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Chapter on 12

Don't Believe Everything You Think


“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking

makes it so.”



Here’s an analogy that helps put this into perspective. On a piano, there are 88 keys. When we look at a piano, we don’t point out specific keys for no reason and say that that key is “wrong”. We only think a specific key is “wrong”, if we think someone is playing a specific song and hits a key that isn’t in the song.

Inherently, the piano has no wrong keys though. There are only keys and notes that sound more or less pleasant when played consecutively.

Just like how there are no wrong keys on the piano, there are no “wrong” decisions in life. There’s only thinking that give us pleasant or not so pleasant feelings. When we put things into a bucket of right or wrong, good or bad, this creates duality and conditions in our lives, which determines how we feel.

For instance, if we believe that that opposing political parties are wrong or bad, this can cause animosity within us and make us feel a concoction of negative emotions.

If, on the other hand, we see di9erent political parties in the same way as there are di9erent keys on the piano and how there are no inherently “wrong” parties, then we open ourselves up to experience love, joy, and peace in the moment. We begin to see alternative perspectives that we haven’t seen before and have an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the true nature of life.

It’s like if we are hiking on a mountain and stop at specific points to look at the beautiful view. There are no “wrong” spots that we can stop at, stand in, and take in the magnificence of nature, but by being open to all possible spots we can stand in, we can see the view from di9erent vantage points we haven’t seen from before.

Instead of looking for right or wrong, good or bad in the world, look for truth. Instead of trying to prove we are right and they are wrong, or how they’re better and we’re worse, look for the truth in what’s in front of you. I would only caution this by saying that many people believe what they think is the truth. For the most part, without this deeper understanding of life, most of what we think is not truth, even though it may seem like it.

True truth is not subjective. If it is “true” for one person, but not for another, then it is not universal truth. Look for what is universally true for every single conscious human being on the planet, no matter who they are, where they’re from, and what their background is. That is the true truth and that is where you’ll find everything you’ve been searching for. Remember

that the only place you can find this is deep within your being, so don’t try to go looking for it outside of you.

If you’re confronted with something that may stir up negative emotions, go within yourself to find the source of universal truth deep within your soul. If you try to look for the answers outside or try to dig into external reasons for the root of why you feel this way, you will be looking for the rest of eternity and will never find it.

Negative emotions are an indication of misunderstanding. When we are gripped by negative emotions, it means that we believe what we are thinking. It is in this moment that we simply forgot where our experience comes from and that our thinking is the cause of our negative emotions.

All you have to do is remember that thinking is the root cause of how we’re feeling. Once this is brought into your awareness, don’t fight the thinking. Just become aware that it is your thinking that’s causing the ill feelings, welcome it with love, and it will slowly dissipate before your eyes. Not too long after, you’ll return to your natural state of peace, love, and joy.

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