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Trading in the Zone


Active contradiction Association, power of Attitude:

consistent(see also Consistency) essential to consistent winning loss, reacting to

responsibility as cornerstone of winning attitude Attitude Survey

Attitudes, faulty Availability Awareness:

energy with nonfunctional


Behavioral effects of beliefs regardless of conscious awareness Beliefs, trading, impact of

awareness, energy with characteristics, three primary active contradiction

affecting behavior regardless of conscious awareness creative experience

expression, beliefs’ demand for process deactivation

resistant to any force that would alter present form negative

self-evaluation and trading negative zone

self-sabotaging beliefs Beliefs, nature of caution


impact of on our lives origins

cause-and-effect relationship

Beliefs, nature of, (Cont.) structured energy vs. truth

Beliefs, working with problem, defining terms, defining availability

carefree state of mind “now moment,”

objectives objectivity skills

truths, fundamental, relating to skills “zone,” moving towards

Black hole of analysis Blaming markets for losses “Boom and bust cycle


Carefree state of mind Casinos, random outcomes of

Characteristics, three primary of beliefs(see also Beliefs) Classifications of traders, three

Confidence Conflicting beliefs

Conflicting forces Consistency, creating belief in principles, seven

Consistency as state of mind fear, role of

mental environment, aligning awareness, nonfunctional contradictory beliefs

risk, understanding

solutions in mind, not in market thinking about trading Contradictory beliefs

Creative experience Creative thinking

vs. rational thinking Curiosity, nature of


Dangers of trading attraction freedom

dangers, particular denied impulses mental vacuums


external vs. internal control random rewards, addiction to randomness

responsibility, failure to take rules, unwillingness to create safeguards

rules, absence of structure, creating

curiosity, nature of Deactivation

Denied impulses Desire as force

The Disciplined Trader

Drummond, Charles


Emotional pain of unfulfilled expectations Emotional risks, eliminating

(see also Trader’s edge) Errors in trading Euphoria, dangers of

Exercise: learning to trade edge like a casino(see also Thinking like a trader)

Expectations, managing unfulfilled, pain of

Expression, demand of active beliefs for External vs. internal control


Fear, role of

lack of as key to success Flexibility in expectations Freedom as dangerous attraction Fundamental analysis

problems with reality gap

Futures magazine


Gaming corporations, random outcomes of Growth



Information, interpreting Internal vs. external control

Intuitive stage of trader development


Learning, perception and Learning for wrong reasons

Loss, reacting to(see also Responsibility) Lure of trading(see also Dangers)


Market analysis and trading, relationship between

Market’s perspective(see also Truth from market’s perspective)

Mechanical stage of trader development self-observation

Mental environment, shaping aligning Mental frameworks, uniqueness of Mind-set of successful traders

Mind state, carefree


Negative zone

“Now moment opportunity flow,”


Objective thinking critical Objectives

Objectivity Opportunity, perceiving


Pain-avoidance process Paradoxes

Perception, dynamics of association, power of projection debugging mental software energy structures

forces, collection of opportunity, perceiving structured energy

and learning objectivity critical and risk

Point and line method Predefining risk

Probabilistic mind set, five fundamental truths of

skills, relating to

Probabilities, thinking in (see also Trader’s edge) difficulties of trading in

Process deactivation Profit taking Projection

Psychological gap


Random rewards, addiction to Randomness

Rational thinking vs. creative thinking Recklessness, eliminating Responsibility, taking


consistency as ultimate goal failure to take

loss, reacting to

blaming markets for losses learning for wrong reasons market responsibility opportunity flow


social values, nonrelevance of winners, losers, boomers and busters classification of traders, three

roller-coaster cycle

winning and susceptibility to mistakes mental environment, shaping


“zone,” reaching

Revenge, trader’s feelings of Risk:

perception and understanding

“Risk-free opportunity,” Risk-taking

Risk-to-reward ratio Roller-coaster cycle


absence of

unwillingness to create


Self-discipline, role of

Self-evaluation, trading and Self-sabotage, dangers of Self-sabotaging beliefs


Social value, nonrelevance of in markets Solutions in mind, not in market Structured energy

Subjective stage of trader development Success, road to

attitudes, faulty

black hole of analysis confidence

fear, role of

fundamental analysis(see also Fundamental analysis) growth

mental analysis paradoxes risk-taking

technical analysis

traders, differences between groups of thinking differently, importance of


Technical analysis problem with Thinking differently, importance of

Thinking like a trader consistency, creating belief in desire as force

illusion principles, seven

exercise: learning to trade edge like a casino accepting risk conflicts, handling object

picking market profit taking

“risk-free opportunity,” risk-to-reward ratio

rules for

sample sizes, trading in setting up

stop-loss exit testing

time frame trade entry

“the trend is your friend” axiom trending market

variables, choosing set that defines edge final note


pattern recognition numbers game self-discipline, role of

stages of development, three intuitive

mechanical (see also Mechanical) subjective

Thinking strategy

Trader’s edge: thinking in probabilities

emotional risk, eliminating

probabilistic mind set, five truths of expectations, managing

flexibility in information, interpreting

mental framework, uniqueness of pain-avoidance process

gaming casinos

paradox; random outcomes, consistent results collective behavior patterns

macro and micro levels trading in the moment predefining risk

probabilities, difficulty of trading in randomness, acceptance of

uniqueness of moment, learning to deal with Trading and market analysis, relationship between “The trend is your friend” axiom

Trending market Truth, beliefs and

Truth from market’s perspective

characteristic of market, most fundamental predefining risk

trading errors why people trade

“now moment opportunity flow,” point and line method

uncertainty principle creative vs. rational thinking fear, role of



Uncertainty principle

Uniqueness of moment, learning to deal with


Variables, constant(see also Truth)


Why people trade


moving toward negative reaching


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