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Chapter on 13

Don't Believe Everything You Think


“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has

forgotten the gift.”



In the previous chapter, we discussed how there is no right or wrong in this world. This chapter will build on the last to deepen our understanding and illuminate how to know what to do without thinking.

Although there are no right or wrong decisions we can make, just like how there are no wrong keys on a piano, there are decisions or “keys” that are more pleasant than others depending on the context. Knowing that there is no right or wrong relieves us from quite a bit a pressure to “choose the right one”.

When we make decisions, we want to rely on non-thinking. When we try to think, analyze, create pros and cons lists, and

ask everyone (including our pets) for advice, it causes anxiety and frustration until we make the decision. Most of the time, we already know deep down what to do in any specific situation. This is often referred to as your gut feeling, intuition, or inner wisdom. What we do is try to confirm our intuition with the external world and this is where most of the negative emotions begin to surface, wreaking havoc on our mental state because of everyone’s opinions.

Only you can know what you want to do. No one else can tell you this. There will be mentors and coaches that can guide you to help you along the way, but the best ones will tell you to listen to your intuition and look within yourself for the answer (the truth is only ever within you). This is why many of us experience the phenomenon of regret when we knew deep down what we should have done based on our gut feeling, but we ignored it and listened to someone else’s advice or opinion.

Your intuition will always lead you to where you need to go and what you should do at any moment in time. It’s like a real- time inner GPS that will tell you when to take a detour and which path you should take if there is a blockage in the road to your destination. It’s guaranteed that our inner GPS will guide us to exactly where we want to go, but what’s not guaranteed is how or which path it will put us on to take us there. There are infinite circumstances that can happen on the journey to the destination, but you can rest assured your GPS will get you there.

Important Note:

Society will almost never confirm our intuition until it’s mainstream already. For this reason, if you try to look outside for confirmation on what you know to be true for you, you’ll almost always get backlash and di9ering opinions on what next

steps you should take. Avoid looking externally for answers. Follow your intuition, your gut feeling, your inner wisdom, and the Universe/God. When you do this, you will begin to see miracles occurring in your life that you never could have expected or even dreamed of. Those who have the faith and courage to do this, will discover the true joy, peace, and love they have been looking for while enjoying the miracle of life.

So how do we know what to do without thinking?

The truth is most of us know what to do, but we are just afraid to do it. For instance, if we want to lose weight, most of us know exactly what we need to do. The formula to losing weight isn’t rocket science or written in hieroglyphics. Most of us know that all we need to do is burn more calories than we consume, workout and eat healthy foods and we’ll lose weight. For anything in life, you most likely already know deep down what to do, but are afraid of doing it or don’t believe that you are good enough to do it.

The first step is realizing that you already know what to do, you just think you don’t because of fear or self-doubt. If you don’t have any fear or self-doubt about the situation and still see that you don’t know what to do, then the next step is to trust your inner wisdom (Infinite Intelligence) that it will give you the answers you need. We have the ability to access an infinite number of thoughts, so there’s definitely no shortage of ideas on what you can do in any given moment. The only thing that is stopping us from accessing this abundance of knowledge is our own thinking.

Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think that you can or can’t, you’re right.” If we walk around our lives thinking we can’t, then we immediately block ourselves from the limitless possibilities of what we can do in any given moment in time.

But when we release the brake in our mind and realize that it’s just our thinking holding us back, we automatically return to our natural state of abundance and unlimited possibilities and in that moment, we can receive any answer we need on what to do.

In short, know that you already know and if you don’t know, know that you can know what you need to know.

If you know that you can always know, then what you need to know will always come to you. Trust in your own intuition and inner wisdom. It has always and will always be there for you when you need it as long as you trust that it will.

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