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Chapter no 60

The Ashes & the Star-Cursed King


I flew over the battlefield, a sea of carnage, Oraya’s limp body in my arms. She was covered in so much blood I couldn’t even tell

where she was injured, only that whatever Simon had done to her had been devastating.

She wasn’t dead.

She couldn’t be dead.

I could feel her heartbeat, slow and weak. I refused to accept the possibility that it would stop. That was not an option.

She was not dead.

I knew Simon was not far behind me, launching himself down into the fighting. And I knew—I knew the minute he landed, it would be over for all of us.


I found Vale in the midst of the bloodshed, hacking apart a Rishan rebel who plunged from the sky. I didn’t recognize my own voice when I screamed his name. He turned and took in Oraya and I in less than a second, his brow immediately contorting in grim dread.

Then his eyes lifted over my shoulder and widened. Simon.

I just choked out, “Retreat. Now. Get as many out as you can.” And I didn’t stop flying.

I needed somewhere safe. Somewhere close. Somewhere secret. Somewhere no one would think to look for her. Somewhere she could get

help now, right now, because I wasn’t about to let her die in my arms after everything we had been through together.

Couldn’t go back to the camp—no one could help her there, not fast enough.

Couldn’t get back to the rendezvous point in time.

Couldn’t go anywhere in Sivrinaj, where Simon and Septimus would be looking for her.

My thoughts did not make sense. I didn’t know how or why I chose our destination. It wasn’t a conscious choice. Just the memory of a name and a place scribbled on a twenty-five-year-old letter, and blind hope, and sheer fucking desperation.

Some distant part of my subconscious made the decision without me, while I could think about nothing but Oraya in my arms, and her limp body, and her heartbeat—growing steadily slower, weaker.

Vartana was not far from Sivrinaj, just a few cities over. It was a small town, barely noticeable from above—the kind of place you only went to if you had a reason. I half-surprised myself when I landed, clumsily, in the dusty streets of the human districts.

They had to help her. They had to.

I was in the town square. It was quiet here after nightfall. I barely glanced at my surroundings—the brick buildings, the packed-dirt streets, the fountain well at the center of the square. A young couple was perched at its edge, probably interrupted from some midnight tryst, staring at me in wide-eyed shock.

I was only distantly aware of what I must’ve looked like, landing in front of them, clutching Oraya’s bleeding body. Wild-eyed, enormous, covered in blood.

The man pushed the woman behind him slightly, the two of them staggering back.

I just choked, “Help. I need help.” The name. Fuck, what was the name?

“Alya,” I blurted out. “Alya. There’s someone here by that name. A healer. Or there used to be—”

I couldn’t even string a Goddess-damned sentence together.

What was I doing? What kind of wild guess was this? Twenty years was a long time. Who knew if they were even still—

Oraya’s breath stuttered, slowed, and my panic overwhelmed me.

Tell me,” I ground out, taking a step closer. The woman nearly threw herself into the fountain trying to get away from me, the man grabbing her arm and sliding fully in front of her.

They were terrified. And I couldn’t even blame them for that. Or at least I wouldn’t have, if I could even think, could even breathe, could even consider anything but—

“I’m Alya.”

A voice came from behind me. I whirled around to see a middle-aged woman standing in a townhouse doorway, eyeing me warily. She had waist-length black, gray-streaked hair, and a serious, lined face.

I drew in a shaky breath and let it out. “I need—I’m—”

“I know who you are.” Her gaze fell to Oraya, and her face softened. “I know who she is, too.”

My exhale of relief was almost a sob. “Can you—”

“Come in,” she said, stepping aside. “Quick. And stop yelling before you alert half the district.”

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