Chapter no 5

Parable of the Sower


Initiates and guides actionโ€” Or it does nothing.


Itโ€™s raining.

We heard last night on the radio that there was a storm sweeping in from the Pacific, but most people didnโ€™t believe it. โ€œWeโ€™ll have wind,โ€ Cory said. โ€œWind and maybe a few drops of rain, or maybe just a little cool weather. That would be welcome. Itโ€™s all weโ€™ll get.โ€

Thatโ€™s all there has been for six years. I can remember the rain six years ago, water swirling around the back porch, not high enough to come into the house, but high enough to attract my brothers who wanted to play in it. Cory, forever worried about infection, wouldnโ€™t let them. She said theyโ€™d be splashing around in a soup of all the waste-water germs weโ€™d been watering our gardens with for years. Maybe she was right, but kids all over the neighborhood covered themselves with mud and earthworms that day, and nothing terrible happened to them.

But that storm was almost tropicalโ€”a quick, hard, warm, September rain, the edge of a hurricane that hit Mexicoโ€™s Pacific coast. This is a colder, winter storm. It began this morning as people were coming to church.

In the choir we sang rousing old hymns accompanied by Coryโ€™s piano playing and lightning and thunder from outside. It was wonderful. Some people missed part of the sermon, though, because they went home to put out all the barrels, buckets, tubs, and pots they could find to catch the free water. Other went home to put pots and buckets inside where there were leaks in the roof.

I canโ€™t remember when any of us have had a roof repaired by a

professional. We all have Spanish tile roofs, and thatโ€™s good. A tile roof is, I suspect, more secure and lasting than wood or asphalt shingles. But time, wind, and earthquakes have taken a toll. Tree limbs have done some damage, too. Yet no one has extra money for anything as nonessential as roof repair. At best, some of the neighborhood men go up with whatever materials they can scavenge and create makeshift patches. No oneโ€™s even done that for a while. If it only rains once every six or seven years, why bother?

Our roof is all right so far, and the barrels and things we put out after services this morning are full or filling. Good, clean, free water from the sky. If only it came more often.

MONDAY, MARCHย 3, 2025

Still raining.

No thunder today, though there was some last night. Steady drizzle, and occasional, heavy showers all day. All day. So different and beautiful. Iโ€™ve never felt so overwhelmed by water. I went out and walked in the rain until I was soaked. Cory didnโ€™t want me to, but I did it anyway. It was so wonderful. How can she not understand that? It was so incredible and wonderful.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Amy Dunn is dead.

Three years old, unloved, and dead. That doesnโ€™t seem reasonable or even possible. She could read simple words and count to thirty. I taught her. She so much loved getting attention that she stuck to me during school hours and drove me crazy. Didnโ€™t want me to go to the bathroom without her.


I had gotten to like her, even though she was a pest.

Today I walked her home after class. I had gotten into the habit of walking her home because the Dunns wouldnโ€™t send anyone for her.

โ€œShe knows the way,โ€ Christmas said. โ€œJust send her over. Sheโ€™ll get here all right.โ€

I didnโ€™t doubt that she could have. She could look across the street, and across the center island, and see her house from ours, but Amy had a tendency to wander. Sent home alone, she might get there or she might wind up in the Montoya garden, grazing, or in the Moss rabbit house, trying to let the rabbits out. So I walked her across, glad for an excuse to get out in the rain again. Amy loved it, too, and we lingered for a moment under the big avocado tree on the island. There was a navel orange tree at the back end of the island, and I picked a pair of ripe orangesโ€”one for Amy and one for me. I peeled both of

them, and we ate them while the rain plastered Amyโ€™s scant colorless hair against her head and made her look bald.

I took her to her door and left her in the care of her mother. โ€œYou didnโ€™t have to get her so wet,โ€ Tracy complained.

โ€œMight as well enjoy the rain while it lasts,โ€ I said, and I left them.

I saw Tracy take Amy into the house and shut the door. Yet somehow Amy wound up outside again, wound up near the front gate, just opposite the Garfield/Balter/Dory house. Jay Garfield found her there when he came out to investigate what he thought was another bundle that someone had thrown over the gate. People toss us things sometimesโ€”gifts of envy and hate: A maggoty, dead animal, a bag of shit, even an occasional severed human limb or a dead child. Dead adults have been left lying just beyond our wall. But these were all outsiders. Amy was one of us.

Someone shot Amy right through the metal gate. It had to be an accidental hit because you canโ€™t see through our gate from the outside. The shooter either fired at someone who was in front of the gate or fired at the gate itself, at the neighborhood, at us and our supposed wealth and privilege. Most bullets wouldnโ€™t have gotten through the gate. Itโ€™s supposed to be bulletproof. But itโ€™s been penetrated a couple of times before, high up, near the top. Now we have six new bullet holes in the lower portionโ€”six holes and a seventh dent, a long, smooth gauge where a bullet had glanced off without breaking through.

We hear so much gunfire, day and night, single shots and odd bursts of automatic weapons fire, even occasional blasts from heavy artillery or explosions from grenades or bigger bombs. We worry most about those last things, but theyโ€™re rare. Itโ€™s harder to steal big weapons, and not many people around here can afford to buy the illegal onesโ€”or thatโ€™s what Dad says. The thing is, we hear gunfire so much that we donโ€™t hear it. A couple of the Baiter kids said they heard shooting, but as usual, they paid no attention to it. It was outside, beyond the wall, after all. Most of us heard nothing except the rain.

Amy was going to turn four in a couple of weeks. I had planned to give her a little party with my kindergartners.

God, I hate this place.

I mean, I love it. Itโ€™s home. These are my people. But I hate it. Itโ€™s like an island surrounded by sharksโ€”except that sharks donโ€™t bother you unless you go in the water. But our land sharks are on their way in. Itโ€™s just a matter of how long it takes for them to get hungry enough.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

I walked in the rain again this morning. It was cold, but good. Amy has already been cremated. I wonder if her mother is relieved. She doesnโ€™t look relieved. She never liked Amy, but now she cries. I donโ€™t think sheโ€™s faking. The family has spent money it could not afford to get the police involved to try to find the killer. I suspect that the only good this will do will be to chase away the people who live on the sidewalks and streets nearest to our wall. Is that good? The street poor will be back, and they wonโ€™t love us for sicking the cops on them. Itโ€™s illegal to camp out on the street the way they doโ€”the way they mustโ€”so the cops knock them around, rob them if they have anything worth stealing, then order them away or jail them. The miserable will be made even more miserable. None of that can help Amy. I suppose, though, that it will make the Dunns feel better about the way they treated her.

On Saturday, Dad will preach Amyโ€™s funeral. I wish I didnโ€™t have to be

there. Funerals have never bothered me before, but this one does.

โ€œYou cared about Amy,โ€ Joanne Garfield said to me when I complained to her. We had lunch together today. We ate in my bedroom because itโ€™s still raining off and on, and the rest of the house was full of all the kids who hadnโ€™t gone home to eat lunch. But my room is still mine. Itโ€™s the one place in the world where I can go and not be followed by anyone I donโ€™t invite in. Iโ€™m the only person I know who has a bedroom to herself. These days, even Dad and Cory knock before they open my door. Thatโ€™s one of the best things about being the only daughter in the family. I have to kick my brothers out of here all the time, but at least I can kick them out. Joanne is an only child, but she shares a room with three younger girl cousinsโ€”whiny Lisa, always demanding and complaining; smart, giggly Robin with her near-genius I.Q.; and invisible Jessica who whispers and stares at her feet and cries if you give her a dirty look. All three are Baitersโ€”Harryโ€™s sisters and the children of Joanneโ€™s motherโ€™s sister. The two adult sisters, their husbands, their eight children, and their parents Mr. and Mrs. Dory are all squeezed into one five- bedroom house. It isnโ€™t the most crowded house in the neighborhood, but Iโ€™m glad I donโ€™t have to live like that.

โ€œAlmost no one cared about Amy,โ€ Joanne said. โ€œBut you did.โ€

โ€œAfter the fire, I did,โ€ I said. โ€œI got scared for her then. Before that, I ignored her like everyone else.โ€

โ€œSo now youโ€™re feeling guilty?โ€ โ€œNo.โ€

โ€œYes, you are.โ€

I looked at her, surprised. โ€œI mean it. No. I hate that sheโ€™s dead, and I miss her, but I didnโ€™t cause her death. I just canโ€™t deny what all this says about us.โ€


I felt on the verge of talking to her about things I hadnโ€™t talked about before. Iโ€™d written about them. Sometimes I write to keep from going crazy. Thereโ€™s a world of things I donโ€™t feel free to talk to anyone about.

But Joanne is a friend. She knows me better than most people, and she has a brain. Why not talk to her? Sooner or later, I have to talk to someone.

โ€œWhatโ€™s wrong?โ€ she asked. She had opened a plastic container of bean salad. Now she put it down on my night table.

โ€œDonโ€™t you ever wonder if maybe Amy and Mrs. Sims are the lucky ones?โ€ I asked. โ€œI mean, donโ€™t you ever wonder whatโ€™s going to happen to the rest of us?โ€

There was a clap of dull, muffled thunder, and a sudden heavy shower. Radio weather reports say todayโ€™s rain will be the last of the four-day series of storms. I hope not.

โ€œSure I think about it,โ€ Joanne said. โ€œWith people shooting little kids, how can I not think about it?โ€

โ€œPeople have been killing little kids since thereโ€™ve been people,โ€ I said. โ€œNot in here, they havenโ€™t. Not until now.โ€

โ€œYes, thatโ€™s it, isnโ€™t it. We got a wake-up call. Another one.โ€ โ€œWhat are you talking about?โ€

โ€œAmy was the first of us to be killed like that. She wonโ€™t be the last.โ€ Joanne sighed, and there was a little shudder in the sigh. โ€œSo you think so,


โ€œI do. But I didnโ€™t know you thought about it at all.โ€

โ€œRape, robbery, and now murder. Of course I think about it. Everyone thinks about it. Everyone worries. I wish I could get out of here.โ€

โ€œWhere would you go?โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s it, isnโ€™t it? Thereโ€™s nowhere to go.โ€ โ€œThere might be.โ€

โ€œNot if you donโ€™t have money. Not if all you know how to do is take care of babies and cook.โ€

I shook my head. โ€œYou know much more than that.โ€

โ€œMaybe, but none of it matters. I wonโ€™t be able to afford college. I wonโ€™t be able to get a job or move out of my parentsโ€™ house because no job I could get would support me and there are no safe places to move. Hell, my parents are still living with their parents.โ€

โ€œI know,โ€ I said. โ€œAnd as bad as that is, thereโ€™s more.โ€

โ€œWho needs more? Thatโ€™s enough!โ€ She began to eat the bean salad. It looked good, but I thought I might be about to ruin it for her.

โ€œThereโ€™s cholera spreading in southern Mississippi and Louisiana,โ€ I said. โ€œI heard about it on the radio yesterday. There are too many poor peopleโ€”

illiterate, jobless, homeless, without decent sanitation or clean water. They have plenty of water down there, but a lot of it is polluted. And you know that drug that makes people want to set fires?โ€

She nodded, chewing.

โ€œItโ€™s spreading again. It was on the east coast. Now itโ€™s in Chicago. The reports say that it makes watching a fire better than sex. I donโ€™t know whether the reporters are condemning it or advertising it.โ€ I drew a deep breath. โ€œTornadoes are smashing hell out of Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, and two or three other states. Three hundred people dead so far. And thereโ€™s a blizzard freezing the northern midwest, killing even more people. In New York and New Jersey, a measles epidemic is killing people. Measles!โ€

โ€œI heard about the measles,โ€ Joanne said. โ€œStrange. Even if people canโ€™t afford immunizations, measles shouldnโ€™t kill.โ€

โ€œThose people are half dead already,โ€ I told her. โ€œTheyโ€™ve come through the winter cold, hungry, already sick with other diseases. And, no, of course they canโ€™t afford immunizations. Weโ€™re lucky our parents found the money to pay for all our immunizations. If we have kids, I donโ€™t see how weโ€™ll be able to do even that for them.โ€

โ€œI know, I know.โ€ She sounded almost bored. โ€œThings are bad. My mother is hoping this new guy, President Donner, will start to get us back to normal.โ€

โ€œNormal,โ€ I muttered. โ€œI wonder what that is. Do you agree with your mother?โ€

โ€œNo. Donner hasnโ€™t got a chance. I think he would fix things if he could, but Harry says his ideas are scary. Harry says heโ€™ll set the country back a hundred years.โ€

โ€œMy father says something like that. Iโ€™m surprised that Harry agrees.โ€ โ€œHe would. His own father thinks Donner is God. Harry wouldnโ€™t agree

with him on anything.โ€

I laughed, distracted, thinking about Harryโ€™s battles with his father.

Neighborhood fireworksโ€”plenty of flash, but no real fire.

โ€œWhy do you want to talk about this stuff,โ€ Joanne asked, bringing me back to the real fire. โ€œWe canโ€™t do anything about it.โ€

โ€œWe have to.โ€

โ€œHave to what? Weโ€™re fifteen! What can we do?โ€

โ€œWe can get ready. Thatโ€™s what weโ€™ve got to do now. Get ready for whatโ€™s going to happen, get ready to survive it, get ready to make a life afterward. Get focused on arranging to survive so that we can do more than just get batted around by crazy people, desperate people, thugs, and leaders who donโ€™t know what theyโ€™re doing!โ€

She just stared at me. โ€œI donโ€™t know what youโ€™re talking about.โ€

I was rollingโ€”too fast, maybe. โ€œIโ€™m talking about this place, Jo, this cul- de-sac with a wall around it. Iโ€™m talking about the day a big gang of those hungry, desperate, crazy people outside decide to come in. Iโ€™m talking about what weโ€™ve got to do before that happens so that we can survive and rebuild

โ€”or at least survive and escape to be something other than beggars.โ€ โ€œSomeoneโ€™s going to just smash in our wall and come in?โ€

โ€œMore likely blast it down, or blast the gate open. Itโ€™s going to happen some day. You know that as well as I do.โ€

โ€œOh, no I donโ€™t,โ€ she protested. She sat up straight, almost stiff, her lunch forgotten for the moment. I bit into a piece of acorn bread that was full of dried fruit and nuts. Itโ€™s a favorite of mine, but I managed to chew and swallow without tasting it.

โ€œJo, weโ€™re in for trouble. Youโ€™ve already admitted that.โ€

โ€œSure,โ€ she said. โ€œMore shootings, more break-ins. Thatโ€™s what I meant.โ€ โ€œAnd thatโ€™s what will happen for a while. I wish I could guess how long.

Weโ€™ll be hit and hit and hit, then the big hit will come. And if weโ€™re not ready for it, it will be like Jericho.โ€

She held herself rigid, rejecting. โ€œYou donโ€™t know that! You canโ€™t read the future. No one can.โ€

โ€œYou can,โ€ I said, โ€œif you want to. Itโ€™s scary, but once you get past the fear, itโ€™s easy. In LA. some walled communities bigger and stronger than this one just arenโ€™t there any more. Nothing left but ruins, rats, and squatters. What happened to them can happen to us. Weโ€™ll die in here unless we get busy now and work out ways to survive.โ€

โ€œIf you think that, why donโ€™t you tell your parents. Warn them and see what they say.โ€

โ€œI intend to as soon as I think of a way to do it that will reach them. Besidesโ€ฆ I think they already know. I think my father does, anyway. I think most of the adults know. They donโ€™t want to know, but they do.โ€

โ€œMy mother could be right about Donner. He really could do some good.โ€ โ€œNo. No, Donnerโ€™s just a kind of human banister.โ€

โ€œA what?โ€

โ€œI mean heโ€™s likeโ€ฆlike a symbol of the past for us to hold on to as weโ€™re pushed into the future. Heโ€™s nothing. No substance. But having him there, the latest in a two-and-a-half-century-long line of American Presidents make people feel that the country, the culture that they grew up with is still hereโ€” that weโ€™ll get through these bad times and back to normal.โ€

โ€œWe could,โ€ she said. โ€œWe might. I think someday we will.โ€ No, she didnโ€™t. She was too bright to take anything but the most superficial comfort

from her denial. But even superficial comfort is better than none, I guess. I tried another tactic.

โ€œDid you ever read about bubonic plague in medieval Europe?โ€ I asked.

She nodded. She reads a lot the way I do, reads all kinds of things. โ€œA lot of the continent was depopulated,โ€ she said. โ€œSome survivors thought the world was coming to an end.โ€

โ€œYes, but once they realized it wasnโ€™t, they also realized there was a lot of vacant land available for the taking, and if they had a trade, they realized they could demand better pay for their work. A lot of things changed for the survivors.โ€

โ€œWhatโ€™s your point?โ€

โ€œThe changes.โ€ I thought for a moment. They were slow changes compared to anything that might happen here, but it took a plague to make some of the people realize that thingsย couldย change.โ€


โ€œThings are changing now, too. Our adults havenโ€™t been wiped out by a plague so theyโ€™re still anchored in the past, waiting for the good old days to come back. But things have changed a lot, and theyโ€™ll change more. Things are always changing. This is just one of the big jumps instead of the little step-by-step changes that are easier to take. People have changed the climate of the world. Now theyโ€™re waiting for the old days to come back.โ€

โ€œYour father says he doesnโ€™t believe people changed the climate in spite of what scientists say. He says only God could change the world in such an important way.โ€

โ€œDo you believe him?โ€

She opened her mouth, looked at me, then closed it again. After a while, she said, โ€œI donโ€™t know.โ€

โ€œMy father has his blind spots,โ€ I said. โ€œHeโ€™s the best person I know, but even he has blind spots.โ€

โ€œIt doesnโ€™t make any difference,โ€ she said. โ€œWe canโ€™t make the climate change back, no matter why it changed in the first place. You and I canโ€™t. The neighborhood canโ€™t. We canโ€™t do anything.โ€

I lost patience. โ€œThen letโ€™s kill ourselves now and be done with it!โ€

She frowned, her round, too serious face almost angry. She tore bits of peel from a small navel orange. โ€œWhat then?โ€ she demanded. โ€œWhat can we do?โ€

I put the last bite of my acorn bread down and went around her to my night table. I took several books from the deep bottom drawer and showed them to her. โ€œThis is what Iโ€™ve been doingโ€”reading and studying these over the past few months. These books are old like all the books in this house. Iโ€™ve

also been using Dadโ€™s computer when he lets meโ€”to get new stuff.โ€

Frowning, she looked them over. Three books on survival in the wilderness, three on guns and shooting, two each on handling medical emergencies, California native and naturalized plants and their uses, and basic living: logcabin-building, livestock raising, plant cultivation, soap makingโ€” that kind of thing. Joanne caught on at once.

โ€œWhat are you doing?โ€ she asked. โ€œTrying to learn to live off the land?โ€ โ€œIโ€™m trying to learn whatever I can that might help me survive out there. I

think we should all study books like these. I think we should bury money and other necessities in the ground where thieves wonโ€™t find them. I think we should make emergency packsโ€”grab and run packsโ€”in case we have to get out of here in a hurry. Money, food, clothing, matches, a blanketโ€ฆ I think we should fix places outside where we can meet in case we get separated. Hell, I think a lot of things. And I knowโ€”I know!โ€”that no matter how many things I think of, they wonโ€™t be enough. Every time I go outside, I try to imagine what it might be like to live out there without walls, and I realize I donโ€™t know anything.โ€

โ€œThen whyโ€”โ€

โ€œI intend to survive.โ€ She just stared.

โ€œI mean to learn everything I can while I can,โ€ I said. โ€œIf I find myself outside, maybe what Iโ€™ve learned will help me live long enough to learn more.โ€

She gave me a nervous smile. โ€œYouโ€™ve been reading too many adventure stories,โ€ she said.

I frowned. How could I reach her. โ€œThis isnโ€™t a joke, Jo.โ€

โ€œWhat is it then?โ€ She ate the last section of her orange. โ€œWhat do you want me to say?โ€

โ€œI want you to be serious. I realize I donโ€™t know very much. None of us knows very much. But we can all learn more. Then we can teach one another. We can stop denying reality or hoping it will go away by magic.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s not what Iโ€™m doing.โ€

I looked out for a moment at the rain, calming myself. โ€œOkay. Okay, what are you doing?โ€

She looked uncomfortable. โ€œIโ€™m still not sure we can really do anything.โ€ โ€œJo!โ€

โ€œTell me what I can do that wonโ€™t get me in trouble or make everyone think Iโ€™m crazy. Just tell me something.โ€

At last. โ€œHave you read all your familyโ€™s books?โ€

โ€œSome of them. Not all. They arenโ€™t all worth reading. Books arenโ€™t going

to save us.โ€

โ€œNothing is going to save us. If we donโ€™t save ourselves, weโ€™re dead. Now use your imagination. Is there anything on your family bookshelves that might help you if you were stuck outside?โ€


โ€œYou answer too fast. Go home and look again. And like I said, use your imagination. Any kind of survival information from encyclopedias, biographies, anything that helps you learn to live off the land and defend ourselves. Even some fiction might be useful.โ€

She gave me a sidelong glance. โ€œIโ€™ll bet,โ€ she said.

โ€œJo, if you never need this information, it wonโ€™t do you any harm. Youโ€™ll just know a little more than you did before. So what? By the way, do you take notes when you read?โ€

Guarded look. โ€œSometimes.โ€

โ€œRead this.โ€ I handed her one of the plant books. This one was about California Indians, the plants they used, and how they used themโ€”an interesting, entertaining little book. She would be surprised. There was nothing in it to scare her or threaten her or push her. I thought I had already done enough of that.

โ€œTake notes,โ€ I told her. โ€œYouโ€™ll remember better if you do.โ€

โ€œI still donโ€™t believe you,โ€ she said. โ€œThings donโ€™t have to be as bad as you say they are.โ€

I put the book into her hands. โ€œHang on to your notes,โ€ I said. โ€œPay special attention to the plants that grow between here and the coast and between here and Oregon along the coast. Iโ€™ve marked them.โ€

โ€œI said I donโ€™t believe you.โ€ โ€œI donโ€™t care.โ€

She looked down at the book, ran her hands over the black cloth-and- cardboard binding. โ€œSo we learn to eat grass and live in the bushes,โ€ she muttered.

โ€œWe learn to survive,โ€ I said. โ€œItโ€™s a good book. Take care of it. You know how my father is about his books.โ€

Thursday, March 6, 2025

The rain stopped. My windows are on the north side of the house, and I can see the clouds breaking up. Theyโ€™re being blown over the mountains toward the desert. Surprising how fast they can move. The wind is strong and cold now. It might cost us a few trees.

I wonder how many years it will be before we see rain again.

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