Chapter no 18 – Makoto

Powerful (A Powerless novella)

I’m shockingly happy as I head towards the Fort.

I can’t remember the last time I was this happy, even with Hera.


It feels wrong to be enjoying life with her no longer in it, but I still mourn her every day, in any way I can. I see her in the smiling faces along the street, remember how her magic tricks used to be the reason for laughing children and enthralled parents. I hear her in the sharpening of a blade for how she used to beg me to let her do it when we were young. I smell her in the rain, a brewing storm.

She’s all around me, and yet, nowhere to be found.

I mourn alone. Quietly. Though I allowed myself a single night to break down in Adena’s arms.

But Hera is likely already forgotten by the people, just another victim of the Trials she had no chance of winning. I try not to ponder the part I played in her death or my failed attempt to save her.

It hurts too much. To think I fumbled her freedom. Our freedom. I could never leave now. Not with Adena still here.

I elbow through the crowded street beginning to close for the evening. Bits of dull conversation 1ll my ears as I head for the familiar dead end.

I can’t help but smile at the sight of her colorful banner as it waves welcomingly at me. Something about it feels so like her. So comforting. So innocent and sweet.

Though she certainly didn’t kiss me that way.

Well, at 1rst, maybe. But then she quickly met my demand.

The way her mouth moved against mine was hypnotic. And if she had asked anything of me in that moment, I fear I would have had no choice but to do it.

Stepping over the barrier, I take a seat on my borrowed side of the rug. I feel dirtier by the second. Paedyn need not worry about me permanently stealing her spot.

The thought Rows into another, and I’m suddenly wondering if Adena has even told her best friend about me. But that thought quickly escalates to the more troubling one being that Adena has truly told her best friend about me. About my power. And the whole kingdom is buzzing about how close the contestant and future Enforcer have gotten over the course of these Trials. All it would take is a single slip of her words and the prince would know what I am—

I shake the trail of increasingly worrisome thoughts away. I’ve been ensured that Dena is a great secret keeper. Though, I have no sources to back up this claim.

I 1dget on the rug, trying my best not to touch anything. Waiting impatiently for Adena to arrive, I pull the slim box from one of the many pockets on the vest she made. The lid slides oI easily, allowing me to admire what lies within.

The needle is slightly larger than the ones I’ve witnessed her stab each 1nger with. The silver gleams, even in the dull light. I’m just able to make out the intricate, half-moon designs carved across the length of it.

I’ve never gotten a gift for someone. Not like this, anyway.

Not something that is 1lled with aIection, given out of wanting rather than necessity.

And that’s the terrible truth of it. I want her. What did she call it? Tripping into me?

I stare at glinting needle, as though it could summon her to the alley and my awaiting arms. Because somewhere along the way, I started my trip into her. And now there is no stopping my violent careen.

Time ticks by, dousing the alley in darkness. I’ve covered my gift for her, stowing it safely back in my pocket. My eyelids grow heavy with my back slumped against the grimy wall.

Where is she?

I doubt she would miss our night in the Fort unless absolutely necessary. She likely got busy with Paedyn. Maybe forced to help with some fashion emergency.

I smile at the thought. She’s probably having the time of her life telling people what to wear and how to wear it.

I sigh, gathering my legs beneath me to stand.

She got busy, I’m sure of it. And she will profusely apologize to me for simply doing her job. I’ll tell her that she owes me a kiss. Maybe two. Maybe a dozen.

On the bright side, I don’t have to sleep in the Fort.

Stepping out onto the deserted street, I begin weaving my way back to the shop. I catch sight of a crooked Ryer dressing a nearby wall and struggle to skim over it in the darkness.

To no one’s surprise, it’s about the 1nal Trial taking place tomorrow. I roll my eyes bitterly, ready to enjoy a blissful 1ve years before these Trials come back to haunt us again.

My eyes stumble over the large sentence scrolled in the very center of the Ryer.

‘This year’s final Trial will take place in the Bowl Arena – all are welcome and encouraged to watch.’

Now, this wouldn’t mean shit if it were any other year. The Trials are typically held in the Bowl for the kingdom’s entertainment. But this year has been diIerent. This year, they have yet to compete within the arena.

I’m about to dismiss it when I remember who is going to be there.


She will be in those stands, watching over her best friend between the 1ngers covering her eyes. I’ve never dared enter the Bowl for any Trial in the past, but I had also never had her.

I could surprise her. Sit with her. Comfort her.

It’s dangerous, but it’s for Dena.

I’ll walk her back to the Fort – that alone will be a surprise. And then I’ll give her the gift still securely in my pocket. She’ll squeal, and I’ll smile, just for her.

I turn down the alley that leads to my shop when a smile threatens to tip my lips.

Because for the 1rst time in my life, I’m excited to go to a Trial.

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