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Chapter no 8 – Tucker

The Goal (Off-Campus, #4)

โ€Œโ€œWE SUCK,โ€ HOLLISย gripes.โ€Œ

โ€œWeโ€™re not great,โ€ I acknowledge.

Todayโ€™s practice was another disaster, which doesnโ€™t bode well for tomorrowโ€™s game against Yale. I was hoping the road trip to Boston would distract us from how badly weโ€™re playing, but weโ€™ve been sitting in this bar for almost an hour, and so far all weโ€™ve talked about is hockey. The Bruins game flashing on multiple screens all around us isnโ€™t helping mattersโ€” watching a good team play good hockey is just the icing on the shit cake.

I peer at my empty beer bottle and then wave it in the air to signal the waitress. Iโ€™m going to need about five more of these if I want to snap out of this sour mood.

Hollis is still grumbling beside me. โ€œIf we donโ€™t start playing some defense, we can kiss our chances at another Frozen Four goodbye.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s a long season. Letโ€™s not throw in the towel yet,โ€ Fitzy says from across the booth. Heโ€™s sipping on a Coke because heโ€™s our DD tonight.

โ€œAre you guys going to talk hockey all night?โ€ Hollisโ€™ brother, Brody, complains. Heโ€™s twenty-five, but looks way younger with his clean-shaven face and backwards Red Sox cap.

โ€œWhat else are we gonna talk about? This place is a sausage fest.โ€ Hollis tosses a napkin at his brother.

Heโ€™s not wrong. There are only two women in this bar. Theyโ€™re around our age, hot as fuck, and they also happen to be making out with each other in a corner booth. Ninety-five percent of the men hereโ€”myself includedโ€” have already snuck glances at the lip-locked chicks. The other five percent are busy lip-locking each other.

โ€œFine, you losers.โ€ Brody heaves out an exaggerated sigh. โ€œYou donโ€™t like this place? Letโ€™s go.โ€

โ€œWhere?โ€ his little brother asks.

โ€œWhere thereโ€™s girls.โ€ โ€œDone and done.โ€

Three minutes later, weโ€™re climbing into Fitzyโ€™s car and following Brodyโ€™s Audi across town.

โ€œNice wheels,โ€ I remark, gesturing to the shiny silver car ahead of us.

โ€œHe leases it,โ€ Hollis informs me. โ€œHe likes to act like a big shot, but heโ€™s really not.โ€

โ€œGee,โ€ Fitzy drawls from the driverโ€™s seat. โ€œSound like anyone you know?โ€

That gets him a middle finger from our teammate. โ€œDude. Iโ€™m more of a big shot thanย yourย pansy ass. You didnโ€™t even get laid on your birthday this week.โ€

โ€œI wasnโ€™t looking to get laid. Trust me, if I was, you wouldnโ€™t have seen me at all that night.โ€

โ€œWe barely saw you, anyway! You went home early to play video games!โ€

โ€œTo demo the game I designed,โ€ the other guy corrects. โ€œI donโ€™t seeย you

doing anything productive with your time.โ€

โ€œActually using my dick isย veryย productive, thank you very much.โ€

I hide a grin. It always boggles my mind how these two could be such close friends. Hollis is a loud-mouthed bro with only one thing on the brain

โ€”chicksโ€”while Fitzy is serious and intense with only one thing onย hisย brainโ€”gaming. Or maybe two things, seeing as the guy loves getting tattooed. Somehow they make the friendship work, though it seems like itโ€™s mostly through bickering and flipping each other off.

We pull into a gravel driveway and park in the spot next to Brodyโ€™s. His Audi doesnโ€™t look out of place with the rest of the cars, but it doesnโ€™t fit the bar, either. A neon sign over the nondescript building blazes with the words โ€œBoots & Chutes,โ€ which are positioned underneath a half-naked girl riding a bull.

Hollis gapes at the sign. โ€œSeriously? A western-theme titty bar in

Boston? This is gonna suck.โ€ He looks like he wants to punch his brother. โ€œArenโ€™t you Miss Mary Sunshine.โ€ Brody throws an arm around Hollis

and waves for us to come forward. โ€œYou babies wanted pussyโ€”well, here you are.โ€

โ€œIs this what happens after you get out of college? You have to pay for pussy?โ€ Hollis hangs his head. โ€œIโ€™m never leaving Briar, bro. Ever.โ€

I chuckle. โ€œHey, think of all the leftover hockey groupies youโ€™ll have access to when Garrett or Logan start playing for the pros.โ€

That immediately perks him up. โ€œGood point. And lookโ€”โ€ He points to the sign โ€œโ€”now you donโ€™t have to leave Boston either. Who needs to move back to Texas when youโ€™ve got cowgirls right here for you?โ€

โ€œTempting,โ€ I say dryly, โ€œbut I think Iโ€™m sticking to my original plan.โ€

Unless my mom suddenly acquires a taste for the East Coast, Iโ€™m moving back to Patterson after I graduate. Iโ€™m not sure our small town is a good place to start a business, but I could always try to open something up in Dallas and come home on the weekends. Mom sacrificed a shitload to get me to where Iโ€™m at now, and Iโ€™m not leaving her alone.

The strip club reeks of sweat, smoke, and desperation. At the front of our group, Hollisโ€™ brother slaps something into the hands of the bouncer, and they have a short conversation.

โ€œNo touching. Private dances start at five bills.โ€ He waves a waitress over. โ€œFront row, stage right,โ€ he tells her.

Everyone starts moving. Everyone but me.

โ€œGot a problem?โ€

The bouncerโ€™s sharp voice gets me moving. โ€œNope,โ€ I say easily.

But I kinda do. I have a big problem, in fact. A fucking huge problem.

Because under the heavy eyeliner and the big hair, I recognize the waitress. Hell, Iโ€™ve had my hands and mouth all over that exposed skin.

Sabrinaโ€™s startled gaze locks with mine. I see all the color drain from her face, which is saying a lot because she didnโ€™t go easy on the blush when she applied her makeup.

โ€œRight this way,โ€ she mumbles. She spins around with a swish of dark hair, but not before I see the flash of warning in her eyes.

Got it. She doesnโ€™t want me telling the guys that we know each other. I donโ€™t blame her. This is probably awkward as fuck for her.

โ€œWhat kinds of chicks work this joint?โ€ Hollis says as he leers at Sabrinaโ€™s incredible backside, which is barely covered by the tiny shorts sheโ€™s wearing.

โ€œHot ones,โ€ Fitzy replies dryly.

Thatโ€™s an understatement. The girls here are more than hot. Theyโ€™re goddamn spectacular. Source: my eyeballs.

Tall ones, short ones, curvy ones. Light, dark, and everything in between. But my gaze keeps snapping back to Sabrina, as if itโ€™s attached to an invisible string thatโ€™s controlled by her perfect ass.

โ€œI take back every rude thing I said about cowgirls in the parking lot.

Any of these girls can ride me.โ€

Heat curdles in my gut. I donโ€™t like the idea of Hollisโ€”or any of the dudes in this placeโ€”getting ridden by Sabrina. Sheโ€™s mine.

โ€œYou okay?โ€ Fitzy asks. โ€œYou look pissed.โ€

I take a breath. โ€œYeah, sorry. I was thinking about the team.โ€

He buys that. โ€œThatโ€™s enough to make anyone mad. Come on. Letโ€™s get a drink and forget about hockey.โ€

I nod absently, too mesmerized by the center of Sabrinaโ€™s back. Itโ€™s completely bare except for one measly string that looks like it would unravel if I blew against the bow. My gaze drops lower, taking in the elegant indentation of her spine, all the way down to the top of her black satin booty shorts.

By the time we arrive at the stage, Iโ€™m sporting a semi, which is fucking embarrassing. Getting a hard-on at the mere sight of a girlโ€™s ass isnโ€™t something thatโ€™s happened to me since high school.

I force my eyes upward in time to avoid a table full of frat boys. One of them reaches out to slap Sabrinaโ€™s ass as she sways by him.

A jolt of rage shoots up my spine. I shove forward, but a bouncer sitting at the base of the stage reaches the punk before I do.

โ€œNo touching, asshole.โ€ He hauls the polo-shirted kid to his feet. โ€œLetโ€™s go.โ€

โ€œHey, Iโ€™m sorry,โ€ the asswipe protests. โ€œIt was reflex.โ€

But the bouncer doesnโ€™t listen and the guy is dragged out anyway. His friends just watch him go.

Hollis grins. โ€œStrict fuckers here.โ€

โ€œWe need that guy on our team,โ€ Fizzy observes. โ€œNo lie.โ€

Sabrina holds out her hand. โ€œAnything I can get for you boys?โ€ Her voice is barely audible over the loud dance beat blaring through the club.

โ€œWhatever you have on draft.โ€ I keep my eyes fixed above her chin, which is a fucking miracle.

I donโ€™t miss the unhappiness washing over her face. It doesnโ€™t take a rocket scientist to guess sheโ€™s embarrassed, and I donโ€™t know how to tell her that where she works doesnโ€™t make a shitโ€™s worth of difference to me.

Brody flops down in the chair next to mine. He rests his forearms on the tabletop and leans forward to watch the half-naked woman dancing five feet away from us. The tall redhead is in the process of wiggling out of her G- string, leaving her in nothing but a leather holster around her waist and two fake guns.

โ€œAnd for you?โ€

Hollisโ€™ brother tears his gaze off the naked cowgirl and glances at Sabrina. โ€œWhiskey, neat.โ€

โ€œComing right up.โ€ โ€œThanks, baby.โ€

With a strained smile, Sabrina disappears, and somehow I manage not to lunge across the table at Brody. Sabrinaโ€™s not his baby. If he calls her that one more time, Iโ€™m not sure Iโ€™ll be able to restrain myself from beating the living crap out of him.

โ€œShe looks familiar,โ€ Hollis yells in my ear. โ€œThe waitress. Doesnโ€™t she?โ€

I shrug. โ€œDonโ€™t know.โ€

Fitzy turns to study her as she leans forward to take orders at a nearby table. โ€œI guess she looks a little like Olivia Munn?โ€

โ€œNo way. Sheโ€™s a million times hotter than her,โ€ Hollis declares. Then he shrugs. โ€œWhatever, maybe I donโ€™t know her.โ€

His brother grins. โ€œIโ€™ll ask her later why she looks familiar. You know, when sheโ€™s on her knees in front of me.โ€

I clench my fists against my thighs. I have to, or Iโ€™m going to pound Hollisโ€™ brother into mincemeat and then Hollis will be pissed off. I like Hollis.

Luckily, Brody decides to stop being a creep, as if on some subconscious level he figured out how close I was to straight-up murdering him. He turns to me and says, โ€œMikey mentioned youโ€™re going to start your own business?โ€

I nod. โ€œThatโ€™s the plan.โ€

โ€œGot something in mind?โ€

โ€œIโ€™m kicking around a few ideas, but I havenโ€™t settled on anything yet.

Iโ€™ve been focused on hockey.โ€ โ€œYeah, I hear ya.โ€

โ€œBut once Iโ€™m done with school, Iโ€™ll evaluate my options.โ€

โ€œIf you need help, let me know. Iโ€™ve got a couple ins with some new opportunities. Really ground-floor stuff. Iโ€™m not sure how much cash youโ€™ve got, but these investment opportunities arenโ€™t open to the public. One day youโ€™re in for a couple hundred Gs, and three years later youโ€™re a billionaire when Facebook buys you out.โ€ He snaps his fingers as if itโ€™s justย thatย easy.

โ€œSounds interesting. Maybe Iโ€™ll give you a call when Iโ€™m ready to make some decisions.โ€ Iโ€™m nodding again, but really, I have no plans on calling Brody Hollis for investment advice. Iโ€™d rather not get suckered into some pyramid scheme, thank you very much.

Sabrina returns with a tray in her hand, and all my attention instantly belongs to her. She sets down our drinks, standing right at my shoulder. I figure itโ€™s because Iโ€™m the least likely to play grab-ass with her and not because she wants to rub her tits across my cheek.

โ€œIโ€™ll be back in a bit to check on you,โ€ she murmurs before darting off.

Jesus. I stare at her in admiration, wishing I could run after her and give her a hug. Serving a bunch of Briar guysโ€”not to mention one sheโ€™s slept withโ€”canโ€™t be comfortable for her. She couldโ€™ve asked her boss to be switched to another section, but she didnโ€™t. Sheโ€™s continuing to do her job as if our presence doesnโ€™t affect her at all.

For the next half hour, the guys and I watch the strippers do their thing. Well, the guys watch. Me, Iโ€™m wholly focused on Sabrina. I sneak glances at her every other second, barely paying attention to whatโ€™s going on around me. I vaguely register laughter and catcalls and snippets of conversation, but my entire world has been reduced to Sabrina James. The sensual sway of her hips as she walks. The high heels that make her long legs look impossibly longer. Every time she walks past our table, I fight the urge to pull her into my lap and kiss her senseless.

โ€œHow much does a girl like you cost?โ€ a loud voice slurs from behind


โ€œIโ€™m not a dancer.โ€

My shoulders stiffen when I recognize Sabrinaโ€™s voice. The woman on stage has just finished up, and the music volume has dropped a few notches while the next girl gets ready to go on. When I twist around in my chair, I find that the obnoxious frat boys are at it again.

โ€œBut you would be if the price was right,โ€ one of the douchecanoes drawls.

โ€œNo. I just serve drinks.โ€ From where I sit, I can see the tension in her slender shoulders.

โ€œWhat if I want more than a drink?โ€ Douchecanoe taunts.

โ€œTrust me, you donโ€™t want to waste your money on me. Iโ€™m a terrible dancer.โ€ Her tone is light on the surface, but steely beneath it. โ€œYou need anything else?โ€

โ€œSweetheart, Iโ€™m not asking for a Broadway show. I just want you to shake your tits and ass in my face. Maybe rub up on me a bitโ€”โ€

Thatโ€™s it. Iโ€™ve had enough.

I donโ€™t miss Fitzyโ€™s look of confusion as I push out of my chair and march over to the Douche Table.

โ€œShe said no,โ€ I growl.

The main douche smirks at me. โ€œSheโ€™s a fucking stripper, dude.โ€ I fold my arms across my chest. โ€œShe said no,โ€ I repeat.

From the corner of my eye I see Sabrina edge backward.

โ€œWhere do you get off?โ€ Douchecanoe demands. โ€œMind your own business or Iโ€™llโ€”โ€

The chair legs behind me scrape against the floor, and Douchecanoe shrinks in his seat as over six hundred pounds of angry hockey players stare down at him. Fitzy is particularly menacing with his two full-sleeve tattoos and the cut over his eyebrow that he got during our last game.

โ€œYouโ€™ll what?โ€ I ask, lifting a brow. โ€œNothing,โ€ the frat boy says sullenly.

โ€œThatโ€™s what I thought.โ€ I bare my teeth at the assholes before the boys and I settle back in our chairs.

It takes me a second to realize that Sabrina is halfway across the room. She turns, briefly, to glance at our table. When our gazes meet, thereโ€™s unmistakable sorrow in hers.

Before I can stop myself, I pull out my phone and send her a quick text.

I donโ€™t know if she still has me blocked, but it canโ€™t hurt to try.

Iโ€™m sorry about that.

I donโ€™t expect a reply, so when my phone buzzes three minutes later, Iโ€™m genuinely surprised. But then Iโ€™m pissed, because she texted back:

Did u follow me here?

It takes me a minute to regroup. I sip my beer, take a breath, and then answer her with,ย Meet me at the restrooms?

This time she responds right away.

5 min.

For the next four minutes, I have to force myself not to stare at my phone. Or set a timer. Impatience bubbles in my gut, intensifying with each passing second. By the time I rise to my feet, Iโ€™m tense as fuck.

โ€œHitting the head,โ€ I mutter, but the guys pay me no attention. Hollis and Brody are too busy shoving dollar bills in a stripperโ€™s G-string, while Fitzy watches them with a bored expression.

I thread my way through the crowd of mostly men toward the doorway on the other side of the dark room. Boots & Chutes has gone overboard with the western themeโ€”saloon-style doors separate the bathrooms from the main room, and the wooden signs on the restrooms readย Gunslingersย andย Fillies. From behind the Fillies door, I hear the muffled sounds of female moans intermingled with male grunts. Classy.

โ€œSo, did you?โ€

I whirl around at Sabrinaโ€™s voice. She stalks up to me, her arms crossed tightly over her chest in a way that causes her cleavage to spill over her bra. โ€œFollow you here, you mean?โ€ I flatten my lips. โ€œNo, darlinโ€™, I did not.โ€

She studies me for several seconds before nodding. โ€œOkay. I believe you.โ€ Then she turns to walk away.

Oh hell no.

โ€œSabrina,โ€ I say in a low voice. She stops. โ€œW-what?โ€

Something inside of me melts when I hear the crack in her voice. She keeps her back to me, her spine like a metal rod. By the time I reach her,

any indignation I felt over her unfair assumption has faded away. I gently touch her arm to shift her around so weโ€™re facing each other.

โ€œSabrina?โ€ I keep my voice soft, safe.

She visibly swallows. โ€œThis is where I work.โ€ I give a slow nod. โ€œThis is where you work.โ€

โ€œThatโ€™s it? Youโ€™ve got nothing else to say about that?โ€

I stroke her bare shoulder with the pad of my thumb, gratified to feel her shiver. โ€œThis is your place of employment. You get paid to work here. You use those paychecks to pay your bills, Iโ€™m assuming. What else do you want me to say?โ€

But I know what she expected from me. Judgment. Contempt. Maybe a lewd comment or two.

Iโ€™m not that man, though.

She keeps watching me, until finally a small smile plays on her gorgeous lips. โ€œIโ€™m waiting for the part where you tell me youย neverย come to these places, your friends just dragged you here against your will, yada yada.โ€

โ€œIโ€™d be lying if I said Iโ€™ve never been to a strip club. But I kind of did get dragged here tonightโ€”I voted for the sports bar. And the only reason I even came to Boston was becauseโ€ฆโ€ I trail off, because the last thing I want to do is scare her off again.

โ€œBecause what?โ€

Fuck it. I shrug and say, โ€œI was hoping maybe Iโ€™d run into you.โ€

Sabrina laughs. โ€œBostonโ€™s a big placeโ€”you really expected to randomly run into me?โ€

โ€œExpected, no. Hoped? Abso-fucking-lutely.โ€ That gets me another laugh.

We stare at each other for a beat. My voice comes out gravelly as I murmur, โ€œYou unblocked my number.โ€

โ€œI unblocked your number,โ€ she agrees.

Then she moistens her bottom lip with the tip of her tongue, and I swallow a groan. Fuck, I want to kiss her.

โ€œI shouldโ€ฆget back to work.โ€

Thereโ€™s only the tiniest sliver of reluctance in her words, but a sliver is all I need. โ€œWhen do you get off?โ€


โ€œDo you want to hang out when youโ€™re done?โ€

She doesnโ€™t answer right away. I stand there, holding my breath, hoping that the raw, overpowering lust I feel for her doesnโ€™t show on my face, praying that sheโ€™ll sayโ€”


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