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Chapter no 7

Caraval (Caraval, 1)

The islandโ€™s gauzy clouds had sailed into a position covering the sun and casting the coastline in a haze of gray-blue shadows. No longer white, the untouched snow at Scarlettโ€™s feet winked up at her with periwinkle sparkles, as if it were in on some private joke.

โ€œWhereโ€™s Tella?โ€ Scarlett repeated.

โ€œI must have dropped her off on a different part of the beach.โ€ Julian reached for Scarlettโ€™s hand again, but she pulled away. โ€œWe need to keep moving or weโ€™re both going to freeze. Once we warm up, we can find your sister.โ€

โ€œBut what if sheโ€™s freezing too? Donaโ€”tella!โ€ Scarlett yelled between chattering teeth. The snow beneath her toes and the wet fabric clinging to her icy skin left her colder than she had been the night her father made her sleep outside after he discovered Tella had kissed her first boy. Still, Scarlett was not going to leave without finding her sister. โ€œDonatella!โ€

โ€œYouโ€™re wasting your breath.โ€ Dripping wet and shirtless, Julian looked more dangerous than usual as he glared at Scarlett. โ€œWhen I dropped your sister off, she was dry. She had on a coat and gloves. Wherever she is, sheโ€™s not going to freeze, but we will if we stay here. We should head for whateverโ€™s between those trees.โ€

Past where the beachโ€™s mantle of snow met lines of thick green trees, a spire of sunset-orange smoke twisted into the sky. Scarlett could have sworn it hadnโ€™t been there a minute ago. She didnโ€™t even remember seeing the trees. Different from the bony shrubs on Trisda, all of these trunks looked like thick braids, twisted together and covered in snowy blue-and-green moss.

โ€œNoโ€”โ€ Scarlett shivered. โ€œWeโ€”โ€

โ€œWe canโ€™t keep walking around like this,โ€ Julian cut her off. โ€œYour lips are turning purple. We need to locate the smoke.โ€

โ€œI donโ€™t care. If my sister is still out thereโ€”โ€

โ€œYour sister probably left to find the entrance to the game. We have only until the end of the day to make it inside Caraval, which means we should follow the smoke, and then do the same.โ€ He marched ahead, bare feet crunching the snow.

Scarlettโ€™s eyes darted around the untouched beach a final time. Tella had never been good at patiently waitingโ€”or even impatiently waiting. But if she had gone into Caraval, why were there no signs of her?

Reluctantly, Scarlett followed Julian into the forest. Bits of piney needles stuck to toes she could no longer feel as a chestnut dirt path replaced the snow. But while her feet left damp footprints, she saw no marks from Tellaโ€™s heeled boots.

โ€œShe probably took a different route from the beach.โ€ Julianโ€™s teeth didnโ€™t chatter, yet his brown skin was taking on an indigo hue, matching the treesโ€™ distorted shadows.

Scarlett wanted to argue, but the wet fabric of her clothes was turning to ice. The forest was colder than the coastline had been. She wrapped frigid arms across her chest, but all that did was add to her chill.

A flicker of concern crossed Julianโ€™s features. โ€œWe need to get you somewhere warm.โ€

โ€œBut my sisterโ€”โ€

โ€œโ€”is smart enough to already be inside the game. If you freeze out here youโ€™re not going to find her.โ€ Julianโ€™s arm wrapped around Scarlettโ€™s shoulders.

She stiffened.

His dark brows formed an offended line. โ€œIโ€™m just trying to keep you warm.โ€

โ€œBut youโ€™re freezing tooโ€”โ€ย And practically naked.

Scarlett pulled away, half stumbling, as the forest of trees came to an end

and the soft dirt floor transformed into a firmer road paved with opalescent stones, smooth as polished sea glass. The cobbled road stretched farther than she could see, multiplying into a maze of twisting streets. All were lined with mismatched, rounded shops, painted shades of jewels or pastels, and piled on top of one another like sloppily stacked hatboxes.

It was charming and enchanting, but it was also unnaturally still. The shops were all closed and the snow on their rooftops rested like dust on abandoned storybooks. Scarlett didnโ€™t know what sort of place this was, but it was not how she imagined Caraval.

Sunset smoke still streamed in the air, but it looked as far away as when they were on the beach.

โ€œCrimson, we need to keep moving.โ€ Julian urged her down the curious street.

Scarlett didnโ€™t know if it was possible for the cold to make her hallucinate, or if there was just something wrong with her head. On top of being strangely quiet, none of the signs on the hatbox-shaped shops made any sense. Each was printed in a variety of languages. Some saidย Open: Sometime Around Midnight.ย Other signs saidย Come Back Yesterday.

โ€œWhy is everything closed?โ€ she asked. Her words came out in fragile puffs. โ€œAnd where is everyone?โ€

โ€œWe just need to keep going. Donโ€™t stop walking. We need to find somewhere warm.โ€ Julian pressed forward, past the most peculiar shops Scarlett had ever seen.

There were bowler hats covered in taxidermy crows. Parasol holsters. Womenโ€™s headbands studded with human teeth. Mirrors that could reflect the darkness in a personโ€™s soul. The cold was definitely toying with her vision. She hoped Julian was right and Tella was someplace warm. Scarlett continued searching for glimpses of her sisterโ€™s honey-blond hair, listening for echoes of her vibrant giggles, but every store was empty, silent.

Julian tried a few doorknobs; nothing budged.

The following row of abandoned shops boasted a series of fantastical things. Fallen stars. Seeds to grow wishes. Odetteโ€™s Ocular sold eyeglasses

that saw the future. (Available in four colors.) โ€œThose would be nice,โ€ Scarlett muttered.

Next door to Odetteโ€™s, a banner claimed its shop proprietor could fix broken imaginations. That message floated above bottles of dreams and nightmares and something calledย daymares, which Scarlett imagined she was experiencing that moment as icicles formed in her dark hair.

Beside her Julian cursed. Beyond several more blocks of hatbox-shaped shops, they could almost see where the smoke came from, and now it was twisting into a sun with a star inside and a teardrop inside of the starโ€”the symbol for Caraval. But the cold had reached into Scarlettโ€™s bones and her teeth; even her eyelids were turning frosty.

โ€œWaitโ€”whatโ€”about there!โ€ With a trembling hand, Scarlett waved Julian toward Casabianโ€™s Clocks. At first she thought it was just the brass window lining, but behind the glass, past a forest of pendulums and weights and shiny wooden cabinets, a fireplace blazed. And a sign on the door saidย Always Open.

A chorus of tick-tocks, cuckoos, second hands, and windup gears greeted the frozen couple as they dashed inside. Limbs Scarlett had stopped feeling prickled from the sudden warmth, while the heated air scorched her lungs as it went down.

Her frozen vocal chords cracked as she called, โ€œHello?โ€

Tick-tock. Tock-tick.

Only gears and cogs answered back.

The shop was round, like a clockโ€™s face. The floor was tiled in a mosaic of different styles of numbers, while various timepieces covered almost every surface. Some ran backward; others were full of exposed wheels and levers. On the back wall several moved like puzzles with their pieces drawing together as the hour approached. A heavy glass locked box in the center of the open room claimed that the pocket watch inside wound back time. Another day Scarlett would have been curious, but all she cared about was getting closer to the roaring circle of warmth coming from the fireplace.

She would have gladly melted into a puddle in front of it.

Julian pulled the grate away and stoked the logs with a nearby poker. โ€œWe should get out of our clothes.โ€

โ€œIโ€”โ€ Scarlett stopped her protest when Julian crossed over to a rosewood grandfather clock. Two sets of boots rested at its feet and two hangers of garments were swinging from the pediments on each side.

โ€œLooks likeย someoneย is watching out for you.โ€ The mocking lilt had returned to Julianโ€™s voice.

Scarlett tried to ignore it as she inched closer. Next to the clothes, on top of a gilded table covered in moon dials, a curvy vase of red roses sat next to a tray laden with fig bread, cinnamon tea, and a note.

For Scarlett Dragna, and her companion.

Iโ€™m so pleased you could make it.



The message was written on the same gold-edged paper as the letter Scarlett had received on Trisda. She wondered if Legend went to such pains for all his guests. It was difficult for Scarlett to believe she was special, yet she couldnโ€™t imagine the master of Caraval bestowed personalized greetings and bloodred roses upon every visitor.

Julian coughed. โ€œDo you mind?โ€ The sailor reached past Scarlett, pulled off a hunk of bread, and yanked down the set of clothes meant for him. Then he started undoing the belt holding up his pants. โ€œYou going to watch me undress, because I donโ€™t mind.โ€

Immediately embarrassed, Scarlett looked away. He had no decency.

She needed to dress as well, but there was no place to do it safely concealed. It seemed impossible that the room had grown smaller since theyโ€™d arrived, yet she could now see how truly minuscule it was. Less than ten feet of space lay between her and the front door. โ€œIf you turn your back to me, we

can both change.โ€

โ€œWe can both change facing each other too.โ€ There was a smile in his voice now.

โ€œThatโ€™s not what I meant,โ€ Scarlett said.

Julian chuckled under his breath. But when Scarlett brought her head up, his back was to her. She tried not to stare. Every inch of it was muscled, just as his torso had been, but that wasnโ€™t the only part that captivated her attention. A thick scar disfigured the space between his shoulder blades. Two more crossed his lower back. As if someone had stabbed him multiple times.

Scarlett swallowed a gasp and felt instantly guilty. She shouldnโ€™t have been looking. Hastily she grabbed the clothes meant for her and focused on dressing. She tried not to imagine what could have happened to him. She wouldnโ€™t want anyone seeing her scars.

Mostly her father just left bruises, but for years sheโ€™d dressed herself without the help of a maid so no one would see. She had imagined that experience would come in handy now, but the dress Legend left her would require no assistance; it was rather plain, disappointing. The opposite of how sheโ€™d imagined clothes from Caraval. There was no corset. The bodice fabric was an unappealing shade of beige, with a flat skirt. No petticoats or underskirts or bustles.

โ€œCan I turn around now?โ€ Julian asked. โ€œItโ€™s nothing I havenโ€™t seen before.โ€

The firm way heโ€™d gripped her waist while heโ€™d sliced off her dress instantly came to mind, making her tingle from her breastbone down to her hips. โ€œThank you for that reminder.โ€

โ€œI wasnโ€™t talking about you. I barely even saw yourโ€”โ€

โ€œNot making it better. But you can turn around,โ€ she said. โ€œIโ€™m buttoning my boots.โ€

When Scarlett looked up, Julian was in front of her, and Legend definitely had not given him an unattractive set of clothes.

Scarlettโ€™s eyes traveled from the midnight-blue cravat around his throat to the fitted burgundy waistcoat it tucked into. A deep-blue tailcoat emphasized

strong shoulders and a narrow waist. The only item reminiscent of the sailor was the knife belt slung over the hips of his slender pants.

โ€œYou lookโ€”different,โ€ Scarlett said. โ€œIt no longer appears as though youโ€™ve just come from a brawl.โ€

Julian stood a little straighter, as if sheโ€™d complimented him, and Scarlett wasnโ€™t sure she hadnโ€™t. It didnโ€™t seem fair that someone so infuriating could look so close to perfect. Although despite his crisp clothes, he still appeared far from gentlemanlyโ€”and it wasnโ€™t just his unshaven face or the choppy waves of his brown hair. There was simply something wild about Julian that could not be tamed by Legendโ€™s garments. The sharp planes of his face, the shrewd look in his brown eyesโ€”they werenโ€™t minimized because he now wore a cravat, or โ€ฆ a pocket watch?

โ€œDid you steal that?โ€ Scarlett asked.

โ€œBorrowed,โ€ Julian corrected, twirling the chain around his finger. โ€œSame as the clothes you have on.โ€ He looked her over and nodded approvingly. โ€œI can see why he sentย youย tickets.โ€

โ€œWhatโ€™s that supposed to meโ€”โ€ Scarlett broke off as she caught her reflection in the glass of a mirrored clock. No longer dull shades of bland, the dress was now a rich ceriseโ€”the color of seduction and secrets. A stylish row of bows ran down the center of a fitted bodice with a scooped neck, set off by a matching ruffled bustle. The skirts beneath were scalloped and fitted to her form, five slender tiers of different fabrics, alternating between cerise silk and tulle, and bits of black lace. Even her boots had changed, from dull brown to an elegant combination of matching black leather and lace.

She ran her hands over the material of her dress to make sure it wasnโ€™t just a trick of the mirror or the light. Or maybe in her frozen state sheโ€™d only thought the dress had been drab before. But deep down Scarlett knew there was only one explanation. Legend had given her an enchanted gown.

Magic like this was only supposed to live in stories, but this dress was very real, leaving Scarlett unsure what to think. The child inside her loved it; the grown-up Scarlett wasnโ€™t sure she felt quite comfortable in itโ€”whether it was magical or not. Her father would never have let her wear something so eye-

catching, and even though he wasnโ€™t there, attention was still not a thing she craved.

Scarlett was a pretty girl, though she often liked to hide it. Sheโ€™d inherited her motherโ€™s thick dark hair, which complemented her olive skin. Her face was more of an oval than Tellaโ€™s, with a petite nose and hazel eyes so large she always felt they gave away too much.

For a moment she almost wished for the drab beige frock. No one noticed girls in ugly clothes. Maybe if she thought about it, the dress would shift again. But even as she visualized a simpler cut and a plainer color, the cherry gown remained vibrant and tight, clinging to curves sheโ€™d rather have concealed.

Julianโ€™s cryptic words came to mindโ€”I can see why he sentย youย ticketsโ€” and Scarlett wondered if sheโ€™d found a way to escape her fatherโ€™s deadly games on Trisda, only to become a well-costumed piece on a new game board.

โ€œIf youโ€™re finished admiring yourself,โ€ said Julian, โ€œshould we search for that sister youโ€™re so eager to find?โ€

โ€œI would think youโ€™d be worried about her as well,โ€ said Scarlett.

โ€œThen you think too highly of me.โ€ Julian started toward the door as every chime in the shop rang out.

โ€œYou might not want to exit that way,โ€ said an unfamiliar voice.

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