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Chapter no 41

Crooked Kingdom (Six of Crows, #2)

Wย ylan sat between Alys and Jesper in a pew near the front of the church. The Ravkans, Shu, and Fjerdans had gotten themselves into a tangle of a fistfight that had left several soldiers bruised and bleeding and the Fjerdan ambassador with a dislocated shoulder. There was angry talk of trade sanctions and retribution on all sides. But for now, some semblance of order had been restored. Most of the auction goers had long since fled or been ushered out by theย stadwatchย . The Shu had departed, issuing threats of military action for the death of one of their citizens.โ€Œ

The Fjerdans had apparently marched to the doors of the Stadhall to demand that Matthias Helvar be found and arrested, only to be informed that emergency plague measures prohibited public assembly. They were to return to their embassy immediately or risk being forcibly removed from the streets.

People were bruised and concussed, and Wylan had heard that one womanโ€™s hand had been crushed when sheโ€™d gotten knocked to the floor during the panicked rush to the cathedral door. But few went to the clinics or hospitals for care. No one wanted to risk exposure to the plague that was spreading through the Barrel. Only the Merchant Council and a few of theย stadwatchย remained near the altar, arguing in hushed tones that occasionally rose to something more like shouting.

Wylan, Jesper, Alys, and her maid were bracketed byย stadwatchย , and Wylan hoped Kaz had been right to insist he remain at the church. He wasnโ€™t sure if he felt like the officers were there to protect him or keep

him under watch. By the way Jesper kept drumming his fingers on his knees, Wylan suspected he was feeling equally nervous. It didnโ€™t help that it hurt every time Wylan breathed or that his head felt like a timpani being savaged by an overenthusiastic percussionist.

He was a mess, there had nearly been a riot, and Ketterdamโ€™s reputation was in tatters, and yet Wylan had to smile to himself.

โ€œWhat are you so happy about?โ€ Jesper asked.

Wylan glanced at Alys and whispered, โ€œWe did it. And I know Kaz had his own motives, but Iโ€™m pretty sure that we just helped prevent a war.โ€ If Ravka had won the auction, the Shu or the Fjerdans would have found some excuse to launch an attack on Ravka to get their hands on Kuwei. Now Kuwei would be safe, and even if someone else eventually developedย paremย , the Ravkans might soon be on their way to developing an antidote.

โ€œProbably,โ€ said Jesper, his teeth flashing white. โ€œWhatโ€™s one little international incident among friends?โ€

โ€œI think Keeg may have broken my nose.โ€ โ€œAnd after Genya made it so nice and straight.โ€

Wylan hesitated. โ€œYou can go if you need to. I know you must be worried about your father.โ€

Jesper glanced at theย stadwatchย . โ€œIโ€™m not sure our new pals would just let me walk out of here. Besides, I donโ€™t want anyone following me to him.โ€

And Wylan had heard Kaz tell Jesper to stay.

Alys rubbed a hand over her belly. โ€œIโ€™m hungry,โ€ she said, glancing over to where the Merchant Council were still arguing. โ€œWhen do you think weโ€™ll get to go home?โ€

Wylan and Jesper exchanged a glance.

At that moment, a young man raced up the aisle of the cathedral and handed a sheaf of papers to Jellen Radmakker. They bore the pale green seal of the Gemensbank, and Wylan suspected they would show that all of the Merchant Councilโ€™s money had been funneled from a falseย jurdaย fund directly into an account intended for the Shu.

โ€œThis is madness!โ€ shouted Van Eck. โ€œYou canโ€™t possibly believe any of it!โ€

Wylan stood to get a better look, then sucked in a breath at the sharp clap of pain from his ribs. Jesper put a hand out to steady him. But what Wylan saw near the podium drove all thoughts of pain from his mind: A

stadwatchย officer was clapping shackles on his father, who was thrashing like a fish caught on a line.

โ€œItโ€™s Brekkerโ€™s work,โ€ said Van Eck. โ€œHe set up the fund. Find the farmer. Find Pekka Rollins. Theyโ€™ll tell you.โ€

โ€œStop making a spectacle of yourself,โ€ Radmakker whispered furiously. โ€œFor the sake of your family, show some self-control.โ€

โ€œSelf-control? When you have me in chains?โ€

โ€œBe calm, man. Youโ€™ll be taken to the Stadhall to await charges. Once youโ€™ve paid your bailโ€”โ€

โ€œBail? I am a member of the Merchant Council. My wordโ€”โ€

โ€œIs worth nothing!โ€ snapped Radmakker, as Karl Dryden bristled in a way that reminded Wylan distinctly of Alysโ€™ terrier when he spotted a squirrel. โ€œYou should be grateful we donโ€™t throw you in Hellgate right now. Seventy millionย krugeย of the Councilโ€™s money has vanished. Kerch has been made a laughingstock. Do you have any idea of the damage you caused today?โ€

Jesper sighed. โ€œWe do all the work and he gets all the credit?โ€

โ€œWhat is happening?โ€ Alys asked, reaching for Wylanโ€™s hand. โ€œWhy is Jan in trouble?โ€

Wylan felt sorry for her. She was sweet and silly and had never done anything more than marry where her family bid her. If Wylan had the right of it, his father would be brought up on charges of fraud and treason. Knowingly entering into a false contract for the purpose of subverting the market wasnโ€™t just illegal, it was considered blasphemy, a blight on the works of Ghezen, and the penalties were harsh. If his father was found guilty, heโ€™d be stripped of his right to own property or hold funds. His entire fortune would pass to Alys and his unborn heir. Wylan wasnโ€™t sure Alys was ready for that kind of responsibility.

He gave her hand a squeeze. โ€œItโ€™s going to be okay,โ€ he said. โ€œI promise.โ€ And he meant it. Theyโ€™d find a good attorney or man of business to help Alys with the estate. If Kaz knew all the swindlers in Ketterdam, then he must know who the honest dealers were tooโ€”if for no other reason than to avoid them.

โ€œWill they let Jan come home tonight?โ€ Alys asked, her lower lip wobbling.

โ€œI donโ€™t know,โ€ he admitted.

โ€œBut youโ€™ll come back to the house, wonโ€™t you?โ€ โ€œIโ€”โ€

โ€œYou stay away from her,โ€ Van Eck spat as theย stadwatchย dragged him down the steps from the stage. โ€œAlys, donโ€™t listen to him. Youโ€™re going to need to get Smeet to put up the funds for bail. Go toโ€”โ€

โ€œI donโ€™t think Alys will be able to help with that,โ€ said Kaz. He was standing in the aisle, leaning on his crowโ€™s head cane.

โ€œBrekker, you wretched little thug. Do you really think this is over?โ€ Van Eck straightened, attempting to reclaim some of his lost dignity. โ€œBy this time tomorrow, Iโ€™ll be out on bail and setting my reputation to rights. Thereโ€™s a way to connect you to the Rietveld fund and I will find it. I swear it.โ€

Wylan felt Jesper stiffen beside him. Colm Fahey was the only connection.

โ€œBy all means, swear,โ€ said Kaz. โ€œMake a solemn vow. I think we all know what your word is worth. But you may find your resources somewhat constrained. The custodian of your estate will be in charge of your funds. Iโ€™m not sure how much money Wylan plans to devote to your defense, or your bail, for that matter.โ€

Van Eck laughed bitterly. โ€œI wrote him out of my will as soon as Alys conceived. Wylan will never see a penny of my money.โ€

A murmur of surprise went up from the members of the Merchant Council.

โ€œAre you certain?โ€ Kaz said. โ€œIโ€™m sure Wylan told me you two had reconciled. Of course, that was before all this ugly business.โ€

โ€œMy will is perfectly clear. Thereโ€™s a copy of it inโ€”โ€ Van Eck stopped midsentence, and Wylan watched a horrified expression spread over his fatherโ€™s face. โ€œThe safe,โ€ he whispered.

Understanding struck Wylan bare seconds later. Specht had forged a letter in his fatherโ€™s hand for the shipโ€™s captain; why not something else?ย Sometimes a proper thief doesnโ€™t just take. He leaves something behind.ย The night theyโ€™d broken into his fatherโ€™s office, Kaz hadnโ€™t just tried to steal the seal. Heโ€™d replaced Van Eckโ€™s will with a forgery. Wylan remembered what Kaz had said:ย You do realize weโ€™re stealing your money?ย Heโ€™d meant it.

โ€œThereโ€™s another copy,โ€ said Van Eck. โ€œMy attorneyโ€”โ€

โ€œCornelis Smeet?โ€ said Kaz. โ€œDo you know if he breeds those watchdogs of his? Funny thing, when you train an animal to obey. Sometimes they get too easy to command. Better to keep them a little wild.โ€

You donโ€™t win by running one game.ย How long had Kaz been planning to hand Wylan his fatherโ€™s empire?

โ€œNo,โ€ said Van Eck, shaking his head. โ€œNo.โ€ With surprising strength, he shook off his guards. โ€œYou canโ€™t give this cretin control of my funds,โ€ he shouted, gesturing to Wylan with his shackled hands. โ€œEven if Iโ€™d wanted him to inherit, heโ€™s incompetent to do so. He canโ€™t read, can barely string a basic sentence together on the page. He is an idiot, a soft- minded child.โ€

Wylan registered the horror on the Council membersโ€™ faces. This was the nightmare heโ€™d had countless times as a childโ€”standing in public, his deficiencies exposed.

โ€œVan Eck!โ€ said Radmakker. โ€œHow can you say such a thing about your own blood?โ€

Van Eck laughed wildly. โ€œThis at least I can prove! Give him something to read. Go on, Wylan, show them what a great man of business you will make.โ€

Radmakker laid a hand on his shoulder. โ€œYou neednโ€™t oblige his ravings, son.โ€

But Wylan cocked his head to one side, an idea forming in his mind. โ€œItโ€™s all right, Mister Radmakker,โ€ he said. โ€œIf it will help us end this tragic business, I will oblige my father. In fact, if you have a Transfer of Authority, I can sign it now and begin assembling funds for my fatherโ€™s defense.โ€

There were murmurs from the stage, and then a file was produced with the indenture documents. Wylanโ€™s eyes met Jesperโ€™s. Did he understand what Wylan intended?

โ€œThese were meant for Kuwei Yul-Bo,โ€ said Dryden. โ€œBut they havenโ€™t been completed. There should be a Transfer of Authority.โ€

He offered the file to Wylan, but Jesper took it and thumbed through. โ€œHeย must read it!โ€ yelled Van Eck. โ€œNot the other boy!โ€

โ€œI think your first investment should be a muzzle,โ€ murmured Jesper.

He handed Wylan a document. It could have been anything. Wylan saw the words, recognized their shapes, couldnโ€™t form their meaning. But he could hear the music in his head, that trick of memory heโ€™d used so often as a childโ€”Jesperโ€™s voice reading aloud to him in the entry of Saint Hilde. He saw the pale blue door, smelled the wisteria blooming.

Wylan cleared his throat and pretended to examine the page. โ€œThis document, witnessed in the full sight of Ghezen and in keeping with the

honest dealings of men, made binding by the courts of Kerch and its Merchant Council, signifies the transfer of all property, estates, and legal holdings fromโ€”ย โ€ He paused. โ€œI suppose it will say our names here,ย Jan Van Eck to Wylan Van Eck, to be managed by him until Jan Van Eck is once again competent to conduct โ€ฆ his own affairs.ย Do I really need to continue?โ€

Van Eck was staring openmouthed at Wylan. The members of the Merchant Council were shaking their heads.

โ€œCertainly not, son,โ€ Radmakker said. โ€œYouโ€™ve been through enough, I think.โ€ The look he turned on Van Eck now was one of pity. โ€œTake him to the Stadhall. We may need to find him a medik too. Something must have addled his mind, put these mad thoughts in his head.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s a trick,โ€ said Van Eck. โ€œItโ€™s another one of Brekkerโ€™s tricks.โ€ He broke away from his guards and rushed at Wylan, but Jesper stepped in front of him, grabbing him by the shoulders and holding him at bay with straight arms. โ€œYouโ€™ll destroy everything Iโ€™ve built, everything my father and his father built. Youโ€”โ€

Jesper leaned in and said, quietly enough that no one else could hear, โ€œI can read to him.โ€

โ€œHe has a very soothing baritone,โ€ added Wylan, and then the guards were hauling his father down the aisle.

โ€œYou wonโ€™t get away with this!โ€ Van Eck screamed. โ€œI know your game now, Brekker. My wits are sharperโ€”โ€

โ€œYou can only sharpen a blade so far,โ€ Kaz said as he joined them at the front of the church. โ€œIn the end, it comes down to the quality of the metal.โ€

Van Eck was howling. โ€œYou donโ€™t even know if thatโ€™s really Wylan!

He could be wearing another boyโ€™s face! You donโ€™t understandโ€”โ€

The rest of the Merchant Council followed, all looking a bit thunder- struck. โ€œHeโ€™s come unhinged,โ€ said Dryden.

โ€œWe should have known he wasnโ€™t rational when he allied himself with that miscreant Pekka Rollins.โ€

Wylan handed the Transfer of Authority back to Radmakker. โ€œMaybe itโ€™s best that we donโ€™t handle this now. I find Iโ€™m a bit shaken.โ€

โ€œOf course. Weโ€™ll see to getting the will from Smeet and making sure all is in order. We can send the appropriate papers to your house.โ€

โ€œMy house?โ€

โ€œWonโ€™t you be going home to the Geldstraat?โ€

โ€œI โ€ฆโ€

โ€œHe will indeed,โ€ said Jesper.

โ€œI donโ€™t understand,โ€ said Alys as her maid patted her hand gently. โ€œJan has been arrested?โ€

โ€œAlys,โ€ said Kaz. โ€œHow would you feel about waiting out all this nasty business in the country? Far away from the threat of plague. Maybe at that nice lake house you mentioned.โ€

Alysโ€™ face came alight, but then she hesitated. โ€œIs it wholly proper, do you think? For a wife to abandon her husband at such a time?โ€

โ€œItโ€™s your duty, really,โ€ said Kaz. โ€œAfter all, shouldnโ€™t your priority be the baby?โ€

Jesper nodded sagely. โ€œGood country air, lots of fields for โ€ฆ gamboling about. I grew up on a farm. Itโ€™s why Iโ€™m so tall.โ€

Alys frowned. โ€œYouโ€™re a little too tall.โ€ โ€œIt was a really big farm.โ€

โ€œAnd you could continue your music lessons,โ€ said Wylan.

Now Alysโ€™ eyes were positively sparkling. โ€œWith Mister Bajan?โ€ Her cheeks pinked; she bit her lip. โ€œPerhaps it would be best. For the baby.โ€

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