My methodology tells me exactly under what market conditions to either enter ot exit a trade.
Even wlleo I have a cleiir signal to reverse iny position. I find it
extremely ‹lifficiilt to do.
11. I have sustained (›eri‹xls of consistent success iistiaily followed by some fairly drastic draw-downs in my equity.
I2. When I firsF starlet trading I wnuld describe my methodology as hnplinzard, meaning some success in between a
13. I often find myself feeling that the markets are against me per- sonally.
14. As much as I might try to let gu, I find it very ‹lifficiilt to pot
past emotional wounds l›ehind me.
I have a money management philosophy that is founde‹l in the principle of always taking stime money out of the mai-ket when the market makes it available.
16. A trader’s)ob is to Identify patterns in the markets’ behavior that represent an opportunity and then to determine the risk of find- ing out if these patterns wilt play themselves out as they have in the past.
17. Sometimes I juct can’t help feeling thet I am o victim of the
When 1 trade I usually try to stay focused in one time frame.
Trading successfully requires a degroe of mental flexibility far beyond the scope of most people.
There are times when I can definitely feel the flow nf tire mar- let; however, I oiten have difficulty acting on these feelings.
21. There are many times when I am in a profitable trede and I know the move is basically over, but I still won’t take my prtifits.
M. No mattur how m\Fch money \ m»I‹e in a tnu?e, T am ateTy over
sansfied and feel that 1 could have made mom.
When I put rm a trade, I feel I have a positive attitude. I anNci- pate all of the money I could make from the trade in a positive
m The most important oumponunt in a traJur’s xbilit}r to c«’u- mutate monoy over time is having a bulief in his own consis- tency.
x If you were granted a wish to be able to instantaneously acquire
one trading skill, what skill would ypu choose?
ss i often spend sleepless nigJits worrying about the market.
27. Do you ever feel compelled to mtike a trade fuse ynu are
fraid fat you itight Miss Out?
Yeg No
u. Nthough it doesn‘t happen very often, I really hhe my trades to be perfect. When I make a perfect call it feels so good that it makes up for ail of the times that I don’t.
z9. Do ytiu ever find yourself phoning trades you never execute, and exeeu‘ting trailer yoti never plannedP
T’es No
In a fa sentences explain why most traders either don’t make
money or aran’t able to imep char they make.