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A Storm of Swords (A Song of Ice and Fire, #3)

The road up to Oldstones went twice around the hill before reaching the summit. Overgrown and stony, it would have been slow going even in the best of times, and last night’s

snow had left it muddy as well. Snow in autumn in the riverlands, it’s unnatural, Merrett thought gloomily. It had not been much of a snow, true; just enough to blanket the ground for a night. Most of it had started melting away as soon as the sun came up. Still, Merrett took it for a bad omen. Between rains, floods, fire, and war, they had lost two harvests and a good part of a third. An early winter would mean famine all across the riverlands. A great many people would go hungry, and some of them would starve. Merrett only hoped he wouldn’t be one of them. I may, though. With my luck, I just may. I never did have any luck.

Beneath the castle ruins, the lower slopes of the hill were so thickly forested that half a hundred outlaws could well have been lurking there. They could be watching me even now. Merrett glanced about, and saw nothing but gorse, bracken, thistle, sedge, and blackberry bushes between the pines and grey-green sentinels. Elsewhere skeletal elm and ash and scrub oaks choked the ground

like weeds. He saw no outlaws, but that meant little. Outlaws were better at hiding than honest men.

Merrett hated the woods, if truth be told, and he hated outlaws even more. “Outlaws stole my life,” he had been known to complain when in his cups. He was too often in his cups, his father said, often and loudly. Too true, he thought ruefully. You needed some sort of distinction in the Twins, else they were liable to forget you were alive, but a reputation as the biggest drinker in the castle had done little to enhance his prospects, he’d found. I once hoped to be the greatest knight who ever couched a lance. The gods took that away from me. Why shouldn’t I have a cup of wine from time to time? It helps my headaches. Besides, my wife is a shrew, my father despises me, my children are worthless. What do I have to stay sober for?

He was sober now, though. Well, he’d had two horns of ale when he broke his fast, and a small cup of red when he set out but that was just to keep his head from pounding. Merrett could feel the headache building behind his eyes, and he knew that if he gave it half a chance he would soon feel as if he had a thunderstorm raging between his ears. Sometimes his headaches got so bad that it even hurt too much to weep. Then all he could do was rest on his bed in a dark room with a damp cloth over his eyes, and curse his luck and the nameless outlaw who had done this to him.

tust thinking about it made him anxious. He could no wise afford a headache now. If I bring Petyr back home safely, all my luck will change. He had the gold, all he needed to do was climb to the top of Oldstones, meet the bloody outlaws in the ruined castle, and make the exchange. A simple ransom. Even he could not muck it up … unless he got a headache, one so bad that it left him unable to ride. He was supposed to be at the ruins by sunset, not weeping in a huddle at the side of the road. Merrett rubbed two fingers against his temple. Once more around the hill, and there I am. When the message had come in and he had stepped forward to offer to carry the ransom, his father had squinted down and said, “You, Merrett?” and started laughing through his nose, that hideous heh heh heh laugh of his. Merrett practically had to beg before they’d give him the bloody bag of gold.

Something moved in the underbrush along the side of the road. Merrett reined up hard and reached for his sword, but it was only a squirrel. “Stupid,” he told himself, shoving the sword back in its scabbard without ever having gotten it out. “Outlaws don’t have tails. Bloody hell, Merrett, get hold of yourself.” His heart was thumping in his chest as if he were some green boy on his first campaign. As if this were the kingswood and it was the old Brotherhood I was going to face, not the lightning lord’s sorry lot of brigands. For a moment he was tempted to trot right back down the hill and find the nearest alehouse. That bag of gold would buy a lot of ale, enough for him to forget all about Petyr Pimple. Let them hang him, he brought this on himself. It’s no more than he deserves, wandering oß with some bloody camp follower like a stag in rut.

His head had begun to pound; soft now, but he knew it would get worse. Merrett rubbed the bridge of his nose. He really had no right to think so ill of Petyr. I did the same myself when I was his age. In his case all it got him was a pox, but still, he shouldn’t condemn. Whores did have charms, especially if you had a face like Petyr’s. The poor lad had a wife, to be sure, but she was half the problem. Not only was she twice his age, but she was bedding his brother Walder too, if the talk was true. There was always lots of talk around the Twins, and only a little was ever true, but in this case Merrett believed it. Black Walder was a man who took what he wanted, even his brother’s wife. He’d had Edwyn’s wife too, that was common knowledge, Fair Walda had been known to slip into his bed from time to time, and some even said he’d known the seventh Lady Frey a deal better than he should have. Small wonder he refused to marry. Why buy a cow when there were udders all around begging to be milked?

Cursing under his breath, Merrett jammed his heels into his

horse’s flanks and rode on up the hill. As tempting as it was to drink the gold away, he knew that if he didn’t come back with Petyr Pimple, he had as well not come back at all.

Lord Walder would soon turn two-and-ninety. His ears had started to go, his eyes were almost gone, and his gout was so bad that he had to be carried everywhere. He could not possibly last much

longer, all his sons agreed. And when he goes, everything will change, and not for the better. His father was querulous and stubborn, with an iron will and a wasp’s tongue, but he did believe in taking care of his own. All of his own, even the ones who had displeased and disappointed him. Even the ones whose names he can’t remember. Once he was gone, though …

When Ser Stevron had been heir, that was one thing. The old man had been grooming Stevron for sixty years, and had pounded it into his head that blood was blood. But Stevron had died whilst campaigning with the Young Wolf in the west—“of waiting, no doubt,” Lame Lothar had quipped when the raven brought them the news—and his sons and grandsons were a different sort of Frey. Stevron’s son Ser Ryman stood to inherit now; a thick-witted, stubborn, greedy man. And after Ryman came his own sons, Edwyn and Black Walder, who were even worse. “Fortunately,” Lame Lothar once said, “they hate each other even more than they hate us.”

Merrett wasn’t certain that was fortunate at all, and for that

matter Lothar himself might be more dangerous than either of them. Lord Walder had ordered the slaughter of the Starks at Roslin’s wedding, but it had been Lame Lothar who had plotted it out with Roose Bolton, all the way down to which songs would be played. Lothar was a very amusing fellow to get drunk with, but Merrett would never be so foolish as to turn his back on him. In the Twins, you learned early that only full blood siblings could be trusted, and them not very far.

It was like to be every son for himself when the old man died, and every daughter as well. The new Lord of the Crossing would doubtless keep on some of his uncles, nephews, and cousins at the Twins, the ones he happened to like or trust, or more likely the ones he thought would prove useful to him. The rest of us he’ll shove out to fend for ourselves.

The prospect worried Merrett more than words could say. He would be forty in less than three years, too old to take up the life of a hedge knight … even if he’d been a knight, which as it happened he wasn’t. He had no land, no wealth of his own. He owned the

clothes on his back but not much else, not even the horse he was riding. He wasn’t clever enough to be a maester, pious enough to be a septon, or savage enough to be a sellsword. The gods gave me no gift but birth, and they stinted me there. What good was it to be the son of a rich and powerful House if you were the ninth son? When you took grandsons and great-grandsons into account, Merrett stood a better chance of being chosen High Septon than he did of inheriting the Twins.

I have no luck, he thought bitterly. I have never had any bloody luck. He was a big man, broad around the chest and shoulders if only of middling height. In the last ten years he had grown soft and fleshy, he knew, but when he’d been younger Merrett had been almost as robust as Ser Hosteen, his eldest full brother, who was commonly regarded as the strongest of Lord Walder Frey’s brood. As a boy he’d been packed off to Crakehall to serve his mother’s family as a page. When old Lord Sumner had made him a squire, everyone had assumed he would be Ser Merrett in no more than a few years, but the outlaws of the Kingswood Brotherhood had pissed on those plans. While his fellow squire taime Lannister was covering himself in glory, Merrett had first caught the pox from a camp follower, then managed to get captured by a woman, the one called the White Fawn. Lord Sumner had ransomed him back from the outlaws, but in the very next fight he’d been felled by a blow from a mace that had broken his helm and left him insensible for a fortnight. Everyone gave him up for dead, they told him later.

Merrett hadn’t died, but his fighting days were done. Even the lightest blow to his head brought on blinding pain and reduced him to tears. Under these circumstances knighthood was out of the question, Lord Sumner told him, not unkindly. He was sent back to the Twins to face Lord Walder’s poisonous disdain.

After that, Merrett’s luck had only grown worse. His father had managed to make a good marriage for him, somehow; he wed one of Lord Darry’s daughters, back when the Darrys stood high in King Aerys’s favor. But it seemed as if he no sooner had deflowered his bride than Aerys lost his throne. Unlike the Freys, the Darrys had been prominent Targaryen loyalists, which cost them half their

lands, most of their wealth, and almost all their power. As for his lady wife, she found him a great disappointment from the first, and insisted on popping out nothing but girls for years; three live ones, a stillbirth, and one that died in infancy before she finally produced a son. His eldest daughter had turned out to be a slut, his second a glutton. When Ami was caught in the stables with no fewer than three grooms, he’d been forced to marry her off to a bloody hedge knight. That situation could not possibly get any worse, he’d thought … until Ser Pate decided he could win renown by defeating Ser Gregor Clegane. Ami had come running back a widow, to Merrett’s dismay and the undoubted delight of every stablehand in the Twins.

Merrett had dared to hope that his luck was finally changing when Roose Bolton chose to wed his Walda instead of one of her slimmer, comelier cousins. The Bolton alliance was important for House Frey and his daughter had helped secure it; he thought that must surely count for something. The old man had soon disabused him. “He picked her because she’s fat,” Lord Walder said. “You think Bolton gave a mummer’s fart that she was your whelp? Think he sat about thinking, ‘Heh, Merrett Muttonhead, that’s the very man I need for a good-father’? Your Walda’s a sow in silk, that’s why he picked her, and I’m not like to thank you for it. We’d have had the same alliance at half the price if your little porkling put down her spoon from time to time.”

The final humiliation had been delivered with a smile, when Lame Lothar had summoned him to discuss his role in Roslin’s wedding. “We must each play our part, according to our gifts,” his half-brother told him. “You shall have one task and one task only, Merrett, but I believe you are well suited to it. I want you to see to it that Greatjon Umber is so bloody drunk that he can hardly stand, let alone fight.”

And even that I failed at. He’d cozened the huge northman into

drinking enough wine to kill any three normal men, yet after Roslin had been bedded the Greatjon still managed to snatch the sword of the first man to accost him and break his arm in the snatching. It had taken eight of them to get him into chains, and the effort had

left two men wounded, one dead, and poor old Ser Leslyn Haigh short half an ear. When he couldn’t fight with his hands any longer, Umber had fought with his teeth.

Merrett paused a moment and closed his eyes. His head was throbbing like that bloody drum they’d played at the wedding, and for a moment it was all he could do to stay in the saddle. I have to go on, he told himself. If he could bring back Petyr Pimple, surely it would put him in Ser Ryman’s good graces. Petyr might be a whisker on the hapless side, but he wasn’t as cold as Edwyn, nor as hot as Black Walder. The boy will be grateful for my part, and his father will see that I’m loyal, a man worth having about.

But only if he was there by sunset with the gold. Merrett glanced at the sky. Right on time. He needed something to steady his hands. He pulled up the waterskin hung from his saddle, uncorked it, and took a long swallow. The wine was thick and sweet, so dark it was almost black, but gods it tasted good.

The curtain wall of Oldstones had once encircled the brow of the hill like the crown on a king’s head. Only the foundation remained, and a few waist-high piles of crumbling stone spotted with lichen. Merrett rode along the line of the wall until he came to the place where the gatehouse would have stood. The ruins were more extensive here, and he had to dismount to lead his palfrey through them. In the west, the sun had vanished behind a bank of low clouds. Gorse and bracken covered the slopes, and once inside the vanished walls the weeds were chest high. Merrett loosened his sword in its scabbard and looked about warily, but saw no outlaws. Could I have come on the wrong day? He stopped and rubbed his temples with his thumbs, but that did nothing to ease the pressure behind his eyes. Seven bloody hells …

From somewhere deep within the castle, faint music came drifting through the trees.

Merrett found himself shivering, despite his cloak. He pulled open his waterskin and had another drink of wine. I could just get back on my horse, ride to Oldtown, and drink the gold away. No good ever came from dealing with outlaws. That vile little bitch Wenda had burned a fawn into the cheek of his arse while she had him captive. No

wonder his wife despised him. I have to go through with this. Petyr Pimple might be Lord of the Crossing one day, Edwyn has no sons and Black Walder’s only got bastards. Petyr will remember who came to get him. He took another swallow, corked the skin up, and led his palfrey through broken stones, gorse, and thin wind-whipped trees, following the sounds to what had been the castle ward.

Fallen leaves lay thick upon the ground, like soldiers after some great slaughter. A man in patched, faded greens was sitting crosslegged atop a weathered stone sepulcher, fingering the strings of a woodharp. The music was soft and sad. Merrett knew the song. High in the halls of the kings who are gone, fenny would dance with her ghosts …

“Get off there,” Merrett said. “You’re sitting on a king.”

“Old Tristifer don’t mind my bony arse. The Hammer of tustice, they called him. Been a long while since he heard any new songs.” The outlaw hopped down. Trim and slim, he had a narrow face and foxy features, but his mouth was so wide that his smile seemed to touch his ears. A few strands of thin brown hair were blowing across his brow. He pushed them back with his free hand and said, “Do you remember me, my lord?”

“No.” Merrett frowned. “Why would I?”

“I sang at your daughter’s wedding. And passing well, I thought. That Pate she married was a cousin. We’re all cousins in Sevenstreams. Didn’t stop him from turning niggard when it was time to pay me.” He shrugged. “Why is it your lord father never has me play at the Twins? Don’t I make enough noise for his lordship? He likes it loud, I have been hearing.”

“You bring the gold?” asked a harsher voice, behind him.

Merrett’s throat was dry. Bloody outlaws, always hiding in the bushes. It had been the same in the kingswood. you’d think you’d caught five of them, and ten more would spring from nowhere.

When he turned, they were all around him; an ill-favored gaggle of leathery old men and smooth-cheeked lads younger than Petyr Pimple, the lot of them clad in roughspun rags, boiled leather, and bits of dead men’s armor. There was one woman with them, bundled up in a hooded cloak three times too big for her. Merrett

was too flustered to count them, but there seemed to be a dozen at the least, maybe a score.

“I asked a question.” The speaker was a big bearded man with crooked green teeth and a broken nose; taller than Merrett, though not so heavy in the belly. A halfhelm covered his head, a patched yellow cloak his broad shoulders. “Where’s our gold?”

“In my saddlebag. A hundred golden dragons.” Merrett cleared his throat. “You’ll get it when I see that Petyr—”

A squat one-eyed outlaw strode forward before he could finish, reached into the saddlebag bold as you please, and found the sack. Merrett started to grab him, then thought better of it. The outlaw opened the drawstring, removed a coin, and bit it. “Tastes right.” He hefted the sack. “Feels right too.”

They’re going to take the gold and keep Petyr too, Merrett thought in sudden panic. “That’s the whole ransom. All you asked for.” His palms were sweating. He wiped them on his breeches. “Which one of you is Beric Dondarrion?” Dondarrion had been a lord before he turned outlaw, he might still be a man of honor.

“Why, that would be me,” said the one-eyed man.

“You’re a bloody liar, tack,” said the big bearded man in the yellow cloak. “It’s my turn to be Lord Beric.”

“Does that mean I have to be Thoros?” The singer laughed. “My lord, sad to say, Lord Beric was needed elsewhere. The times are troubled, and there are many battles to fight. But we’ll sort you out just as he would, have no fear.”

Merrett had plenty of fear. His head was pounding too. Much more of this and he’d be sobbing. “You have your gold,” he said. “Give me my nephew, and I’ll be gone.” Petyr was actually more a great half-nephew, but there was no need to go into that.

“He’s in the godswood,” said the man in the yellow cloak. “We’ll take you to him. Notch, you hold his horse.”

Merrett handed over the bridle reluctantly. He did not see what other choice he had. “My water skin,” he heard himself say. “A swallow of wine, to settle my—”

“We don’t drink with your sort,” yellow cloak said curtly. “It’s this way. Follow me.”

Leaves crunched beneath their heels, and every step sent a spike of pain through Merrett’s temple. They walked in silence, the wind gusting around them. The last light of the setting sun was in his eyes as he clambered over the mossy hummocks that were all that remained of the keep. Behind was the godswood.

Petyr Pimple was hanging from the limb of an oak, a noose tight around his long thin neck. His eyes bulged from a black face, staring down at Merrett accusingly. You came too late, they seemed to say. But he hadn’t. He hadn’t! He had come when they told him. “You killed him,” he croaked.

“Sharp as a blade, this one,” said the one-eyed man.

An aurochs was thundering through Merrett’s head. Mother have mercy, he thought. “I brought the gold.”

“That was good of you,” said the singer amiably. “We’ll see that it’s put to good use.”

Merrett turned away from Petyr. He could taste the bile in the back of his throat. “You … you had no right.”

“We had a rope,” said yellow cloak. “That’s right enough.”

Two of the outlaws seized Merrett’s arms and bound them tight behind his back. He was too deep in shock to struggle. “No,” was all he could manage. “I only came to ransom Petyr. You said if you had the gold by sunset he wouldn’t be harmed …”

“Well,” said the singer, “you’ve got us there, my lord. That was a lie of sorts, as it happens.”

The one-eyed outlaw came forward with a long coil of hempen rope. He looped one end around Merrett’s neck, pulled it tight, and tied a hard knot under his ear. The other end he threw over the limb of the oak. The big man in the yellow cloak caught it.

“What are you doing?” Merrett knew how stupid that sounded, but he could not believe what was happening, even then. “You’d never dare hang a Frey.”

Yellow cloak laughed. “That other one, the pimply boy, he said the same thing.”

He doesn’t mean it. He cannot mean it. “My father will pay you. I’m worth a good ransom, more than Petyr, twice as much.”

The singer sighed. “Lord Walder might be half-blind and gouty, but he’s not so stupid as to snap at the same bait twice. Next time he’ll send a hundred swords instead of a hundred dragons, I fear.”

“He will!” Merrett tried to sound stern, but his voice betrayed him. “He’ll send a thousand swords, and kill you all.”

“He has to catch us first.” The singer glanced up at poor Petyr. “And he can’t hang us twice, now can he?” He drew a melancholy air from the strings of his woodharp. “Here now, don’t soil yourself. All you need to do is answer me a question, and I’ll tell them to let you go.”

Merrett would tell them anything if it meant his life. “What do you want to know? I’ll tell you true, I swear it.”

The outlaw gave him an encouraging smile. “Well, as it happens, we’re looking for a dog that ran away.”

“A dog?” Merrett was lost. “What kind of dog?”

“He answers to the name Sandor Clegane. Thoros says he was making for the Twins. We found the ferrymen who took him across the Trident, and the poor sod he robbed on the kingsroad. Did you see him at the wedding, perchance?”

“The Red Wedding?” Merrett’s skull felt as if it were about to split, but he did his best to recall. There had been so much confusion, but surely someone would have mentioned toffrey’s dog sni ng round the Twins. “He wasn’t in the castle. Not at the main feast … he might have been at the bastard feast, or in the camps, but … no, someone would have said …”

“He would have had a child with him,” said the singer. “A skinny girl, about ten. Or perhaps a boy the same age.”

“I don’t think so,” said Merrett. “Not that I knew.” “No? Ah, that’s a pity. Well, up you go.”

No,” Merrett squealed loudly. “No, don’t, I gave you your answer, you said you’d let me go.”

“Seems to me that what I said was I’d tell them to let you go.” The singer looked at yellow cloak. “Lem, let him go.”

“Go bugger yourself,” the big outlaw replied brusquely.

The singer gave Merrett a helpless shrug and began to play, “The Day They Hanged Black Robin.”

Please.” The last of Merrett’s courage was running down his leg. “I’ve done you no harm. I brought the gold, the way you said. I answered your question. I have children.

“That Young Wolf never will,” said the one-eyed outlaw.

Merrett could hardly think for the pounding in his head. “He shamed us, the whole realm was laughing, we had to cleanse the stain on our honor.” His father had said all that and more.

“Maybe so. What do a bunch o’ bloody peasants know about a lord’s honor?” Yellow cloak wrapped the end of the rope around his hand three times. “We know some about murder, though.”

“Not murder.” His voice was shrill. “It was vengeance, we had a right to our vengeance. It was war. Aegon, we called him tinglebell, a poor lackwit never hurt anyone, Lady Stark cut his throat. We lost half a hundred men in the camps. Ser Garse Goodbrook, Kyra’s husband, and Ser Tytos, tared’s son … someone smashed his head in with an axe … Stark’s direwolf killed four of our wolfhounds and tore the kennelmaster’s arm off his shoulder, even after we’d filled him full of quarrels …”

“So you sewed his head on Robb Stark’s neck after both o’ them were dead,” said yellow cloak.

“My father did that. All I did was drink. You wouldn’t kill a man for drinking.” Merrett remembered something then, something that might be the saving of him. “They say Lord Beric always gives a man a trial, that he won’t kill a man unless something’s proved against him. You can’t prove anything against me. The Red Wedding was my father’s work, and Ryman’s and Lord Bolton’s. Lothar rigged the tents to collapse and put the crossbowmen in the gallery with the musicians, Bastard Walder led the attack on the camps … they’re the ones you want, not me, I only drank some wine … you have no witness.

“As it happens, you’re wrong there.” The singer turned to the hooded woman. “Milady?”

The outlaws parted as she came forward, saying no word. When she lowered her hood, something tightened inside Merrett’s chest, and for a moment he could not breathe. No. No, I saw her die. She was dead for a day and night before they stripped her naked and threw

her body in the river. Raymund opened her throat from ear to ear. She was dead.

Her cloak and collar hid the gash his brother’s blade had made, but her face was even worse than he remembered. The flesh had gone pudding soft in the water and turned the color of curdled milk. Half her hair was gone and the rest had turned as white and brittle as a crone’s. Beneath her ravaged scalp, her face was shredded skin and black blood where she had raked herself with her nails. But her eyes were the most terrible thing. Her eyes saw him, and they hated. “She don’t speak,” said the big man in the yellow cloak. “You bloody bastards cut her throat too deep for that. But she remembers.” He turned to the dead woman and said, “What do you

say, m’lady? Was he part of it?”

Lady Catelyn’s eyes never left him. She nodded.

Merrett Frey opened his mouth to plead, but the noose choked off his words. His feet left the ground, the rope cutting deep into the soft flesh beneath his chin. Up into the air he jerked, kicking and twisting, up and up and up.






tOFFREY BARATHEON, the First of His Name, a boy of thirteen years, the eldest son of King Robert I Baratheon and Queen Cersei of House Lannister,

—his mother, QUEEN CERSEI, of House Lannister, Queen Regent and Protector of the Realm,

—Cersei’s sworn swords:

SER OSFRYD KETTLEBLACK, younger brother to Ser Osmund Kettleblack of the Kingsguard,

SER OSNEY KETTLEBLACK, youngest brother of Ser Osmund and Ser Osfryd,

—his sister, PRINCESS MYRCELLA, a girl of nine, a ward of Prince Doran Martell at Sunspear,

—his brother, PRINCE TOMMEN, a boy of eight, next heir to the Iron Throne,

—his grandfather, TYWIN LANNISTER, Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West, and Hand of the King,

—his uncles and cousins, paternal,

—his father’s brother, STANNIS BARATHEON, rebel Lord of Dragonstone, styling himself King Stannis the First,

—Stannis’s daughter, SHIREEN, a girl of eleven,

—his father’s brother, {RENLY BARATHEON}, rebel Lord of Storm’s End, murdered in the midst of his army,

—his grandmother’s brother, SER ELDON ESTERMONT,

—Ser Eldon’s son, SER AEMON ESTERMONT,

—Ser Aemon’s son, SER ALYN ESTERMONT,

—his uncles and cousins, maternal,

—his mother’s brother, SER tAIME LANNISTER, called THE KINGSLAYER, a captive at Riverrun,

—his mother’s brother, TYRION LANNISTER, called

THE IMP, a dwarf, wounded in the Battle of the Blackwater,

—Tyrion’s squire, PODRICK PAYNE,

—Tyrion’s captain of guards, SER BRONN OF THE BLACKWATER, a former sellsword,

—Tyrion’s concubine, SHAE, a camp follower now serving as bedmaid to Lollys Stokeworth,

—his grandfather’s brother, SER KEVAN LANNISTER,

—Ser Kevan’s son, SER LANCEL LANNISTER, formerly squire to King Robert, wounded in the Battle of the Blackwater, near death,

—his grandfather’s brother, {TYGETT LANNISTER}, died of a pox,

—Tygett’s son, TYREK LANNISTER, a squire, missing since the great riot,

—Tyrek’s infant wife, LADY ERMESANDE HAYFORD,

—his baseborn siblings, King Robert’s bastards:

MYA STONE, a maid of nineteen, in the service of Lord Nestor Royce, of the Gates of the Moon,

GENDRY, an apprentice smith, a fugitive in the riverlands and ignorant of his heritage,

EDRIC STORM, King Robert’s only acknowledged bastard son, a ward of his uncle Stannis on Dragonstone,

—his Kingsguard:

SER tAIME LANNISTER, Lord Commander,




SER LORAS TYRELL, the Knight of Flowers,


—his small council:


SER KEVAN LANNISTER, master of laws,

LORD PETYR BAELISH, called LITTLEFINGER, master of coin,

VARYS, a eunuch, called THE SPIDER, master of whisperers,

LORD MACE TYRELL, master of ships,


—his court and retainers:

SER ILYN PAYNE, the King’s tustice, a headsman,

LORD HALLYNE THE PYROMANCER, a Wisdom of the Guild of Alchemists,

MOON BOY, a jester and fool,

ORMOND OF OLDTOWN, the royal harper and bard,

DONTOS HOLLARD, a fool and a drunkard, formerly a knight called


tALABHAR XHO, Prince of the Red Flower Vale, an exile from the Summer Isles,


—her daughter, FALYSE, wed to Ser Balman Byrch,

—her daughter, LOLLYS, thirty-four, unwed, and soft of wits, with child after being raped,

—her healer and counselor, MAESTER FRENKEN,

LORD GYLES ROSBY, a sickly old man,

SER TALLAD, a promising young knight,

LORD MORROS SLYNT, a squire, eldest son of the former Commander of the City Watch,

tOTHOS SLYNT, his younger brother, a squire,

DANOS SLYNT, younger still, a page,

SER BOROS BLOUNT, a former knight of the Kingsguard, dismissed for cowardice by Queen Cersei,

tOSMYN PECKLEDON, a squire, and a hero of the Battle of the Blackwater,

SER PHILIP FOOTE, made Lord of the Marches for his valor during the Battle of the Blackwater,

SER LOTHOR BRUNE, named LOTHOR APPLEEATER for his deeds during the Battle of the Blackwater, a former free-rider in service to Lord Baelish,

—other lords and knights at King’s Landing:

MATHIS ROWAN, Lord of Goldengrove

PAXTER REDWYNE, Lord of the Arbor,

—Lord Paxter’s twin sons, SER HORAS and SER HOBBER, mocked as


—Lord Redwyne’s healer, MAESTER BALLABAR,

ARDRIAN CELTIGAR, the Lord of Claw Isle,


SER BONIFER HASTY, called THE GOOD, a famed knight,

SER DONNEL SWANN, heir to Stonehelm,

SER RONNET CONNINGTON, called RED RONNET, the Knight of Gri n’s Roost,

AURANE WATERS, the Bastard of Driftmark,


SER TIMON SCRAPESWORD, a famed knight,

—the people of King’s Landing:

—the City Watch (the “gold cloaks”),

—{SER tACELYN BYWATER, called IRONHAND}, Commander of the City Watch, slain by his own men during the Battle of the Blackwater,

SER ADDAM MARBRAND, Commander of the City Watch, Ser tacelyn’s successor,

CHATAYA, owner of an expensive brothel,

ALAYAYA, her daughter,

DANCYMAREItAYDE, Chataya’s girls,

TOBHO MOTT, a master armorer,

IRONBELLY, a blacksmith,

HAMISH THE HARPER, a famed singer,

COLLIO QUAYNIS, a Tyroshi singer,

BETHANY FAIRFINGERS, a woman singer,

ALARIC OF EYSEN, a singer, far-traveled,

GALYEON OF CUY, a singer notorious for the length of his songs,


King toffrey’s banner shows the crowned stag of Baratheon, black on gold, and the lion of Lannister, gold on crimson, combatant.




ROBB STARK, Lord of Winterfell, King in the North, and King of the Trident, the eldest son of Eddark Stark, Lord of Winterfell, and Lady Catelyn of House Tully,

—his direwolf, GREY WIND,

—his mother, LADY CATELYN, of House Tully, widow of Lord Eddard Stark,

—his siblings:

—his sister, PRINCESS SANSA, a maid of twelve, a captive in King’s Landing,

—Sansa’s direwolf, {LADY}, killed at Castle Darry,

—his sister, PRINCESS ARYA, a girl of ten, missing and presumed dead,

—Arya’s direwolf, NYMERIA, lost near the Trident,

—his brother, PRINCE BRANDON, called BRAN, heir to the north, a boy of nine, believed dead,

—Bran’s direwolf, SUMMER,

—Bran companions and protectors:

MEERA REED, a maid of sixteen, daughter of Lord Howland Reed of Greywater Watch,

tOtEN REED, her brother, thirteen,

HODOR, a simpleminded stableboy, seven feet tall,

—his brother, PRINCE RICKON, a boy of four, believed dead,

—Rickon’s direwolf, SHAGGYDOG,

—Rickon’s companion and protector:

OSHA, a wildling captive who served as a scullion at Winterfell,

—his half-brother, tON SNOW, a Sworn Brother of the Night’s Watch,

—ton’s direwolf, GHOST,

—his uncles and aunts, paternal:

—his father’s elder brother, {BRANDON STARK}, slain at the command of King Aerys II Targaryen,

—his father’s sister, {LYANNA STARK}, died in the Mountains of Dorne during Robert’s Rebellion,

—his father’s younger brother, BENtEN STARK, a man of the Night’s Watch, lost beyond the Wall,

—his uncles, aunts, and cousins, maternal:

—his mother’s younger sister, LYSA ARRYN, Lady of the Eyrie and widow of Lord ton Arryn,

—their son, ROBERT ARRYN, Lord of the Eyrie,

—his mother’s younger brother, SER EDMURE TULLY, heir to Riverrun,

—his grandfather’s brother, SER BRYNDEN TULLY, called THE BLACKFISH,

—his sworn swords and companions:

—his squire, OLYVAR FREY,

SER WENDEL MANDERLY, second son to the Lord of White Harbor,

PATREK MALLISTER, heir to Seagard,

DACEY MORMONT, eldest daughter of Lady Maege Mormont and heir to Bear Island,

tON UMBER, called THE SMALLtON, heir to Last Hearth,


—his lords bannermen, captains and commanders:

—(with Robb’s army in the Westerlands)

SER BRYNDEN TULLY, the BLACKFISH, commanding the scouts and outriders,

tON UMBER, called THE GREATtON, commanding the van,

RICKARD KARSTARK, Lord of Karhold,

GALBART GLOVER, Master of Deepwood Motte,

MAEGE MORMONT, Lady of Bear Island,

—{SER STEVRON FREY}, eldest son of Lord Walder Frey and heir to the Twins, died at Oxcross,

—Ser Stevron’s eldest son, SER RYMAN FREY,

—Ser Ryman’s son, BLACK WALDER FREY,

MARTYN RIVERS, a bastard son of Lord Walder Frey,

—(with Roose Bolton’s host at Harrenhal),

ROOSE BOLTON, Lord of the Dreadfort,


—their bastard half-brother, RONEL RIVERS,

SER WYLIS MANDERLY, heir to White Harbor,

SER KYLE CONDON, a knight in his service,


VARGO HOAT of the Free City of Qohor, captain of a sellsword company, the Brave Companions,

—his lieutenant, URSWYCK called THE FAITHFUL,

—his lieutenant, SEPTON UTT,


Ibben, PYGTHREE TOES, his men,

QYBURN, a chainless maester and sometime necromancer, his healer,

—(with the northern army attacking Duskendale)

ROBETT GLOVER, of Deepwood Motte,

SER HELMAN TALLHART, of Torrhen’s Square,

HARRION KARSTARK, sole surviving son of Lord Rickard Karstark, and heir to Karhold,

—(traveling north with Lord Eddard’s bones)

HALLIS MOLLEN, captain of guards for Winterfell,


—his lord bannermen and castellans, in the north:

WYMAN MANDERLY, Lord of White Harbor,

HOWLAND REED, Lord of Greywater Watch, a crannogman,

MORS UMBER, called CROWFOOD, and HOTHER UMBER, called WHORESBANE, uncles to Greatjon Umber, joint castellans at the Last Hearth,

LYESSA FLINT, Lady of Widow’s Watch,

ONDREW LOCKE, Lord of Oldcastle, an old man,

—{CLEY CERWYN}, Lord of Cerwyn, a boy of fourteen, killed in battle at Winterfell,

—his sister, tONELLE CERWYN, a maid of two-and-thirty, now the Lady of Cerwyn,

—{LEOBALD TALLHART}, younger brother to Ser Helman, castellan at Torrhen’s Square, killed in battle at Winterfell,

—Leobald’s wife, BERENA of House Hornwood,

—Leobald’s son, BRANDON, a boy of fourteen,

—Leobald’s son, BEREN, a boy of ten,

—Ser Helman’s son, {BENFRED}, killed by ironmen on the Stony Shore,

—Ser Helman’s daughter, EDDARA, a girl of nine, heir to Torrhen’s Square,

LADY SYBELLE, wife to Robett Glover, a captive of Asha Greyjoy at Deepwood Motte,

—Robett’s son, GAWEN, three, rightful heir to Deepwood Motte, a captive of Asha Greyjoy,

—Robert’s daughter, ERENA, a babe of one, a captive of Asha Greyjoy at Deepwood Motte,

LARENCE SNOW, a bastard son of Lord Hornwood, and ward of Galbart Glover, thirteen, a captive of Asha Greyjoy at Deepwood Motte.

The banner of the King in the North remains as it has for thousands of years: the grey direwolf of the Starks of Winterfell, running across an ice-white field.




STANNIS BARATHEON, the First of His Name, second son of Lord Steffon Baratheon and Lady Cassana of House Estermont, formerly Lord of Dragonstone,

—his wife, QUEEN SELYSE of House Florent,

PRINCESS SHIREEN, their daughter, a girl of eleven,

PATCHFACE, her lackwit fool,

—his baseborn nephew, EDRIC STORM, a boy of twelve, bastard son of King Robert by Delena Florent,


—his court and retainers:

LORD ALESTER FLORENT, Lord of Brightwater Keep and Hand of the King, the queen’s uncle,

SER AXELL FLORENT, castellan of Dragonstone and leader of the queen’s men, the queen’s uncle,

LADY MELISANDRE OF ASSHAI, called THE RED WOMAN, priestess of R’hllor, the Lord of Light and God of Flame and Shadow,

MAESTER PYLOS, healer, tutor, counselor,


SHORTHAND, once a smuggler,

—Davos’s wife, LADY MARYA, a carpenter’s daughter,

—their seven sons:

—{DALE}, lost on the Blackwater,

—{ALLARD}, lost on the Blackwater,

—{MATTHOS}, lost on the Blackwater,

—{MARIC}, lost on the Blackwater,

DEVAN, squire to King Stannis,

STANNIS, a boy of nine years,

STEFFON, a boy of six years,

SALLADHOR SAAN, of the Free City of Lys, styling

himself Prince of the Narrow Sea and Lord of Blackwater Bay, master of the Valyrian and a fleet of sister galleys,

MEIZO MAHR, a eunuch in his hire,

KHORANE SATHMANTES, captain of his galley Shayala’s Dance,

—“PORRIDGE” and “LAMPREY,” two gaolers,

—his lords bannermen,

MONTERYS VELARYON, Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark, a boy of six,

DURAM BAR EMMON, Lord of Sharp Point, a boy of fifteen years,

SER GILBERT FARRING, castellan of Storm’s End,

LORD ELWOOD MEADOWS, Ser Gilbert’s second,

MAESTER tURNE, Ser Gilbert’s counselor and healer,

LORD LUCOS CHYTTERING, called LITTLE LUCOS, a youth of sixteen,

LESTER MORRIGEN, Lord of Crows Nest,

—his knights and sworn swords,

SER LOMAS ESTERMONT, the king’s maternal uncle,



son of the late Lord Bryen Caron,

SER PARMEN CRANE, called PARMEN THE PURPLE, held captive at Highgarden,

SER ERREN FLORENT, younger brother to Queen Selyse, held captive at Highgarden,


SER TRISTON OF TALLY HILL, formerly in service to Lord Guncer Sunglass,



King Stannis has taken for his banner the fiery heart of the Lord of Light: a red heart surrounded by orange flames upon a yellow field. Within the heart is the crowned stag of House Baratheon, in black.




DAENERYS TARGARYEN, the First of Her Name, 7haleesi of the Dothraki, called DAENERYS STORMBORN, the UNBURNTMOTHER OF DRAGONS, sole

surviving heir of Aerys II Targaryen widow of Khal Drogo of the Dothraki,

—her growing dragons, DROGONVISERIONRHAEGAL,

—her Queensguard:

SER tORAH MORMONT, formerly Lord of Bear Island, exiled for slaving,

tHOGOko and bloodrider, the whip,

AGGOko and bloodrider, the bow,

RAKHAROko and bloodrider, the arakh,

STRONG BELWAS, a former eunuch slave from the fighting pits of Meereen,

—his aged squire, ARSTAN called WHITEBEARD; a man of Westeros,

—her handmaids:

IRRI, a Dothraki girl, fifteen,

tHIQUI, a Dothraki girl, fourteen,

GROLEO, captain of the great cog Balerion, a Pentoshi seafarer in the hire of Illyrio Mopatis,

—her late kin:

—{RHAEGAR}, her brother, Prince of Dragonstone and heir to the Iron Throne, slain by Robert Baratheon on the Trident,

—{RHAENYS}, Rhaegar’s daughter by Elia of Dorne, murdered during the Sack of King’s Landing,

—{AEGON}, Rhaegar’s son by Elia of Dorne, murdered during the Sack of King’s Landing,

—{VISERYS}, her brother, styling himself King Viserys, the Third of His Name, called THE BEGGAR KING, slain in Vaes Dothrak by Khal Drogo,

—{DROGO}, her husband, a great khal of the Dothraki, never defeated in battle, died of a wound,

—{RHAEGO}, her stillborn son by Khal Drogo, slain in the womb by Mirri Maz Duur,

—her known enemies:

KHAL PONO, once ko to Drogo,

KHAL tHAQO, once ko to Drogo,

MAGGO, his bloodrider,

THE UNDYING OF QARTH, a band of warlocks,

PYAT PREE, a Qartheen warlock,

THE SORROWFUL MEN, a guild of Qartheen assassins,

—her uncertain allies, past and present:

XARO XHOAN DAXOS, a merchant prince of Qarth,

QUAITHE, a masked shadowbinder from Asshai,

ILLYRIO MOPATIS, a magister of the Free City of Pentos, who brokered her marriage to Khal Drogo,

—in Astapor:

KRAZNYS MO NAKLOZ, a wealthy slave trader,

—his slave, MISSANDEI, a girl of ten, of the Peaceful People of Naath,

GRAZDAN MO ULLHOR, an old slave trader, very rich,

—his slave, CLEON, a butcher and cook,

GREY WORM, an eunuch of the Unsullied,

—in Yunkai:

GRAZDAN MO ERAZ, envoy and nobleman,

MERO OF BRAAVOS, called THE TITANS BASTARD, captain of the Second Sons, a free company,

BROWN BEN PLUMM, a sergeant in the Second Sons, a sellsword of dubious descent,

PRENDAHL NA GHEZN, a Ghiscari sellsword, captain of the Stormcrows, a free company,

SALLOR THE BALD, a Qartheen sellsword, captain of the Stormcrows,

DAARIO NAHARIS, a flamboyant Tyroshi sellsword, captain of the Stormcrows,

—in Meereen:

OZNAK ZO PAHL, a hero of the city.

The banner of Daenerys Targaryen is the banner of Aegon the Conqueror and the dynasty he established: a three-headed dragon, red on black.




BALON GREYtOY, the Ninth of His Name Since the Grey King, styling himself King of the Iron Islands and the North, King of Salt and Rock, Son of the Sea Wind, and Lord Reaper of Pyke,

—his wife, QUEEN ALANNYS, of House Harlaw,

—their children:

—{RODRIK}, their eldest son, slain at Seagard during Greyjoy’s Rebellion,

—{MARON}, their second son, slain at Pyke during Greyjoy’s Rebellion,

ASHA, their daughter, captain of the Black Wind and conqueror of Deepwood Motte,

THEON, their youngest son, captain of the Sea Bitch and briefly Prince of Winterfell,

—Theon’s squire, WEX PYKE, bastard son of Lord Botley’s half- brother, a mute lad of twelve,

—Theon’s crew, the men of the Sea Bitch:


—his brothers:

EURON, called Crow’s Eye, captain of the Silence, a notorious outlaw, pirate, and raider,

VICTARION, Lord Captain of the Iron Fleet, master of the Iron Victory,

AERON, called DAMPHAIR, a priest of the Drowned God,

—his household on Pyke:

MAESTER WENDAMYR, healer and counselor,

HELYA, keeper of the castle,

—his warriors and sworn swords:

DAGMER called CLEFTtAW, captain of Foamdrinker,

BLUETOOTH, a longship captain,

ULLERSKYTE, oarsmen and warriors,

ANDRIK THE UNSMILING, a giant of a man,

QARL, called QARL THE MAID, beardless but deadly,

—people of Lordsport:

OTTER GIMPKNEE, innkeeper and whoremonger,

SIGRIN, a shipwright,

—his lords bannermen:

SAWANE BOTLEY, Lord of Lordsport, on Pyke,

LORD WYNCH, of Iron Holt, on Pyke,



Great Wyk,

LORD HARLAW, of Harlaw,


ORKWOOD and TAWNEY of Orkmont,

LORD BLACKTYDE of Blacktyde,






The Arryns are descended from the Kings of Mountain and Vale, one of the oldest and purest lines of Andal nobility. House Arryn has taken no part in the War of the Five Kings, holding back its strength to protect the Vale of Arryn. The Arryn sigil is the moon-and-falcon, white, upon a sky-blue field. The Arryn words are As High As Honor.

ROBERT ARRYN, Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale, Warden of the East, a sickly boy of eight years,

—his mother, LADY LYSA, of House Tully, third wife and widow of Lord ton Arryn, and sister to Catelyn Stark,

—their household:

MARILLION, a handsome young singer, much favored by Lady Lysa,

MAESTER COLEMON, counselor, healer, and tutor,

SER MARWYN BELMORE, captain of guards,

MORD, a brutal gaoler,

—his lords bannermen, knights, and retainers:

LORD NESTOR ROYCE, High Steward of the Vale and castellan of the Gates of the Moon, of the junior branch of House Royce,

—Lord Nestor’s son, SER ALBAR,

—Lord Nestor’s daughter, MYRANDA,

MYA STONE, a bastard girl in his service, natural daughter of King Robert I Baratheon,

LORD YOHN ROYCE, called BRONZE YOHN, Lord of Runestone, of the senior branch of House Royce, cousin to Lord Nestor,

—Lord Yohn’s eldest son, SER ANDAR,

—Lord Yohn’s second son, {SER ROBAR}, a knight of Renly Baratheon’s Rainbow Guard, slain at Storm’s End by Ser Loras Tyrell,

—Lord Yohn’s youngest son, {SER WAYMAR}, a man of the Night’s Watch, lost beyond the Wall,

SER LYN CORBRAY, a suitor to Lady Lysa,

MYCHEL REDFORT, his squire,


—Lady Anya’s eldest son and heir, SER MORTON, a suitor to Lady Lysa,

—Lady Anya’s second son, SER DONNEL, the Knight of the Gate,

EON HUNTER, Lord of Longbow Hall, an old man, and a suitor to Lady Lysa,

HORTON REDFORT, Lord of Redfort.




The Florents of Brightwater Keep are Tyrell bannermen, despite a superior claim to Highgarden by virtue of a blood tie to House Gardener, the old Kings of the Reach. At the outbreak of the War of the Five Kings, Lord Alester Florent followed the Tyrells in declaring for King Renly, but his brother Ser Axell chose King Stannis, whom he had served for years as castellan of Dragonstone. Their niece Selyse was and is King Stannis’s queen. When Renly died at Storm’s End, the Florents went over to Stannis with all their strength, the first of Renly’s bannermen to do so. The sigil of House Florent shows a fox head in a circle of flowers.

ALESTER FLORENT, Lord of Brightwater,

—his wife, LADY MELARA, of House Crane,

—their children:

ALEKYNE, heir to Brightwater,

MELESSA, wed to Lord Randyll Tarly,

RHEA, wed to Lord Leyton Hightower,

—his siblings:

SER AXELL, castellan of Dragonstone,

—{SER RYAM}, died in a fall from a horse,

—Ser Ryam’s daughter, QUEEN SELYSE, wed to King Stannis Baratheon,

—Ser Ryam’s son, {SER IMRY}, commanded Stannis Baratheon’s fleet on the Blackwater, lost with the Fury,

—Ser Ryam’s second son, SER ERREN, held captive at Highgarden,


—Ser Colin’s daughter, DELENA, wed to SER HOSMAN NORCROSS,

—Delena’s son, EDRIC STORM, a bastard of King Robert I Baratheon, twelve years of age,

—Delena’s son, ALESTER NORCROSS, eight,

—Delena’s son, RENLY NORCROSS, a boy of two,

—Ser Colin’s son, MAESTER OMER, in service at Old Oak,

—Ser Colin’s son, MERRELL, a squire on the Arbor,

—his sister, RYLENE, wed to Ser Rycherd Crane.




Powerful, wealthy, and numerous, the Freys are bannermen to House Tully, but they have not always been diligent in their duty. When Robert Baratheon met Rhaegar Targaryen on the Trident, the Freys did not arrive until the battle was done, and thereafter Lord Hoster Tully always called Lord Walder “the Late Lord Frey.” It is also said of Walder Frey that he is the only lord in the Seven Kingdoms who could field an army out of his breeches.

At the onset of the War of the Five Kings, Robb Stark won Lord Walder’s allegiance by pledging to wed one of his daughters or granddaughters. Two of Lord Walder’s grandsons were sent to Winterfell to be fostered.

WALDER FREY, Lord of the Crossing,

—by his first wife, {LADY PERRA, of House Royce}:

—{SER STEVRON}, their eldest son, died after the Battle of Oxcross,

—m. {Corenna Swann, died of a wasting illness},

—Stevron’s eldest son, SER RYMAN, heir to the Twins,

—Ryman’s son, ÈDWYN, wed to tanyce Hunter,

—Edwyn’s daughter, WALDA, a girl of eight,

—Ryman’s son, WALDER, called BLACK WALDER,

—Ryman’s son, PETYR, called PETYR PIMPLE,

—m. Mylenda Caron,

—Petyr’s daughter, PERRA, a girl of five,

—m. {teyne Lydden, died in a fall from a horse},

—Stevron’s son, AEGON, a halfwit called tINGLEBELL,

—Stevron’s daughter, {MAEGELLE, died in childbed}, m. Ser Dafyn Vance,

—Maegelle’s daughter, MARIANNE, a maiden,

—Maegelle’s son, WALDER VANCE, a squire,

—Maegelle’s son, PATREK VANCE,

—m. (Marsella Waynwood, died in childbed},

—Stevron’s son, WALTON, m. Deana Hardyng,

—Walton’s son, STEFFON, called THE SWEET,

—Walton’s daughter, WALDA, called FAIR WALDA,

—Walton’s son, BRYAN, a squire,

SER EMMON, m. Genna of House Lannister,

—Emmon’s son, SER CLEOS, m. teyne Darry,

—Cleos’s son, TYWIN, a squire of eleven,

—Cleos’s son, WILLEM, a page at Ashemark, nine,

—Emmon’s son, SER LYONEL, m. Melesa Crakehall,

—Emmon’s son, TION, a captive at Riverrun,

—Emmon’s son, WALDER, called RED WALDER, fourteen, a squire at Casterly Rock,

SER AENYS, m. {Tyana Wylde, died in childbed},

—Aenys’s son, AEGON BLOODBORN, an outlaw,

—Aenys’s son, RHAEGAR, m. teyne Beesbury,

—Rhaegar’s son, ROBERT, a boy of thirteen,

—Rhaegar’s daughter, WALDA, a girl of ten, called WHITE WALDA,

—Rhaegar’s son, tONOS, a boy of eight,

PERRIANE, m. Ser Leslyn Haigh,

—Perriane’s son, SER HARYS HAIGH,

—Harys’s son, WALDER HAIGH, a boy of four,

—Perriane’s son, SER DONNEL HAIGH,

—Perriane’s son, ALYN HAIGH, a squire,

—by his second wife, {LADY CYRENNA, of House Swann}:

SER tARED, their eldest son, m. {Alys Frey},

—tared’s son, SER TYTOS, m. Zhoe Blanetree,

—Tytos’s daughter, ZIA, a maid of fourteen,

—Tytos’s son, ZACHERY, a boy of twelve, training at the Sept of Oldtown,

—tared’s daughter, KYRA, m. Ser Garse Goodbrook,

—Kyra’s son, WALDER GOODBROOK, a boy of nine,

—Kyra’s daughter, tEYNE GOODBROOK, six,

SEPTON LUCEON, in service at the Great Sept of Baelor in King’s Landing,

—by his third wife, {LADY AMAREI of House Crakehall}:

SER HOSTEEN, their eldest son, m. Bellena Hawick,

—Hosteen’s son, SER ARWOOD, m. Ryella Royce,

—Arwood’s daughter, RYELLA, a girl of five,

—Arwood’s twin sons, ANDROW and ALYN, three,

LADY LYTHENE, m. Lord Lucias Vypren,

—Lythene’s daughter, ELYANA, m. Ser ton Wylde,

—Elyana’s son, RICKARD WYLDE, four,

—Lythene’s son, SER DAMON VYPREN,

SYMONDM. Betharios of Braavos,

—Symond’s son, ALESANDER, a singer,

—Symond’s daughter, ALYX, a maid of seventeen,

—Symond’s son, BRADAMAR, a boy of ten, fostered on Braavos as a ward of Oro Tendyris, a merchant of that city,

SER DANWELL, m. Wynafrei Whent,

—{many stillbirths and miscarriages},

MERRETT, m. Mariya Darry,

—Merrett’s daughter, AMEREI, called AMI, a widow of sixteen, m. {Ser Pate of the Blue Fork},

—Merrett’s daughter, WALDA, called FAT WALDA, a wife of fifteen years, m. Lord Roose Bolton,

—Merrett’s daughter, MARISSA, a maid of thirteen,

—Merrett’s son, WALDER, called LITTLE WALDER, a boy of seven, taken captive at Winterfell while a ward of Lady Catelyn Stark,

—{SER GEREMY, drowned}, m. Carolei Waynwood,

—Geremy’s son, SANDOR, a boy of twelve, a squire to Ser Donnel Waynwood,

—Geremy’s daughter, CYNTHEA, a girl of nine, a ward of Lady Anya Waynwood,

SER RAYMUND, m. Beony Beesbury,

—Raymund’s son, ROBERT, sixteen, in training at the Citadel in Oldtown,

—Raymund’s son, MALWYN, fifteen, apprenticed to an alchemist in Lys,

—Raymund’s twin daughters, SERRA and SARRA, maiden girls of fourteen,

—Raymund’s daughter, CERSEI, six, called LITTLE BEE,

—by his fourth wife, {LADY ALYSSA, of House Blackwood}:

LOTHAR, their eldest son, called LAME LOTHAR, m. Leonella Lefford,

—Lothar’s daughter, TYSANE, a girl of seven,

—Lothar’s daughter, WALDA, a girl of four,

—Lothar’s daughter, EMBERLEI, a girl of two,

SER tAMMOS, m. Sallei Paege,

—tammos’s son, WALDER, called BIG WALDER, a boy of eight, taken captive at Winterfell while a ward of Lady Catelyn Stark,

—tammos’s twin sons, DICKON and MATHIS, five,

SER WHALEN, m. Sylwa Paege,

—Whalen’s son, HOSTER, a boy of twelve, a squire to Ser Damon Paege,

—Whalen’s daughter, MERIANNE, called MERRY, a girl of eleven,

LADY MORYA, m. Ser Flement Brax,

—Morya’s son, ROBERT BRAX, nine, fostered at Casterly Rock as a page,

—Morya’s son, WALDER BRAX, a boy of six,

—Morya’s son, tON BRAX, a babe of three,

TYTA, called TYTA THE MAID, a maid of twenty nine,

—by his fifth wife, {LADY SARYA of House Whent}:

—no progeny,

—by his sixth wife, {LADY BETHANY of House Rosby}:

SER PERWYN, their eldest son,

SER BENFREY, m. tyanna Frey, a cousin,

—Benfrey’s daughter, DELLA, called DEAF DELLA, a girl of three,

—Benfrey’s son, OSMUND, a boy of two,

MAESTER WILLAMEN, in service at Longbow Hall,

OLYVAR, squire to Robb Stark,

ROSLIN, a maid of sixteen,

—by his seventh wife, {LADY ANNARA of House Farring}:

ARWYN, a maid of fourteen,

WENDEL, their eldest son, a boy of thirteen, fostered at Seagard as a page,

COLMAR, promised to the Faith, eleven,

WALTYR, called TYR, a boy of ten,

ELMAR, formerly betrothed to Arya Stark, a boy of nine,

SHIREI, a girl of six,

—his eighth wife, LADY tOYEUSE of House Erenford,

—no progeny as yet,

—Lord Walder’s natural children, by sundry mothers,


—Bastard Walder’s son, SER AEMON RIVERS,

—Bastard Walder’s daughter, WALDA RIVERS,

MAESTER MELWYS, in service at Rosby,





The Lannisters of Casterly Rock remain the principal support of King toffrey’s claim to the Iron Throne. They boast of descent from Lann the Clever, the legendary trickster of the Age of Heroes. The gold of Casterly Rock and the Golden Tooth has made them the wealthiest of the Great Houses. The Lannister sigil is a golden lion upon a crimson field. Their words are Hear Me Roar!

TYWIN LANNISTER, Lord of Casterly Rock, Warden of the West, Shield of Lannisport, and Hand of the King,

—his son, SER tAIME, called THE KINGSLAYER, a twin to Queen Cersei, Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, and Warden of the East, a captive at Riverrun,

—his daughter, QUEEN CERSEI, twin to taime, widow of King Robert I Baratheon, Queen Regent for her son toffrey,

—her son, KING tOFFREY BARATHEON, a boy of thirteen,

—her daughter, PRINCESS MYRCELLA BARATHEON, a girl of nine, a ward of Prince Doran Martell in Dorne,

—her son, PRINCE TOMMEN BARATHEON, a boy of eight, heir to the Iron Throne,

—his dwarf son, TYRION, called THE IMP, called HALFMAN, wounded and scarred on the Blackwater,

—his siblings:

SER KEVAN, Lord Tywin’s eldest brother,

—Ser Kevan’s wife, DORNA, of House Swyft,

—their son, SER LANCEL, formerly a squire to King Robert, wounded and near death,

—their son, WILLEM, twin to Martyn, a squire, captive at Riverrun,

—their son, MARTYN, twin to Willem, a squire, a captive with Robb Stark,

—their daughter, tANEI, a girl of two,

GENNA, his sister, wed to Ser Emmon Frey,

—their son, SER CLEOS FREY, a captive at Riverrun,

—their son, SER LYONEL,

—their son, TION FREY, a squire, captive at Riverrun,

—their son, WALDER, called RED WALDER, a squire at Casterly Rock,

—{SER TYGETT}, his second brother, died of a pox,

—Tygett’s widow, DARLESSA, of House Marbrand,

—their son, TYREK, squire to the king, missing,

—{GERION}, his youngest brother, lost at sea,

—Gerion’s bastard daughter, tOY, eleven,

—his cousin, {SER STAFFORD LANNISTER}, brother to the late Lady toanna, slain at Oxcross,

—Ser Stafford’s daughters, CERENNA and MYRIELLE,

—Ser Stafford’s son, SER DAVEN,

—his cousins:

SER DAMION LANNISTER, m. Lady Shiera Crakehall,

—his son, SER LUCION,

—his daughter, LANNA, m. Lord Antario tast,

MARGOT, m. Lord Titus Peake,

—his household:

MAESTER CREYLEN, healer, tutor, and counselor,

VYLARR, captain-of-guards,

LUM and RED LESTER, guardsmen,


SER BENEDICT BROOM, master-at-arms,

—his lords bannermen:

DAMON MARBRAND, Lord of Ashemark,

SER ADDAM MARBRAND, his son and heir,

ROLAND CRAKEHALL, Lord of Crakehall,

—his brother, {SER BURTON CRAKEHALL}, killed by Lord Beric Dondarrion and his outlaws,

—his son and heir, SER TYBOLT CRAKEHALL,

—his second son, SER LYLE CRAKEHALL; called STRONGBOAR, a captive at Pinkmaiden Castle,

—his youngest son, SER MERLON CRAKEHALL,

—{ANDROS BRAX}, Lord of Hornvale, drowned during the Battle of the Camps,

—his brother, {SER RUPERT BRAX}, slain at Oxcross,

—his eldest son, SER TYTOS BRAX, now Lord of Hornvale, a captive at the Twins,

—his second son, {SER ROBERT BRAX}, slain at the Battle of the Fords,

—his third son, SER FLEMENT BRAX, now heir,

—{LORD LEO LEFFORD}, drowned at the Stone Mill,

REGENARD ESTREN, Lord of Wyndhall, a captive at the Twins,

GAWEN WESTERLING, Lord of the Crag, a captive at Seagard,

—his wife, LADY SYBELL, of House Spicer,

—her brother, SER ROLPH SPICER,

—her cousin, SER SAMWELL SPICER,

—their children:


tEYNE, a maid of sixteen years,

ELEYNA, a girl of twelve,

ROLLAM, a boy of nine,

LEWYS LYDDEN, Lord of the Deep Den,

LORD ANTARIO tAST, a captive at Pinkmaiden Castle,



QUENTEN BANEFORT, Lord of Banefort, a captive of Lord tonos Bracken,

—his knights and captains:

—SER HARYS SWYFT, good-father to Ser Kevan Lannister,

—Ser Harys’s son, SER STEFFON SWYFT,

—Ser Steffon’s daughter, tOANNA,

—Ser Harys’s daughter, SHIERLE, m. Ser Melwyn Sarsfield,


SER GARTH GREENFIELD, a captive at Raventree Hall,

SER LYMOND VIKARY, a captive at Wayfarer’s Rest,



—his younger son, SER ALYN STACKSPEAR,


SER KENNOS OF KAYCE, a knight in his service,

SER GREGOR CLEGANE, the Mountain That Rides,


soldiers in his service,

—{SER AMORY LORCH}, fed to a bear by Vargo Hoat after the fall of Harrenhal.




Dorne was the last of the Seven Kingdoms to swear fealty to the Iron Throne. Blood, custom, and history all set the Dornishmen apart from the other kingdoms. At the outbreak of the War of the Five Kings, Dorne took no part. With the betrothal of Myrcella Baratheon to Prince Trystane, Sunspear declared its support for King toffrey and called its banners. The Martell banner is a red sun pierced by a golden spear. Their words are Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken.

DORAN NYMEROS MARTELL, Lord of Sunspear, Prince of Dorne,

—his wife, MELLARIO, of the Free City of Norvos,

—their children:

PRINCESS ARIANNE, their eldest daughter, heir to Sunspear,

PRINCE QUENTYN, their elder son,

PRINCE TRYSTANE, their younger son, betrothed to Myrcella Baratheon,

—his siblings:

—his sister, {PRINCESS ELIA}, wife of Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, slain during the Sack of King’s Landing,

—their children:

—{PRINCESS RHAENYS}, a young girl, slain during the Sack of King’s Landing,

—{PRINCE AEGON}, a babe, slain during the Sack of King’s Landing,

—his brother, PRINCE OBERYN, called THE RED VIPER,

—Prince Oberyn’s paramour, ELLARIA SAND,

—Prince Oberyn’s bastard daughters, OBARA,



—Prince Oberyn’s companions:

HARMEN ULLER, Lord of Hellholt,

—Harmen’s brother, SER ULWYCK ULLER,


—Ser Ryon’s natural son, SER DAEMON SAND, the Bastard of Godsgrace,

DAGOS MANWOODY, Lord of Kingsgrave,

—Dagos’s sons, MORS and DICKON,

—Dagos’s brother, SER MYLES MANWOODY,


SER DEZIEL DALT, the Knight of Lemonwood,

MYRIA tORDAYNE, heir to the Tor,

LARRA BLACKMONT, Lady of Blackmont,

—her daughter, tYNESSA BLACKMONT,

—her son, PERROS BLACKMONT, a squire,

—his household:

AREO HOTAH, a Norvoshi sellsword, captain of guards,

MAESTER CALEOTTE, counselor, healer, and tutor,

—his lords bannermen:

HARMEN ULLER, Lord of Hellholt,

EDRIC DAYNE, Lord of Starfall,

DELONNE ALLYRION, Lady of Godsgrace,

DAGOS MANWOODY, Lord of Kingsgrave,

LARRA BLACKMONT, Lady of Blackmont,

TREMOND GARGALEN, Lord of Salt Shore,

ANDERS YRONWOOD, Lord of Yronwood,





Lord Edmyn Tully of Riverrun was one of the first of the river lords to swear fealty to Aegon the Conqueror. The victorious Aegon rewarded him by raising House Tully to dominion over all the lands of the Trident. The Tully sigil is a leaping trout, silver, on a field of rippling blue and red. The Tully words are Family, Duty, Honor.

HOSTER TULLY, Lord of Riverrun,

—his wife, {LADY MINISA, of House Whent}, died in childbed,

—their children:

CATELYN, widow of Lord Eddard Stark of Winterfell,

—her eldest son, ROBB STARK, Lord of Winterfell, King in the North, and King of the Trident,

—her daughter, SANSA STARK, a maid of twelve, captive at King’s Landing,

—her daughter, ARYA STARK, ten, missing for a year,

—her son, BRANDON STARK, eight, believed dead,

—her son, RICKON STARK, four, believed dead,

LYSA, widow of Lord ton Arryn of the Eyrie,

—her son, ROBERT, Lord of the Eyrie and Defender of the Vale, a sickly boy of seven years,

SER EDMURE, his only son, heir to Riverrun,

—Ser Edmure’s friends and companions:

SER MARQ PIPER, heir to Pinkmaiden,


SER RONALD VANCE, called THE BAD, and his brothers, SER HUGOSER ELLERY, and KIRTH,


—his brother, SER BRYNDEN, called THE BLACKFISH,

—his household:

MAESTER VYMAN, counselor, healer, and tutor,

SER DESMOND GRELL, master-at-arms,

SER ROBIN RYGER, captain of the guard,


UTHERYDES WAYN, steward of Riverrun,


—his lords bannermen:

tONOS BRACKEN, Lord of the Stone Hedge,

tASON MALLISTER, Lord of Seagard,

WALDER FREY, Lord of the Crossing,

CLEMENT PIPER, Lord of Pinkmaiden Castle,

KARYL VANCE, Lord of Wayfarer’s Rest,

NORBERT VANCE, Lord of Atranta,

THEOMAR SMALLWOOD, Lord of Acorn Hall,

—his wife, LADY RAVELLA, of House Swann,

—their daughter, CARELLEN,

WILLIAM MOOTON, Lord of Maidenpool,

SHELLA WHENT, dispossessed Lady of Harrenhal,


TYTOS BLACKWOOD, Lord of Raventree




The Tyrells rose to power as stewards to the Kings of the Reach, whose domain included the fertile plains of the southwest from the Dornish marches and Blackwater Rush to the shores of the Sunset Sea. Through the female line, they claim descent from Garth Greenhand, gardener king of the First Men, who wore a crown of vines and flowers and made the land bloom. When Mern IX, last king of House Gardener, was slain on the Field of Fire, his steward Harlen Tyrell surrendered Highgarden to Aegon the Conqueror. Aegon granted him the castle and dominion over the Reach. The Tyrell sigil is a golden rose on a grass-green field. Their words are Growing Strong.

Lord Mace Tyrell declared his support for Renly Baratheon at the onset of the War of the Five Kings, and gave him the hand of his daughter Margaery. Upon Renly’s death, Highgarden made alliance with House Lannister, and Margaery was betrothed to King toffrey.

MACE TYRELL, Lord of Highgarden, Warden of the South, Defender of the Marches, and High Marshall of the Reach,

—his wife, LADY ALERIE, of House Hightower of Oldtown,

—their children:

WILLAS, their eldest son, heir to Highgarden,

SER GARLAN, called THE GALLANT, their second son,

—his wife, LADY LEONETTE of House Fossoway,

SER LORAS, the Knight of Flowers, their youngest son, a Sworn Brother of the Kingsguard,

MARGAERY, their daughter, a widow of fifteen years, betrothed to King toffrey I Baratheon,

—Margaery’s companions and ladies-in-waiting:

—her cousins, MEGGAALLA, and ELINOR TYRELL,

—Elinor’s betrothed, ALYN AMBROSE, squire,

LADY ALYSANNE BULWER, a girl of eight,




SEPTA NYSTERICA, a sister of the Faith,

—his widowed mother, LADY OLENNA of House Redwyne, called the QUEEN OF THORNS,

—Lady Olenna’s guardsmen, ARRYK and ERRYK, called LEFT

and RIGHT,

—his sisters:

LADY MINA, wed to Paxter Redwyne, Lord of the Arbor,

—their children:

SER HORAS REDWYNE, twin to Hobber, mocked as HORROR,

SER HOBBER REDWYNE, twin to Horas, mocked as SLOBBER,

DESMERA REDWYNE, a maid of sixteen,

LADY tANNA, wed to Ser ton Fossoway,

—his uncles and cousins:

—his father’s brother, GARTH, called THE GROSS, Lord Seneschal of Highgarden,

—Garth’s bastard sons, GARSE and GARRETT FLOWERS,

—his father’s brother, SER MORYN, Lord Commander of the City Watch of Oldtown,

—Moryn’s son, {SER LUTHOR}, m. Lady Elyn Norridge,

—Luthor’s son, SER THEODORE, m. Lady Lia Serry,

—Theodore’s daughter, ELINOR,

—Theodore’s son, LUTHOR, a squire,

—Luthor’s son, MAESTER MEDWICK,

—Luthor’s daughter, OLENE, m. Ser Leo Blackbar,

—Moryn’s son, LEO, called LEO THE LAZY,

—his father’s brother, MAESTER GORMON, a scholar of the Citadel,

—his cousin, {SER QUENTIN}, died at Ashford,

—Quentin’s son, SER OLYMER, m. Lady Lysa Meadows,

—Olymer’s sons, RAYMUND and RICKARD,

—Olymer’s daughter, MEGGA,

—his cousin, MAESTER NORMUND, in service at Blackcrown,

—his cousin, {SER VICTOR}, slain by the Smiling Knight of the Kingswood Brotherhood,

—Victor’s daughter, VICTARIA, m. {Lord ton Bulwer}, died of a summer fever,

—their daughter, LADY ALYSANNE BULWER, eight,

—Victor’s son, SER LEO, m. Lady Alys Beesbury,

—Leo’s daughters, ALLA and LEONA,

—Leo’s sons, LYONELLUCAS, and LORENT,

—his household at Highgarden:

MAESTER LOMYS, counselor, healer, and tutor,

IGON VYRWEL, captain of the guard,

SER VORTIMER CRANE, master-at-arms,

BUTTERBUMPS, fool and jester, hugely fat,

—his lords bannermen:

RANDYLL TARLY, Lord of Horn Hill,

PAXTER REDWYNE, Lord of the Arbor,

ARWYN OAKHEART, Lady of Old Oak,

MATHIS ROWAN, Lord of Goldengrove,

ALESTER FLORENT, Lord of Brightwater Keep, a rebel in support of Stannis Baratheon,

LEYTON HIGHTOWER, Voice of Oldtown, Lord of the Port,

ORTON MERRYWEATHER, Lord of Longtable,


—his knights and sworn swords:

SER MARK MULLENDORE, crippled during the Battle of the Blackwater,

SER tON FOSSOWAY, of the green-apple Fossoways,

SER TANTON FOSSOWAY, of the red-apple Fossoways.



(ranging Beyond the Wall)

tEOR MORMONT, called THE OLD BEAR, Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch,

tON SNOW, the Bastard of Winterfell, his steward and squire, lost while scouting the Skirling Pass,

GHOST, his direwolf, white and silent,


THOREN SMALLWOOD, commanding the rangers,


MAWNEY, rangers,

tARMEN BUCKWELL, commanding the scouts,



SER OTTYN WYTHERS, commanding the rearguard,

SER MALADOR LOCKE, commanding the baggage,

DONNEL HILL, called SWEET DONNEL, his squire and steward,

HAKE, a steward and cook,

CHETT, an ugly steward, keeper of hounds,

SAMWELL TARLY, a fat steward, keeper of ravens, mocked as SER PIGGY,


—{QHORIN HALFHAND}, commanding the rangers from the Shadow Tower, slain in the Skirling Pass,

—{SQUIRE DALBRIDGEEGGEN}, rangers, slain in the Skirling Pass,

STONESNAKE, a ranger and mountaineer, lost afoot in Skirling Pass,

BLANE, Qhorin Halfhand’s second, commanding the Shadow Tower men on the Fist of the First Men,


(at Castle Black)

BOWEN MARSH, Lord Steward and castellan,

MAESTER AEMON (TARGARYEN), healer and counselor, a blind man, one hundred years old,

—his steward, CLYDAS,

BENtEN STARK, First Ranger, missing, feared dead,

SER WYNTON STOUT, eighty years a ranger,


OTHELL YARWYCK, First Builder,


OF MAIDENPOOL, builders,

DONAL NOYE, armorer, smith, and steward, one-armed,

THREEFINGER HOBB, steward and chief cook,



SEPTON CELLADOR, a drunken devout,

SER ENDREW TARTH, master-at-arms,


CONWYGUEREN, recruiters and collectors,

(at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea)

COTTER PYKE, Commander Eastwatch,

MAESTER HARMUNE, healer and counselor,

SER ALLISER THORNE, master-at-arms,

tANOS SLYNT, former commander of the City Watch of King’s Landing, briefly Lord of Harrenhal,


DAREON, steward and singer,

IRON EMMETT, a ranger famed for his strength,

(at Shadow Tower)

SER DENYS MALLISTER, Commander, Shadow Tower

—his steward and squire, WALLACE MASSEY,

MAESTER MULLIN, healer and counselor.




BERIC DONDARRION, Lord of Blackhaven, called THE LIGHTNING LORD, oft reported dead,

—his right hand, THOROS OF MYR, a red priest,

—his squire, EDRIC DAYNE, Lord of Starfall, twelve,

—his followers:

LEM, called LEM LEMONCLOAK, a one-time soldier,

HARWIN, son of Hullen, formerly in service to Lord Eddard Stark at Winterfell,

GREENBEARD, a Tyroshi sellsword,

TOM OF SEVENSTREAMS, a singer of dubious report, called TOM SEVENSTRINGS and TOM O’ SEVENS,

ANGUY THE ARCHER, a bowman from the Dornish Marches,

tACKBELUCKY, a wanted man, short an eye,

THE MAD HUNTSMAN, of Stoney Sept,



BEARDLESS DICK, outlaws in his band,

—at the Inn of the Kneeling Man:

SHARNA, the innkeep, a cook and midwife,

—her husband, called HUSBAND,

BOY, an orphan of the war,

—at the Peach, a brothel in Stoney Sept:

TANSY, the red-haired proprietor,


—at Acorn Hall, the seat of House Smallwood:

LADY RAVELLA, formerly of House Swann, wife to Lord Theomar Smallwood,

—here and there and elsewhere:

LORD LYMOND LYCHESTER, an old man of wandering wit, who once held Ser Maynard at the bridge,

—his young caretaker, MAESTER ROONE,

—the ghost of High Heart,

—the Lady of the Leaves,

—the septon at Sallydance.

‌the WILDLINGS, or the /REE /OLK‌

MANCE RAYDER, King-beyond-the-Wall,

DALLA, his pregnant wife,

VAL, her younger sister,

—his chiefs and captains:

HARMA, called DOGSHEAD, commanding his van,

THE LORD OF BONES, mocked as RATTLESHIRT, leader of a war band,

YGRITTE, a young spearwife, a member of his band,

RYK, called LONGSPEAR, a member of his band,

RAGWYLELENYL, members of his band,

—his captive, tON SNOW, the crow-come-over,

GHOST, ton’s direwolf, white and silent,

STYR, Magnar of Thenn,

tARL, a young raider, Val’s lover,



of a war band,


DRYN, his daughter MUNDA,

—{ORELL, called ORELL THE EAGLE}, a skinchanger slain by ton Snow in the Skirling Pass,

MAG MAR TUN DOH WEG, called MAG THE MIGHTY, of the giants,

VARMYR called SIXSKINS, a skinchanger, master of three wolves, a shadowcat, and a snow bear,

THE WEEPER, a raider and leader of a war band,

—{ALFYN CROWKILLER}, a raider, slain by Qhorin Halfhand of the Night’s Watch,

CRASTER, of Craster’s Keep, who kneels to none,

GILLY, his daughter and wife, great with child,

DYAHFERNYNELLA, three of his nineteen wives.

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