The Arryns are descended from the Kings of Mountain and Vale, one of the oldest and purest lines of Andal nobility. Their sigil is the moon-and-falcon, white, upon a sky-blue field. The Arryn words are As High As Honor.
{JON ARRYN}, Lord of the Eyrie, Defender of the Vale, Warden of the East, Hand of the King, recently deceased,
—his first wife, {LADY JEYNE, of House Royce}, died in childbed, her daughter stillborn,
—his second wife, {LADY ROWENA, of House Arryn}, his cousin, died of a winter chill, childless,
—his third wife and widow, LADY LYSA, of House Tully,
—their son:
—ROBERT ARRYN, a sickly boy of six years, now Lord of the Eyrie and Defender of the Vale,
—their retainers and household:
—MAESTER COLEMON, counselor, healer, and tutor,
—SER VARDIS EGEN, captain of the guard,
—SER BRYNDEN TULLY, called the Blackfish, Knight of the Gate and uncle to Lady Lysa,
—LORD NESTOR ROYCE, High Steward of the Vale,
—SER ALBAR ROYCE, his son,
—MYA STONE, a bastard girl in his service,
—LORD EON HUNTER, suitor to Lady Lysa,
—SER LYN CORBRAY, suitor to Lady Lysa,
—MYCHEL REDFORT, his squire,
—SER MORTON WAYNWOOD, her son, suitor to Lady Lysa,
—MORD, a brutal gaoler,
The principal houses sworn to the Eyrie are Royce, Baelish, Egen, Waynwood, Hunter, Redfort, Corbray, Belmore, Melcolm, and Hersy.