Chapter no 21 – Grace

You Shouldn't Have Come Here

I watched the two of them walk away. Joe was nearly six inches shorter than Calvin, but they were di erent in more ways than just height. A lump sat in the pit of my stomach. It had begun to form a few days prior, and grew with each passing moment. It was like a tumor; maybe benign, maybe cancerous. Regardless, I’d nd out soon enough. Joe’s presence was like Miracle Grow for the lump. ere was something o about him. He seemed like a man with a guilty conscience. It gave me that sinking feeling like when you sense something bad is going to happen—a primal instinct for impending doom. Like a cold sweat. Hairs that stand upright. Goose bumps on hot skin.

It wasn’t just Joe though. It was this ranch. It was Calvin too. He seemed apprehensive about his brother’s very presence—like a zookeeper with a wild animal, careful to keep their guard up while also anticipating the ferocity of the creature. e two walked side by side, playfully pushing each other and laughing like a pair of brothers would.

en again, looks could be deceiving. I’m sure Abel loved Cain right up until the very end.

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