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Chapter no 25 – Tucker

The Goal (Off-Campus, #4)

THE KITCHEN ISย so silent, I feel like Iโ€™m in church. Not that Iโ€™ve been to church often. Mom dragged me to a few Sunday sermons when I was a kid, until finally admitting that sheโ€™d way rather sleep in on the weekends. I was totally on board with that plan.

But right now, itโ€™s not God and Pastor Dave passing judgment on meโ€” itโ€™s my closest friends.

โ€œWhy the hell didnโ€™t you tell us sooner?โ€ Garrett. โ€œYouโ€™re seriously keeping this kid?โ€ Logan.

โ€œSabrina fucking James?โ€ Dean.

I tighten my grip around my beer bottle and scowl at Dean. I blameย himย for this little powwow. Two seconds after I told him and Allie the news, heโ€™d sent an SOS to Garrett and Logan ordering them to get their asses home. Theyโ€™d been at the dorms with their girlfriends, and now I feel like a jerk for spoiling their nights.

โ€œGuys, why donโ€™t you let him talk instead of shouting questions at him?โ€ Allie speaks up in a cautious tone.

I can tell she doesnโ€™t want to be here for this, but Dean dragged her into the kitchen with us, latched his hand onto hers, and hasnโ€™t let go since. I donโ€™t get why heโ€™s so pissed about this. Itโ€™s not likeย heโ€™sย the one about to become a father. And I know for a fact heโ€™s not still into Sabrina, because he looks at Allie like she hung the damn moon. The two of them hit a rocky patch after Beauโ€™s death, but the last couple of months theyโ€™ve been disgustingly in love.

โ€œTuck?โ€ Allie prompts, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear.

I take a terse swig of my beer. โ€œI donโ€™t have much else to say. Sabrina and I are having a kid. End of story.โ€

โ€œHow long have you been seeing her?โ€ Logan demands.

โ€œA while.โ€ Their frowns tell me they donโ€™t like my response, so I add, โ€œEarly November.โ€

Logan looks startled. Garrett doesnโ€™t, which makes me narrow my eyes at him in question.

โ€œI suspected,โ€ he admits.

The other guys swivel their heads toward him in accusation. โ€œWhat do you mean, you suspected?โ€ Logan echoes.

โ€œIt means I suspected.โ€ Garrett glances across the table at me. โ€œSaw you holding her hand at Beauโ€™s memorial.โ€

When a flash of guilt passes through Deanโ€™s eyes, I know heโ€™s thinking about how he got piss-drunk in his room instead of attending the memorial service for one of his best friends.

Logan turns back to me. โ€œSo itโ€™s serious with you two?โ€

Laughter sputters out. โ€œWeโ€™re having a baby. Of course itโ€™s serious.โ€

Or at least Iโ€™m planning for it to be. Sabrina still needs time, though. Time to fully get a handle on this pregnancy stuff. Time to lower her guard and realize she can trust me. Time to lower that guard even more and realize that she loves me. Because I know she does. Sheโ€™s just too scared to admit or acknowledge it, to me and to herself.

โ€œWhy didnโ€™t she get an abortion?โ€

Deanโ€™s question elicits a gasp from Allie, frowns from the guys, and an angry scowl from me.

โ€œBecause we decided to keep it,โ€ I say harshly.

Everyone flinches. Iโ€™m pretty sure theyโ€™ve never heard me snap at anyone before. Usually I donโ€™t, but Dean is treading dangerously close to Iโ€™m-going-to-beat-him-senseless territory. I get that he doesnโ€™t like Sabrina, but he will damn well show her respect, even when sheโ€™s not in the room.

โ€œHey. Letโ€™s relax, okay?โ€ Garrett proves why heโ€™s our team captain by speaking in a calm, pacifying voice.

Though, I realize, heโ€™s not Deanโ€™s captain anymore, because Dean got kicked off the team back in January. I think failing that drug test was one of the catalysts for his dragging himself back to the land of the sober. That, and Allie.

โ€œThis is Tuckโ€™s life,โ€ Garrett goes on. โ€œWe have no right to judge his decisions. If this is what he wants, then weโ€™re going to support him. Right?โ€

After a beat, Logan nods. โ€œRight.โ€

Deanโ€™s jaw tightens. โ€œThis is going to ruin your life, man.โ€

Itโ€™s getting harder and harder to control the anger simmering in my gut. โ€œWell, itโ€™s my life to ruin,โ€ I say coldly. โ€œYou donโ€™t get a say in it.โ€

โ€œWhat about Harvard?โ€ he pushes. โ€œIs she still gonna go?โ€ โ€œYes.โ€

He shakes his head. โ€œDoes she get how time-consuming law school is?โ€ โ€œOf course.โ€

Another shake of his head. โ€œSo sheโ€™s dumping all the responsibilities on you?โ€

I instantly come to Sabrinaโ€™s defense. โ€œNo, weโ€™re sharing the responsibilities.โ€

More head-shaking.

Swear to God, if he doesnโ€™t stop doing that, Iโ€™m going to rip his blond head right off his neck.

โ€œDean,โ€ Allie warns.

โ€œIโ€™m sorry, but I think this is crazy,โ€ he announces. โ€œThat girl is colder than ice. Sheโ€™s judgmental. Sheโ€™sโ€”โ€

โ€œThe mother of my child,โ€ I growl.

Dean growls back. โ€œFine, whatever. Go ahead and destroy your life.

What do I care?โ€

My mouth falls open as he marches out of the kitchen. Seriously? Thereโ€™s a long silence, and then Allie gets up too. โ€œIโ€™ll go talk to him,โ€

she says with a sigh. โ€œIgnore him, Tuck. Heโ€™s just being a dickhead.โ€ I donโ€™t answer. Iโ€™m too pissed to talk.

โ€œFor what itโ€™s worth, you have my support. I think youโ€™re going to make a great dad.โ€ Her hand rests lightly on my shoulder before she heads to the door.

Once sheโ€™s gone, I stare at my remaining friends. โ€œYou meant what you said? I have your support on this?โ€

They both nod. Loganโ€™s lips are twitching, though, as if heโ€™s trying not to laugh.

โ€œWhatโ€™s so funny?โ€ I ask warily.

โ€œDude. Do you even realize all the gross things coming your way?โ€ I blink in confusion.

โ€œGo look up childbirth videos on YouTube,โ€ he advises. โ€œWe had to watch some for the womenโ€™s studies class I took freshman year. Theyโ€™re

goddamn horrifying.โ€ Logan shudders. โ€œDid you know that eighty percent of chicks shit on the table?โ€

Garrett snorts. โ€œYouโ€™re totally making up that stat.โ€

โ€œOkay, maybe not eighty percent. But it fucking happens, and itโ€™sย gross. Oh, and the placenta? A huge bloody sac that just drops on the floor after the kid pops out? After you see that, I guarantee youโ€™ll never want to stick your dick in there again.โ€

โ€œI suddenly feel really sorry for Grace,โ€ Garrett remarks.

โ€œIโ€™m going to push for a scheduled C-section,โ€ Logan says haughtily, but the twinkle in his eye tells me heโ€™s only kidding. You can always count on Logan to lighten the mood.

โ€œLook,โ€ I say, โ€œI know this is a huge shock. And trust me, I still havenโ€™t wrapped my head around it either. But I loโ€”care about Sabrina.โ€ I correct myself before the L-word leaves my mouth. No way am I saying it to my friends before I say it to her. โ€œDean is all wrong about her. Sheโ€™s driven, yeah, but sheโ€™s not cold or judgmental. Sheโ€™s got the biggest heart of anyone Iโ€™ve ever met. Sheโ€™sโ€ฆpretty fucking amazing.โ€

A lump obstructs my throat. Damn it. I wish Sabrina could see herself through my eyes. She thinks sheโ€™s dragging me down into the gutter with her, but sheโ€™s wrong. Sheโ€™s giving me the one thing Iโ€™ve always wantedโ€”a family. Sure, itโ€™s happening earlier than I planned, but life doesnโ€™t always follow a schedule.

โ€œSo youโ€™re really doing this, huh?โ€ Garrett sounds a bit awed. โ€œYup.โ€

โ€œDo I get to be the godfather?โ€

โ€œFuck that!โ€ Logan objects. โ€œHeโ€™s picking me. Obvs.โ€ โ€œBullshit. Iโ€™m clearly the better choice.โ€

โ€œYouโ€™re clearly the bigger egomaniac, thatโ€™s what you are.โ€

I snicker. โ€œKeep this up and Iโ€™m picking neither of you. But itโ€™s good to know youโ€™re both eager for the job. I think Iโ€™ll come up with some kind of competition, make you two battle it out.โ€

โ€œIโ€™ll win,โ€ Garrett says immediately. โ€œFuck that!โ€

Theyโ€™re still arguing about it as I duck out of the kitchen. Dean mightโ€™ve been a jackass about my big news, but itโ€™s a relief to know that at least I have G and Loganโ€™s support.

Iโ€™m sure as hell going to need it.


Iโ€™m here. Where u at?

FITZYโ€™S TEXT POPSย up as I park in the lot in front of Maloneโ€™s. I drove here straight from the house, because telling my roommates about the baby isnโ€™t the only item on tonightโ€™s agenda. I still need to find a place to live, and Iโ€™m really hoping Fitz can help me with that.

I quickly type a response.

Me:ย Just got here. Walking in now.

Him:ย Corner booth in the back.

Putting away my phone, I lock the truck and head into the bar. Fitzy is sipping a beer when I slide onto the booth seat across from him. Heโ€™s ordered one for me too, which I gratefully accept.

โ€œHey. Thanks for meeting up.โ€

He shrugs. โ€œNo prob. I was getting stir crazy anyway. My apartment is too fucking small.โ€

Huh. I didnโ€™t expect an opening this early in the conversation, but damned if Iโ€™m going to pass it up. โ€œThatโ€™s actually what I wanted to talk to you about.โ€

Fitzy arches a brow. โ€œMy small apartment?โ€

โ€œSort of.โ€ I trace my finger over the label of my beer. โ€œYou said your lease is ending in May, right?โ€

โ€œYeah. Why?โ€

โ€œYou given any thought to what youโ€™re doing about that? Are you signing another lease? Moving somewhere else?โ€

A grin tugs on the corners of his mouth. โ€œWhatโ€™s with the Twenty Questions?โ€

โ€œJust trying to figure out where your head is at.โ€ I take another sip. โ€œIโ€™m not going back to Texas after graduation.โ€

He peers at me over the neck of his bottle. โ€œSince when?โ€ โ€œSince Iโ€™m having a kid in August.โ€

Loud choking noises break out from his side of the booth. I probably shouldnโ€™t have sprung that on him while he was mid-sip. I feel bad as I watch him cough wildly.

โ€œY-youโ€”โ€ He coughs again. Clears his throat. โ€œYouโ€™re having a kid?โ€ โ€œYeah. Sabrinaโ€™s pregnant.โ€

โ€œOh.โ€ One tattooed arm lifts so he can rub his temple. โ€œShit. Well.

Congrats, I guess?โ€

An unwitting smile touches my lips. โ€œThanks.โ€

He studies me carefully. โ€œYou seem cool about this.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s because I am,โ€ I say simply. โ€œBut yeah, I definitely need to find a place in Boston. And I remember you mentioned you wouldnโ€™t be against living in the city, soโ€ฆโ€ I shrug. โ€œFigured it wouldnโ€™t hurt to ask if youโ€™re in the market for a roommate.โ€

โ€œAh.โ€ Regret flickers in his expression. โ€œI decided not to do that. I thought Iโ€™d be cool with the commute, but I talked it through with Hollis and he reminded me what a bitch it is to drive from Boston to Hastings in the winter, so Iโ€™m going to stick around here for my senior year.โ€

I swallow my disappointment. โ€œOh, okay. That makes sense.โ€ โ€œStupid question, butโ€ฆwhy arenโ€™t you moving in with Sabrina?โ€ Stupid question, no. Good question? Hell yes.

โ€œWeโ€™re not there yet,โ€ I reply, because the alternative is fucking embarrassing.ย Because she doesnโ€™t want to be with me.

โ€œOkay. Well. If youโ€™re serious about living in Boston, I actually do know someone who needs a roommate.โ€

I brighten up. โ€œWho?โ€

โ€œYouโ€™re not going to like it,โ€ he warns. โ€œWho?โ€ I press.

โ€œHollisโ€™ brother. His landlord hiked up his rent and heโ€™s not sure he can keep the place on his own.โ€

Aw fuck. Brody Hollis, king of the douches? The man who puts theย broย inย Brody? Iโ€™d ratherโ€”no. Thereโ€™s noย Iโ€™d rather. Iโ€™m not exactly swimming in options at the moment. Brody might beโ€ฆfratty, but his apartment was big and clean and had two bedrooms.

And itโ€™s only a five-minute drive from Sabrinaโ€™s house.

As much as I hate the idea, I canโ€™t deny that itโ€™s a good, convenient option.

I take another long sip of my beer. Then I say, โ€œCan I have his number?โ€

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