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Chapter no 36 – Sabrina

The Goal (Off-Campus, #4)

โ€œIโ€™M SORRYย Iโ€™Mย late,โ€ I apologize as I slide into a chair at Dellaโ€™s.

Carin and Hope already have their drinks, and by the pool of condensation on the table, Iโ€™m later than I realized. Or they were early. Ever since Jamie was born, I have a hard time getting anywhere on time.

โ€œWhereโ€™s the baby?โ€ Carin asks, dismissing my tardiness with an airy wave of her hand.

โ€œSheโ€™s with Nana.โ€ I grab the menu, quickly searching it for the juiciest, meatiest thing I can find.

Both girls pout. โ€œWe wanted to see the baby!โ€ Hope cries.

โ€œYeah. The whole point is for you to bring Jamie so we can coo over her. Iโ€™m almost done with the booties.โ€ Carin pulls out a mess of yarn that looks nothing like a shoe or even a sock.

โ€œWhat is that thing?โ€ I lay down the menu to get a better view of the object sheโ€™s holding up. Itโ€™s kind of like the wool equivalent of Loganโ€™s horrifying teddy bear.

โ€œItโ€™s a sock. Is it too big or too small?โ€ She stretches it out and I vaguely see something shiplike in the mess.

โ€œItโ€™sโ€ฆare you sure thatโ€™s a sock?โ€ Hope giggles behind her menu.

Carin scowls at me. โ€œHave you ever tried knitting? Itโ€™s hard as fuck, thank you very much.โ€ With a sniff, she stuffs the mottled mess in her bag.

โ€œBesides knitting, which I do appreciate, howโ€™s MIT?โ€

Hope lights up. โ€œCarin knockedย beardย off her bucket list.โ€ โ€œNice.โ€ I give her a thumbs-up. โ€œTell me about it.โ€

โ€œNah, itโ€™s nothing.โ€ Carin lifts the menu up to hide her face.

โ€œMr. Beard is Carinโ€™s TA,โ€ Hope explains. โ€œShe thinks youโ€™ll be pissed.โ€

โ€œHeโ€™s not my TA,โ€ Carin objects.

โ€œOkay, fine,โ€ Hope relents. โ€œHeโ€™s the TA in another class, which Carin will likely take next year.โ€

โ€œEh. Iโ€™m fine with it.โ€ I pick up my menu again and study my choices.

Iโ€™m torn between the burger with blue cheese and the Philly steak sandwich. Can I even eat blue cheese? I lower the menu to ask Hope, only to find my friends staring at me.

โ€œWhat?โ€ My eyes drop to my chest in a panic. โ€œAm I leaking?โ€ No, my shirt is dry, thank God. Those little silicon nip pads are working great.

โ€œWe thought for sure youโ€™d be upset over this because of the Dean thing,โ€ Carin explains.

โ€œDean and I kind of made up.โ€ If me breaking down and Dean giving me awkward pats on the back counts as making up. Which, in my book, does. Plus, as far as I know, he hasnโ€™t said a word to Tucker about the fact that Iโ€™m madly in love with the guy.

โ€œWell, thatโ€™s good.โ€

The waitress shows up and we all order. Hope gets a salad, Carin orders soup and salad, and I order the Philly cheesesteak with a side of fries because Iโ€™m so hungry.

โ€œHowโ€™s med school?โ€ I ask Hope.

โ€œItโ€™s going okay. The course load is crushing.โ€ โ€œI hear you.โ€

โ€œMed school is sapping all my energy to the point that I donโ€™t have time for Dโ€™Andre. He keeps talking about skiing from sunup to sundown over Christmas break, and all I want to do is lie in front of the lodge fireplace and sleep. I donโ€™t know how youโ€™re doing it.โ€

โ€œI wouldnโ€™t be able to do it without Tucker. Heโ€™s always there. Well, most of the time,โ€ I correct. Because lately, heโ€™s been really busy and Iโ€™ve been quietly panicking.

Hope frowns. โ€œOh no. Is there trouble in paradise?โ€

โ€œNo, not really. Heโ€™s doing more than I ever dreamed of, actually. It makes me feel guilty.โ€

โ€œOh fuck that,โ€ Carin says. โ€œThis is his kid too. Is he slacking off?

Because I will kick his ass from here to the harbor for you.โ€

โ€œNo, not at all. Itโ€™sโ€ฆโ€ I pause, hesitant to give my fear a voice, as if saying the words will make them true. But these two are my closest friends, so I give in to the urge. โ€œI think heโ€™s found someone else.โ€

โ€œNo.โ€ Hope denies it immediately. โ€œWhen would he have the time? You said he comes over almost every night and you see him on the weekends too.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s just it. Before, he was around all the time, but in the past couple weeks, heโ€™s been really busy.โ€

โ€œMaybe thereโ€™s a bunch of builders trying to get projects done before the snow comes,โ€ Carin suggests. โ€œAnd so everyoneโ€™s working double shifts or something.โ€

โ€œMaybe.โ€ I heave a sigh. โ€œItโ€™s not just that heโ€™s not around as much. Heโ€™s distracted and quiet, more so than usual. I feel like he wants to tell me something but is afraid of how Iโ€™ll take it.โ€

โ€œJust come out and tell him you love him,โ€ Hope orders, shaking her fork at me. โ€œActually, Iโ€™m shocked you havenโ€™t slipped up and done it already. Even in texts and stuff.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s beyond hard,โ€ I admit. โ€œThe other day he was reaching for a glass of water and his shirt slipped up and I almost dropped to my knees with lust. And when heโ€™s with Jamie? It becomes nearly impossible. He was sitting on the couch the other night, feeding her. And I started to sayย I love youย and caught myself, but not before I had the first two words out. I ended up sayingย I love your socks.โ€

โ€œI love your socks?โ€ Carin exclaims. โ€œItโ€™s beyond ridiculous. I know.โ€ โ€œWhy donโ€™t you just tell him?โ€

โ€œBecause if I tell him, then heโ€™ll feel bound to me. Heโ€™s so honorable and so decent, he wonโ€™t even look at another woman.โ€

โ€œJust come out and ask him if heโ€™s seeing anyone. If he says no, then tell him you want him all to yourself,โ€ Carin advises. โ€œIf he says yes, at least you know. Itโ€™s better to know than to drive yourself nuts wondering.โ€

โ€œCertainty is best,โ€ Hope agrees.

I give them a tight smile and change the subject by asking Carin more about the hot, bearded TA sheโ€™s currently banging. She happily obliges, although all the sex talk reminds me of how little of it Iโ€™ve had lately. It was hard to find a position that was comfortable before I had the baby, and now that the six-week ban has been lifted, Iโ€™m not sure I want Tucker seeing my body. Heโ€™s used to hot, college girls with zero body fat and abs of steel. Iโ€™m more like abs of Jell-O at this point.

Our food finally arrives. I dig in, under the pretense that Iโ€™m starving, but mostly Iโ€™m hiding from my friends because I donโ€™t agree with their advice. Knowing Tucker loves someone else will break me.

Iโ€™d rather go my whole life in limbo than have him tell me that heโ€™s fallen in love with a woman who isnโ€™t me.


WHENย Iย GETย home, Nana is napping with Jamie, allowing me to get a few hours of studying in before dinner. Rayโ€™s on the sofa, blaring the television, which means I canโ€™t read in the kitchen. Iโ€™m getting tired of being shut in my cramped bedroom with the crib, my twin bed, and a thousand and five baby items, but I donโ€™t have much of a choice. Sticking a pair of earplugs in, I manage to read through all of my crim law and torts before I hear the thin wail of my hungry child.

โ€œYou home, Sabrina?โ€ Nana calls through the door.

I hop up and greet her. โ€œYup. Got home a couple hours ago. You two were sleeping.โ€ I reach out and pluck Jamie from her arms. My baby doll whimpers and roots around, mouthing me over my shirt. โ€œI better feed her.โ€ โ€œYou do that. Iโ€™m going to run to the store for a few things. Weโ€™re

almost out of milk and cheese.โ€

โ€œโ€™Kay.โ€ I start to close the door, but Nana stops me.

โ€œYou should get out of there,โ€ she says, peering over my shoulder into the confined space. โ€œYouโ€™ll go nuts.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s fine,โ€ I reply, even though sheโ€™s right. The room is feeling smaller every day.

She shrugs, her body language telling me that itโ€™s my funeral.

Before I get the door closed, I hear her yell at Ray. โ€œThat TV is too loud, Ray. Itโ€™ll hurt the babyโ€™s ears.โ€

He mumbles something indistinguishable. Iโ€™m sure itโ€™s some variation of โ€œfuck the baby.โ€

Three more years. Three more years and then Iโ€™ll land that BigLaw job and get the hell out of this place.

Nana and Ray exchange a few more terse wordsโ€”her voice is sharp and his is angry. The energy in this house is so damn negative.

I cuddle Jamie closer to me. โ€œWeโ€™re going to get out of this place soon.โ€

She cries, a plaintive, hungry sound. I unbutton my shirt and pull it to the side, bouncing her in my arms as I do. She keeps crying, though.

A moment later, Ray pounds on my door. โ€œShut that fucking baby up.

My game is on.โ€

I close my eyes and pray for patience. Jamie shouts her annoyance and I look down to discover that the silicon nipple pad is hindering her efforts to feed. I rip it off and throw it on the dresser.

Ray knocks again. โ€œIโ€™m talking to you, Rina!โ€

I wrench open the door, Jamie latched on to my boob, and confront the asshole. โ€œSheโ€™s a baby, not a machine. I donโ€™t turn her on and off at will, okay? And itโ€™s not like I enjoy hearing her cry, you asshole. Iโ€™m doing everything I can to make her happy.โ€

โ€œDoesnโ€™t look like youโ€™re good at anything but being a suck toy,โ€ he grunts. His hot beer breath washes over me.

Anger burns in my gut. I swing the door closed, but it bounces back toward me as he slams his hand against it.

โ€œGet out,โ€ I order. I donโ€™t want this man anywhere near my daughter, and I donโ€™t care if I have to kick him in the balls to make that clear.

Rayโ€™s not much taller than me and is skinny as a rail, but he manages to kick the door out of my hand and stalk forward.

I back up, my legs hitting the mattress. โ€œGet out,โ€ I repeat.

My heart starts beating rapidly. Ray has never been violent, never raised a hand to me, but in this moment, the look in his eyes makes every hair on my body stand on end. I clutch Jamie closer to me. She whimpers and I force myself to loosen the hold.

โ€œYour tits are huge.โ€ His tongue peeks out from between his lips.

I draw one side of my shirt closed. But the other one still has Jamie latched to it.

โ€œWhatโ€™s that milk taste like?โ€

A chill races down my spine. My milk is sweet, but the fear tastes like copper against my tongue. โ€œYou need to leave right now,โ€ I growl.

โ€œYouโ€™ve got two tits and only one mouth on โ€™em.โ€ He reaches toward me, slowly and creepily.

I scramble backward, keeping a protective hold on my daughter. โ€œStay away from us, Ray. I mean it. Come any closer and I swear Iโ€™ll rip your

eyes out.โ€

โ€œWhy donโ€™t you give me a taste? Iโ€™ve been thinking about what a juicy piece you must be. And Iโ€™ve had your mama and your grandma. Why not the youngest? Itโ€™ll be my Ray Donaghy hat trick.โ€

I reach behind me in search of a weapon, but the need never materializes. Instead, thereโ€™s a roar at the door, and then a six-foot, three- inch torpedo launches itself at Ray and spins him around.

Tucker drives a fist into Rayโ€™s face before the bastard even realizes thereโ€™s another person in the room with us.

I huddle in the corner, drawing a blanket up over my chest as if to cover Jamieโ€™s eyes from the scene in front of her. Tucker throws Ray against the wall, lifting my stepfatherโ€™s skinny ass up with one strong hand against his throat.

โ€œYou sick fuck. Youโ€™re lucky my kid and woman are in this room right now or I would fuckingย endย you.โ€

His grip tightens, and as much as I think Ray deserves to have the snot choked out of him, I donโ€™t want Jamie visiting her daddy in a Massachusetts state prison for the next twenty years.

โ€œYou should really wait until after Iโ€™m done with law school to kill Ray,โ€ I tell Tucker, weak with relief.

He squeezes Rayโ€™s throat once more before letting the creep drop to the floor.

โ€œCome on,โ€ Tucker barks, turning to me. His pupils are dilated and his nostrils flare as he struggles to gather his composure. โ€œWeโ€™re out of here.โ€

I donโ€™t argue.


โ€œHOW LONG HASย that been going on?โ€ Tucker demands as he pulls out of the driveway. I turn away from Jamieโ€™s gurgling, happy face and meet his grim expression.

โ€œRay being an asshole? Since the beginning of time. Him trying to feel me up while I was feeding Jamie? Thatโ€™s the first.โ€

Although his creepiness must have always been in the back of my mind or else I wouldnโ€™t have felt compelled to hide in my bedroom all the time.

โ€œYou canโ€™t stay there,โ€ Tucker says flatly.

I drag a shaky hand over my face. โ€œI donโ€™t have another option at this point. Babies are expensive and my bank account is bleeding out. Hope gave me this diaper cake and it had like two hundred and fifty diapersโ€”I laughed when I counted them. Well, I used that up in the first three weeks. And youโ€™re living with Brody, who pretends his bedroom is a Cirque de Soleil tryout, complete with the accompanying soundtrack.โ€

โ€œI know.โ€ Tucker bites his lip. โ€œI wasnโ€™t ready to do this because I wanted to wait for the right time, but Iโ€™m going to have to.โ€

I gnaw nervously on the inside of my cheek. โ€œThe right time for what?โ€ Is he breaking up with me?

Oh God.

I fight the urge to vomit all over the inside of Tuckerโ€™s clean truck.

โ€œFor this.โ€ He stops the pickup in front of a corner bar. Itโ€™s classic Boston with its redbrick exterior, green awning and a postage-stamp sized patio toward the rear.

โ€œI canโ€™t drink while Iโ€™m breastfeeding,โ€ I remind him.

โ€œYeah, hold that thought,โ€ he says, and then slides out of the truck.

As heโ€™s pulling Jamie out of her carrier, I climb down and meet him on the sidewalk. โ€œWe canโ€™t bring a baby into the bar.โ€

โ€œWeโ€™re not.โ€ He places his hand on my lower back and steers me toward the side of the small building. Thereโ€™s a set of stairs leading up to the second floor. โ€œGo on,โ€ he says when I hesitate.

โ€œDid you rent an apartment?โ€ I try to keep the worry out of my voice. Itโ€™s his money and he should do what he wants with it, but renting a place by himself because Iโ€™m having problems at home seems like a waste of his money. โ€œBecause Rayโ€™s all talk and no action.โ€

โ€œRight. Like him attacking you in your bedroom was all a bunch of words.โ€

โ€œHe was drunk.โ€ Jeez. Why am I even making excuses for that psycho?

Tucker gives me another shove. โ€œAre you going to drag your ass upstairs or do I have to carry the both of you?โ€

โ€œIโ€™m going.โ€ I cave. The doorknob turns under my hand and I notice a freshly installed electronic keypad.

โ€œIt works via near-field communications,โ€ Tucker informs me. โ€œEnglish, please.โ€

โ€œIt unlocks when a paired device is close to it. That way if you have your hands full, you can still get in.โ€

โ€œCool,โ€ I say faintly. And thatโ€™s only the first of many surprises.

Upstairs, I find a huge two-bedroom apartment. The kitchen is small and the appliances are old, but there are windows everywhere. The living room is filled with dust and exposed brick.

โ€œIโ€™ve been tearing down the drywall.โ€ Tucker gestures at the walls. โ€œI havenโ€™t touched the bedroom because I figured youโ€™d want a say, but the stuff in here was rotting. Come on.โ€

This time he takes the lead. Down the hall are two bedrooms. He pushes open the first one, drops the carrier inside the door, and then kneels down to pull sleepy Jamie out. The little pill always falls asleep in the car.

I creep toward the door as if thereโ€™s a serial killer behind it. But the only thing I find is a beautifully decorated nursery.

โ€œOh my gosh,โ€ I breathe.

Itโ€™s painted a pale pink. White curtains hang over the big windows. An off-white crib sits against one wall, and a dresser with a changing table is pushed up against another. Between them is an upholstered glider, one that Iโ€™d sighed over and posted on my Instagram account.

I shoot an astonished look at Tucker, but heโ€™s too busy loving up Jamie. God, heโ€™s too gorgeous for words. His biceps is bigger than her head, but heโ€™s as gentle as a lamb with her.

That whole picture is Tucker, though. Strong, steady, with exactly the right touch to make his ladies melt. I know I do.

I wrench my gaze away from his bent head so I donโ€™t launch myself at his poor unsuspecting frame. To my right, at the end of the room, a door sits slightly ajar. I head over to investigate and find an en suite bathroom. Itโ€™s too much.

โ€œWhatโ€™s going on? Did you win the lottery?โ€

He gives me a crooked smile. โ€œNope. I bought a bar. This came with it.โ€ โ€œThis?โ€ I wave my hand around the room. โ€œThe pink room, the crib, the

electronic keypad entry!โ€

โ€œOkay, the building came with an apartment. Iโ€™m not done with the renos up here. Thatโ€™s going to take a while. I was hoping to surprise you around November when the bar opened.โ€

Feeling weak, I lean against the wall. โ€œI donโ€™t know what to say.โ€

He strides across the room and tucks a hand under my chin. โ€œSay that this is home. For you, Jamie, and me.โ€

I close my eyes so he canโ€™t see the emotion in themโ€”the relief, the gratitude, the overwhelming love I have for him. I donโ€™t deserve him. Not one bit, but for some reason he wants me in his life.

I turn my face into his palm and press my lips against the warm skin. โ€œI love this place. Itโ€™s amazing. Youโ€™re amazing.โ€ And because I canโ€™t help myself, I rise up on my tiptoes and throw my arms around his neck. โ€œThank you.โ€

One muscular arm clutches me close while the other holds our baby close. โ€œThis is going to work,โ€ he murmurs. โ€œYouโ€™ll see.โ€

I hope so. God, I hope so.

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