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Chapter no 31

A Darker Shade of Magic

Kell couldย feelย the stone in Lilaโ€™s pocket as they walked.

There had been a moment when his fingers closed over hers and his skin had brushed the talisman, when all he wanted was to take it from her. It felt like everything would be all right if he could simply hold it. Which was an absurd notion. Nothing would be all right so long as the stone existed. Still, it pulled at his senses, and he shivered and tried not to think about it as he led Lila through Red London, away from the noise and toward the Ruby Fields.

Rhyโ€™s celebrations would last all day, drawing the majority of the cityโ€”its people and its guardโ€”to the banks of the river and the red palace.

Guilt rolled through him. He should have been a part of the procession, should have ridden in the open carriage with the royal family, should have been there to tease and chide his brother for the way he relished the attention.

Kell was sure that Rhy would sulk for weeks about his absence. And then he remembered that heโ€™d never have the chance to apologize. The thought cut like a knife, even though he told himself it had to be this way, that when the time came, Lila would explain. And Rhy? Rhy would forgive him.

Kell kept his collar up and his head down, but he still felt eyes on him as they moved through the streets. He kept looking over his shoulder, unable to shake the feeling of being followed. Which he was, of course, by Lila, who looked at him with increasing scrutiny as they wove through the streets.

Something was clearly bothering her, but she held her tongue, and for a while Kell wondered if she was biding his order or simply biding her time. And then, when the appearance of a pair of royal guards, helmets tucked casually under their arms, sent Kellโ€”and by necessity Lilaโ€”retreating hastily into a recessed doorway, she finally broke her silence.

โ€œTell me something, Kell,โ€ she said as they stepped back onto the curb when the men were gone. โ€œThe commoners treat you like a noble yet you hide from the guards like a thief. Which is it?โ€

โ€œNeither,โ€ he answered, silently willing her to let the matter go.

But Lila wouldnโ€™t. โ€œAre you some kind of valiant criminal?โ€ she pressed. โ€œA Robin Hood, all hero to the people and outlaw to the crown?โ€


โ€œAre you wanted for something?โ€ โ€œNot exactly.โ€

โ€œIn my experience,โ€ observed Lila, โ€œa person is either wanted or theyโ€™re not. Why would you hide from the guards if youโ€™re not?โ€

โ€œBecause I thought they might be looking for me.โ€ โ€œAnd why would they be doing that?โ€

โ€œBecause Iโ€™m missing.โ€

He heard Lilaโ€™s steps slow. โ€œWhy would they care?โ€ she asked, coming to a stop. โ€œWho are you?โ€

Kell turned to face her. โ€œI told youโ€”โ€

โ€œNo,โ€ she said, eyes narrowing. โ€œWho are youย here? Who are you to


Kell hesitated. All he wanted was to cross through his city as quickly as possible, retrieve a White London token from his rooms, and get the wretched black stone out of this world. But Lila didnโ€™t look like she planned on moving until he answered her. โ€œI belong to the royal family,โ€ he said.

In the matter of hours heโ€™d known Lila, heโ€™d learned that she didnโ€™t surprise easily, but at this claim, her eyes finally went wide with disbelief. โ€œYouโ€™re aย prince?โ€

โ€œNo,โ€ he said firmly.

โ€œLike the pretty fellow in the carriage? Is he your brother?โ€

โ€œHis name is Rhy, and no.โ€ Kell cringed when he said it. โ€œWell โ€ฆ not exactly.โ€

โ€œSoย youโ€™reย the black-eyed prince. I have to admit, I never took you for aโ€”โ€ โ€œIโ€™m not a prince, Lila.โ€

โ€œI suppose I can see it, you are rather arrogant andโ€”โ€ โ€œIโ€™mย not aโ€”โ€

โ€œBut whatโ€™s a member of the royal family doingโ€”โ€

Kell pushed her back against the brick wall of the alley. โ€œIโ€™m not aย member

of the royal family,โ€ he snapped. โ€œIย belongย to them.โ€ Lilaโ€™s forehead crinkled. โ€œWhat do you mean?โ€

โ€œThey own me,โ€ he said, cringing at the words. โ€œIโ€™m a possession. A trinket. So you see, I grew up in the palace, but it is not my home. I was raised by the royals, but they are not my family, not by blood. I have worth to them and so they keep me, but that is not the same as belonging.โ€

The words burned when he spoke them. He knew he wasnโ€™t being fair to the king and queen, who treated him with warmth if not love, or to Rhy, who had always looked on him as a brother. But it was true, wasnโ€™t it? As much as

it pained him. For all his caring, and for theirs, the fact remained he was a weapon, a shield, a tool to be used. He was not a prince. He was not a son.

โ€œYou poor thing,โ€ said Lila coldly, pushing him away. โ€œWhat do you want?

Pity? You wonโ€™t find it from me.โ€ Kell clenched his jaw. โ€œI didnโ€™tโ€”โ€

โ€œYou have a house if not a home,โ€ she spat. โ€œYou have people who care for you if not about you. You may not have everything you want, but Iโ€™d wager you have everything you could everย need, and you have the audacity to claim it all forfeit because it is not love.โ€


โ€œLove doesnโ€™t keep us from freezing to death, Kell,โ€ she continued, โ€œor starving, or being knifed for the coins in our pocket. Love doesnโ€™t buy us anything, so be glad for what you have and who you have because you may want for things but youย needย for nothing.โ€

She was breathless by the time she finished, her eyes bright and her cheeks flushed.

And for the first time, Kell saw Lila. Not as she wanted to be, but as she was. A frightened, albeit clever, girl trying desperately to stay alive. One who had likely frozen and starved and foughtโ€”and almost certainly killedโ€”to hold on to some semblance of a life, guarding it like a candle in a harsh wind.

โ€œSay something,โ€ she challenged.

Kell swallowed, clenched his hands into fists at his sides, and looked at her hard. โ€œYouโ€™re right,โ€ he said.

The admission left him strangely gutted, and in that moment, he just wanted to go home (and it was a home, far more of one than Lila probably had). To let the queen touch his cheek, and the king his shoulder. To swing his arm around Rhyโ€™s neck and toast to his birthday and listen to him ramble and laugh.

It ached, how badly he wanted it. But he couldnโ€™t.

He had made a mistake. He had put them all in danger, and he had to make it right.

Because it was his duty to protect them. And because he loved them.

Lila was still staring, waiting for the catch in his words, but there was none. โ€œYouโ€™re right,โ€ he said again. โ€œIโ€™m sorry. Compared to your life, mine must

seem a jewelโ€”โ€

โ€œDonโ€™t you dare pity me, magic boy,โ€ growled Lila, a knife in her hand. And just like that, the scared street rat was gone, and the cutthroat was back. Kell smiled thinly. There was no winning these battles with Lila, but he was

relieved to see her back in threatening form. He broke her gaze and looked up at the sky, the red of the Isle reflecting off the low clouds. A storm was coming. Rhy would sulk at that, too, spiteful of anything that might dampen the splendor of his day.

โ€œCome on,โ€ said Kell, โ€œweโ€™re almost there.โ€

Lila sheathed her blade and followed, this time with fewer daggers in her eyes.

โ€œThis place weโ€™re headed,โ€ she said. โ€œDoes it have a name?โ€

โ€œIs Kir Ayes,โ€ said Kell. โ€œThe Ruby Fields.โ€ He had not told Lila yet that her journey would end here. That it had to. For his peace of mind and for her safety.

โ€œWhat are you hoping to find there?โ€

โ€œA token,โ€ said Kell. โ€œSomething that will grant us passage to White London.โ€ He parsed through the shelves and drawers in his mind, the various trinkets from the various cities glittering behind his eyes. โ€œThe inn itself,โ€ he went on, โ€œis run by a woman named Fauna. You two should get along splendidly.โ€

โ€œWhyโ€™s that?โ€

โ€œBecause youโ€™re bothโ€”โ€

He was about to sayย hard as tacks, but then he rounded the corner and came to a sharp stop, the words dying on his tongue.

โ€œIs that the Ruby Fields?โ€ asked Lila at his shoulder. โ€œIt is,โ€ said Kell quietly. โ€œOr, it was.โ€

There was nothing left but ash and smoke.

The inn, and everything in it, had been burned to the ground.

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