Visions of Flesh and Blood: A Blood and Ash/Flesh and Fire Compendium












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As the leader of the wolven plus a Council Elder, Jasper holds positions of esteem not only within their group but also with the Atlantians as a whole. And as his wife, Kirha, is revered in her own right.

Hair: Shaggy and silver.

Eyes: Pale blue.

Body type: Tall.

Facial features: Stubble on chin. Tan skin.

Distinguishing features: Black ink on both arms swirling all the way to his shoulders.

Preternatural appearance: Impossibly large. Silver fur.

Other: Has foresight. Imprint is like rich soil and cut grass. Earthy and minty feeling.

Personality: Family-oriented.

Background: Head of the wolven. Member of the Council of Elders.

Family: Wife = Kirha. Son = Kieran. Daughters = Vonetta and new infant.

And his wife, Kirha…

Hair: Cornrows – narrow rows of small, tight braids.

Eyes: Wintery blue.

Facial features: Skin the color of dark, night-blooming roses. Broad cheekbones. Full mouth.

Other: Sometimes has a way of knowing things like her husband and son.

Personality: Warm and maternal.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Likes to knit. Has a green thumb. Really hard sleeper.

Background: Wolven.

Family: Husband = Jasper. Son = Kieran. Daughters = Vonetta and new infant. Sister = Beryn.



Jasper and Kirha are always somewhat lumped into my visions and knowledge of Kieran and Vonetta, but I’ll try to separate some of their more prominent appearances.

Jasper arrives in Spessa’s End during dinner two days after the rest of the group. When he meets Poppy for the first time, he has a visceral response. I can only assume it’s because of the static lightning charge most wolven get from her. When Alastir makes his thoughts known regarding his feelings about Poppy and Casteel’s engagement, and the elder wolven implies that Cas marrying Gianna would have strengthened the wolven/Atlantian relationship, Jasper warns him about overstepping.

As the group eats, and Casteel shares stories about his time with Poppy, Jasper finds it amusing that Poppy stabbed Cas after learning about his original plans for her. It prompts him to remark that Casteel clearly takes after his father regarding women and sharp objects. He then makes his stance clear by saying that if Cas chose Poppy, the rest of them can—and should—too.

In his time with Poppy, Jasper notices that she doesn’t register as others. He mentions it to her, saying she has a different but familiar scent he can’t place. When it’s noted that Poppy might be descended from the Empath Warrior bloodline, he disagrees since very few could heal with their touch.

Jasper officiates at Cas and Poppy’s wedding and remarks that Nyktos approves of it when the day turns to night. He mentions that nobody has seen anything like that since Valyn and Eloana’s wedding, and it wasn’t that overt.

When the group splits off in the Skotos, Jasper goes with Emil and Quentyn. Their group is the first to arrive at Gold Rock for their rendezvous.

Jasper arrives at the Chambers of Nyktos with the other wolven after Poppy is attacked. He’s compelled to protect her, as well, and lets out a rumble of warning when Casteel gets too close to her. When things settle a bit, Jasper shifts and offers Cas his old room at the palace to care for Poppy. When Poppy worries about the wolven’s reaction, he tells her that as long as Cas doesn’t give them a reason to act differently, the wolven will protect Cas as fiercely as they do her.

Someone brings up Poppy’s claim to the throne being contestable, and it makes Jasper laugh. When Alastir makes his move against Poppy, Jasper shifts and lunges for him, but a shadowshade-dipped arrow finds its mark, which forces him to shift back to his mortal form before his skin hardens and turns icy.

Jasper joins the group that rescues Poppy in Irelone. He kills the Descenter who shoots Poppy with a crossbow and snaps and snarls at Valyn when he tries to intervene and stop Cas from doing what he needs to do.

Once Poppy is better, he goes with Kieran to her and Cas’s chambers to discuss the Gyrms and the Unseen. He’s very irritated that Valyn didn’t tell him about them. They flip through the book he brought to learn more, and Jasper remarks that they aren’t living creatures.

He later reveals the location of Iliseeum and tells Poppy that she’s the only one who can get there alive. The mist there is said to be deadly to anyone it doesn’t recognize as a god. He also tells them that Valyn and Eloana have killed to keep Iliseeum’s location a secret.

When they’re talking about Primal magic, Jasper mentions that Dominik and I are likely the only ones who know about Iliseeum or how to use the magic needed to conjure Gyrms. I don’t think that’s entirely true, but I was happy to share what I knew when they asked.

When Poppy’s brother comes and requests an audience, Jasper joins the group that goes to Spessa’s End. After meeting the Ascended, he remarks that Ian is one hell of an actor and talks about Alastir having lots of beliefs that don’t make any sense.

After Poppy returns from Oak Ambler, Jasper is en route to Evaemon with Kirha and their new daughter.


Pregnant and almost ready to give birth, Kirha sleeps through the Unseen/Gyrm attack.

The following day, Cas asks her about Gianna’s whereabouts, and she tells him that she’s likely in Evaemon or close, somewhere in Aegea.

When Kirha meets Poppy for the first time, she’s sorting through some yarn with Kieran. They talk about her pregnancy, and she reveals that she’s only a month from giving birth and that the Healers think it’s a girl. She also mentions her hope that this is their last baby.

Before the group heads out, she tells Poppy that their house is always open to her and Cas and hugs her. She also tells her that Cas’s parents are good people, and once they get over the shock of all that’s happened, they will welcome her with open arms.

After it’s announced that the wolven will accompany Cas and Poppy to the Spessa’s End meeting, she tells them not to worry about her—she isn’t going to have the baby in the next week.

Just after giving birth, she and Jasper make their way to Evaemon to meet with everyone.

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