ€™t like watching one of my brotherโ€™s video games or a movie. You hear bone. You see real blood. And you taste the rust of it and it makes you sick.

I broke into a sweat like I might puke. I turned to Willy and Jill. โ€œShould we get out of here?โ€ More people began to shout at the cops from the crowd. I was done with this. โ€œWeโ€™ll walk you home,โ€ I told Jill.

We busted back down the street away from the scene and took the long way around the neighborhood to Jillโ€™s house. I could tell Jill was as distracted as I was, as if we both had private conversations going on in the back of our minds, and we used Willy, sandwiched between us, as the focal point of conversation. But when we got to her house, she said over Willyโ€™s head, โ€œ๎ขereโ€™s a barbecue at my cousinโ€™s tomorrow. You must be going.โ€

โ€œYeah,โ€ I said.

โ€œWeird, right?ย ๎ขe sudden party?โ€ She looked at me, and I realized we might not have been having private conversations in our minds the whole way home.ย ๎ขey might have been the same one.

โ€œYeah,โ€ I said. โ€œI donโ€™t know, but I think I have an idea what this is about.โ€ โ€œMe too,โ€ she said.

As she jogged up her front steps, something ugly and awful was forming in my mind, but I couldnโ€™t quiteย nd the right words for itโ€”or I didnโ€™t want to. I wasnโ€™t sure.

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