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Chapter no 7

A Court of Wings and Ruin

Brannagh and Dagdan looked like theyโ€™d just found second breakfast waiting for them.

Jurian had his sword out, the two young women and one young man gaping between him and the others. Then at us, their eyes widening further as they noted Lucienโ€™s cruel beauty.

They dropped to their knees. โ€œMasters and Mistresses,โ€ they beseeched us, their silver jewelry glinting in the dappled sunlight through the leaves. โ€œYou have found us on our journey.โ€

The two royals smiled so broadly I could see all of their too-white teeth.

Jurian, for once, seemed torn before he snapped, โ€œWhat are you doing here?โ€

The dark-haired girl at the front was lovely, her honey-gold skin flushed as she lifted her head. โ€œWe have come to dwell in the immortal lands; we have come as tribute.โ€

Jurian cut cold, hard eyes to Lucien. โ€œIs this true?โ€

Lucien stared him down. โ€œWe accept no tribute from the human lands.

Least of all children.โ€

Never mind that the three of them appeared only a few years younger than myself.

โ€œWhy donโ€™t you come through,โ€ Brannagh cooed, โ€œand we can โ€ฆ enjoy ourselves.โ€ She was indeed sizing up the brown-haired young man and the other girl, her hair a ruddy brown, face sharp but interesting. From the way Dagdan was leering at the beautiful girl in front, I knew heโ€™d silently made his claim already.

I shoved in front of them and said to the three mortals, โ€œGet out. Go back to your villages, back to your families. You cross this wall, and you will die.โ€

They balked, rising to their feet, faces taut with fearโ€”and awe. โ€œWe have come to live in peace.โ€

โ€œThere is no such thing here. There is only death for your kind.โ€

Their eyes slid to the immortals behind me. The dark-haired girl blushed at Dagdanโ€™s intent stare, seeing the High Fae beauty and none of the predator.

So I struck.

The wall was a screeching, terrible vise, crushing my magic, battering my head.

But I speared my power through that gap, and slammed into their minds. Too hard. The young man flinched a bit.

So softโ€”defenseless. Their minds yielded like butter melting on my tongue.

I beheld pieces of their lives like shards in a broken mirror, flashing every which way: the dark-haired girl was rich, educated, headstrongโ€”had wanted to escape an arranged marriage and believed Prythian was a better option. The ruddy-haired girl had known nothing but poverty and her fatherโ€™s fists, which had turned more violent after theyโ€™d ended her motherโ€™s life. The young man had sold himself on the streets of a large village until the Children had come one day and offered him something better.

I worked quickly. Neatly.

I was finished before three heartbeats had passed, before Brannagh had even drawn breath to say, โ€œThere is no death here. Only pleasure, if you are willing.โ€

Even if they werenโ€™t willing, I wanted to add. But the three of them now blinkedโ€”balking.

Beholding us for what we were: deadly, merciless. The truth behind the spun stories.

โ€œWeโ€”perhaps have โ€ฆ made a mistake,โ€ their leader said, retreating a step.

โ€œOr perhaps this was fate,โ€ Brannagh countered with a snakeโ€™s smile.

They kept backing away. Kept seeing the histories Iโ€™d planted into their mindsโ€”that we were here to hurt and kill them, that we had done so with all their friends, that weโ€™d use and discard them. I showed them the naga, the Bogge, the Middengard Wyrm; I showed them Clare and the golden-haired queen, skewered on that lamppost. The memories I gave them became stories they had ignoredโ€”but now understood with us before them.

โ€œCome here,โ€ Dagdan ordered.

The words were kindling to their fear. The three of them turned, heavy pale robes twisting with them, and bolted for the trees.

Brannagh tensed, as if sheโ€™d charge through the wall after them, but I gripped her arm and hissed, โ€œIf you pursue them, then you and I will have a problem.โ€

In emphasis, I dragged mental talons down her own shield. The princess snarled at me.

But the humans were already gone.

I prayed theyโ€™d listen to the other command Iโ€™d woven into their minds: to get on a boat, get as many friends as they could, and flee for the continent. To return here only when the war was over, and to warn as many humans as possible to get out before it was too late.

The Hybern royals growled their displeasure, but I ignored it as I took up a spot against a tree and settled in to wait, not trusting them to stay on this side of the border.

The royals resumed their work, stalking up and down the wall. A moment later, a male body came up beside mine.

Not Lucien, I realized with a jolt, but did not so much as flinch. Jurianโ€™s eyes were on the place where the humans had been. โ€œThank you,โ€ he said, his voice rough.

โ€œI donโ€™t know what youโ€™re talking about,โ€ I replied, well aware that Lucien carefully watched from the shade of a nearby oak.

Jurian gave me a knowing smirk and sauntered after Dagdan.



They took all day.

Whatever it was they were inspecting, whatever they were hunting for, the royals didnโ€™t inform us.

And after the confrontation that morning, I knew pushing them into revealing it wouldnโ€™t happen. Iโ€™d used up my allotted tolerance for the day.

So we spent another night in the woods, which was precisely how I wound up sitting across the fire from Jurian after the twins had crawled into their tent and the sentries had taken up their watch positions. Lucien had gone to the stream to get more water, and I watched the flame dance amongst the logs, feeling it echo inside myself.

Spearing my power through the wall had left me with a lingering, pounding headache all day, more than a bit dizzy. I had no doubt sleep would

claim me fast and hard, but the fire was too warm and the spring night too brisk to willingly breach that long gap of darkness between the flame and my tent.

โ€œWhat happens to the ones who do make it through the wall?โ€ Jurian asked, the hard panes of his face cast in flickering relief by the fire.

I ground the heel of my boot into the grass. โ€œI donโ€™t know. They never came back once they went over. But while Amarantha ruled, creatures prowled these woods, so โ€ฆ I donโ€™t think it ended well. Iโ€™ve never encountered a mention of them being at any court.โ€

โ€œFive hundred years ago, theyโ€™d have been flogged for that nonsense,โ€ Jurian said. โ€œWe were their slaves and whores and laborers for millenniaโ€” men and women fought and died so weโ€™d never have to serve them again. Yet there they are, in those costumes, unaware of the danger, the history.โ€

โ€œCareful, or you might not sound like Hybernโ€™s faithful pet.โ€

A low, hateful laugh. โ€œThatโ€™s what you think I am, isnโ€™t it. His dog.โ€ โ€œWhatโ€™s the end goal, then?โ€

โ€œI have unfinished business.โ€ โ€œMiryam is dead.โ€

That madness danced again, replacing the rare lucidity. โ€œEverything I did during the War, it was for Miryam and me. For our people to survive and one day be free. And sheย left meย for that pretty-faced prince the moment I put my people before her.โ€

โ€œI heard she left you because you became so focused on wringing information from Clythia that you lost sight of the real conflict.โ€

โ€œMiryam told me to go ahead and fuck her for information. Told me to seduce Clythia until sheโ€™d sold out all of Hybern and the Loyalists. She had no qualms with that. None.โ€

โ€œSo all of this is to get Miryam back?โ€

He stretched his long legs before him, crossing one ankle over the other. โ€œItโ€™s to draw her out of her little nest with that winged prick and make her regret it.โ€

โ€œYou get a second shot at life and thatโ€™s what you wish to do? Revenge?โ€ Jurian smiled slowly. โ€œIsnโ€™t that what youโ€™re doing?โ€

Months of working with Rhys had me remembering to furrow my brow in confusion. โ€œAgainst Rhys, I would one day like it.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s what they all say, when they pretend heโ€™s a sadistic murderer. You forget I knew him in the War. You forget he risked his legion to save Miryam

from our enemyโ€™s fort. Thatโ€™s how Amarantha captured him, you know. Rhys knew it was a trapโ€”for Prince Drakon. So Rhys went against orders, and marched in his whole legion to get Miryam out. For his friend, forย myย loverโ€” and for that bastard Drakonโ€™s sake. Rhys sacrificed his legion in the process, got all of them captured and tortured afterward. Yet everyone insists Rhysand is soulless, wicked. But the male I knew was the most decent of them all. Better than that prick-prince. You donโ€™t lose that quality, no matter the centuries, and Rhys was too smart to do anything but have the vilification of his character be a calculated move. And yet here you areโ€”his mate. The most powerful High Lord in the world lost his mate, and has not yet come to claim her, even when she is defenseless in the woods.โ€ Jurian chuckled. โ€œPerhaps thatโ€™s because Rhysand has not lost you at all. But rather unleashed you upon us.โ€

I had never heard that story, but it seemed so like my mate that I knew the flames between us now smoldered in my eyes as I said, โ€œYou love to hear yourself talk, donโ€™t you.โ€

โ€œHybern will kill all of you,โ€ was all Jurian replied.



Jurian wasnโ€™t wrong.

Lucien woke me the next morning with a hand over my mouth, warning gleaming in his russet eye. I smelled it a moment later: the coppery tang of blood.

We shoved into our clothes and boots, and I did a quick inventory of the weapons weโ€™d squeezed into the tent with us. I had three daggers. Lucien had two, as well as an elegant short sword. Better than nothing, but not much.

A glance from him communicated our plan well enough: play casual until we assessed the situation.

I had a heartbeat to realize that this was perhaps the first time he and I had worked in tandem. Hunting had never been a joint effort, and Under the Mountain had been one of us looking out for the otherโ€”never a team. A unit.

Lucien slid from the tent, limbs loose and ready to shift into a defensive position. Heโ€™d been trained, he once told meโ€”at the Autumn Court and at this one. Like Rhys, he usually opted for words to win his battles, but Iโ€™d seen him and Tamlin in the practice ring. He knew how to handle a weapon. How to kill, if need be.

I pushed past him, devouring the details of my surroundings as if I were a

starving man at a feast.

The forest was the same. Jurian was crouched before the fire, stirring the embers back to alertness, his face a hard, brooding mask. But the sentriesโ€” they were pale as Lucien stalked to them. I followed their shifting attention to the trees behind Jurian.

No sign of the royals. The bloodโ€”

A coppery tang, yes. But laced with earth and marrow andโ€”rot. Mortality. I stormed for the trees and dense brush.

โ€œYouโ€™re too late,โ€ Jurian said as I passed him, still poking the embers. โ€œThey finished two hours ago.โ€

Lucien was on my heels as I shoved into the brambles, thorns tearing at my hands.

The Hybern royals hadnโ€™t bothered to clean up their mess.

From what was left of the three bodies, their shredded pale robes like fallen ashes through the small clearing, Dagdan and Brannagh must have shut out their screams with some sort of shield.

Lucien swore. โ€œThey went through the wall last night. To hunt them down.โ€

Even with hours separating them, the royals were Faeโ€”swift, immortal. The three Children of the Blessed would have tired after running, would have camped somewhere.

Blood was already drying on the grass, on the trunks of the surrounding trees.

Hybernโ€™s brand of torture wasnโ€™t very creative: Clare, the golden queen, and these three โ€ฆ A similar mutilating and torment.

I unfastened my cloak and carefully laid it over the biggest remains of them I could find: the torso of the young man, clawed up and bloodless. His face was still etched in pain.

Flame heated at my fingertips, begging me to burn them, to give them at least that sort of burial. Butโ€” โ€œDo you think it was for sport, or to send us a message?โ€

Lucien laid his own cloak across the remains of the two young women. His face was as serious as Iโ€™d ever seen it. โ€œI think they arenโ€™t accustomed to being denied. Iโ€™d call this an immortal temper tantrum.โ€

I closed my eyes, trying to calm my roiling stomach.

โ€œYou arenโ€™t to blame,โ€ he added. โ€œThey could have killed them out in the

mortal lands, but they brought them here. To make a statement about their power.โ€

He was right. The Children of the Blessed would have been dead even if I hadnโ€™t interfered. โ€œTheyโ€™re threatened,โ€ I mused. โ€œAnd proud to a fault.โ€ I toed the blood-soaked grass. โ€œDo we bury them?โ€

Lucien considered. โ€œIt sends a messageโ€”that weโ€™re willing to clean up their messes.โ€

I surveyed the clearing again. Considered everything at stake. โ€œThen we send another sort of message.โ€

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