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Chapter no 50

Saving 6 (Boys of Tommen, 3)



A COLD SWEAT beaded my brow as I sat in the corner of the lounge in Biddies bar on Friday evening after school. I had my phone resting in one hand, and a vodka and Red Bull in the other.

Unlike most of the other pubs in town, Biddies wasn’t unaccustomed to serving minors. As long as you were discreet, kept your mouth shut, your drink out of sight, stayed in the back lounge, and didn’t cause trouble, you were welcome.

Which meant that my father wasn’t.

Resisting the carnal urge that I had growing inside of me, the one that demanded I get my hands on something more than just vodka to take the edge off my racing mind, I forced myself to slide my phone back into my jeans pocket and sit in my discomfort.

In the horrible fucking feeling of withdrawal.

I hadn’t smoked in weeks, hadn’t taken anything harder than a few benzos, and it was showing.

I was trying to behave myself, trying to keep the head and my shit together, but it wasn’t coming easy to me.

Growing agitated, I drummed my fingers against the table in front of me and looked around the bar, desperate to find a temporary distraction from the god-awful burning sensation in my throat.

We were supposed to be celebrating my call up to the minors. The lads were delighted for me, but my father was also delighted, which meant that I was anything but.

“Posh pricks,” Podge muttered, gesturing to a table of lads in Tommen College uniforms, sitting at the other end of the lounge. “I bet you that not one of those rugby-head fuckers have seen a hard day in their lives – or a day’s work with it.”

“I really couldn’t care less about what they have or haven’t seen, lad,” I replied, unimpressed by their fancy uniforms, or their table laden down with top-shelf quality liquor.

“That’s yer man, isn’t it? The lad from that fancy rugby academy,” Podge offered, inclining his head to where a tall, dark-haired lad about our age, was leaning against the bar, deep in conversation with the owner of Biddies. “What’s his name again?”

“Johnny Kavanagh,” I filled in, recognizing him the minute he walked through the door earlier, with his army of wealthy pals in tow.

“That’s him,” Podge agreed with a nod. “I’ve heard he’s going professional soon.”

“Lucky fucker,” Alec grumbled.

“There’s nothing lucky about it,” I replied, eyes trained on the back of the lad that resembled a brick shit house in the physicality stakes. “Look at the size of him. He didn’t get that way from luck, lads.”

“Well, give me a game of hurling any day of the week over their fancy fucking rugby,” Alec huffed. “That overgrown bastard might be able to throw a ball around with his posh pals over there, in their blazers and designer jackets, but he’d be eating your dust on a GAA pitch, Lynchy.”

“Yeah, he would, Al,” I agreed. “But at least he’d be eating.” Alec frowned. “I don’t follow, Joe.”

“That fella over there is going to finish school, and then make an absolute fortune playing a game he loves,” I explained, turning to look at

my drinking companions. “The fuck am I going to get from an amateur game? A slap on the back and a few ham sandwiches after a match?”

“Aren’t you happy you got called up to play for Cork?”

“Yeah, of course I am, but I just…” Releasing a frustrated sigh, I added, “Fuck it. It doesn’t even matter.”

“I’d kill to be in your position, Joe.” Alec looked at me like I had grown an extra head. “To have your natural ability and pace. You don’t get how unbelievably talented you are, lad. Everyone on our team would gladly change places with you in a heartbeat.”

Not if they knew how it really was for me. Or how it felt to live in my head.

“Hurling isn’t my whole future,” I tried to explain. “It won’t pay my bills like rugby will for that Kavanagh lad. That’s all I’m saying. It’s not the be-all and end-all of my world.”

“Speaking of worlds,” Podge chuckled, digging me in the ribs, when a small group of girls sauntered in the lounge. “Looks like yours is about to get rocked.”

“A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead walk into a bar. It’s like the start of a dirty joke,” Alec groaned and then tossed his drink back. “I don’t know which one I want more.”

“Those are some nice legs, blondie, when do they open?” one of the lads from the rugby table called out.

“Way past your bedtime, little boy.”

Instantly, I recognized said legs as the ones that almost cut off my circulation when they were wrapped around my neck the other night.


Instantly, my back was up, and a huge part of me wanted to walk over to where she was standing and claim her in front of those pricks. Whatever this thing we had going on wasn’t exactly public knowledge though. This was mainly due to the fact that Tony would cut my dick off if he found out I

was sniffing around the forbidden fruit that was his only daughter. It did mean however that I would look even more psychotic than usual if I walked over and started swinging.

Besides, Molloy was more than capable of handling herself against pretty much anyone.

Including me.

The rugby table erupted with ‘oohs’ and ‘burn, lad’ as another one called out, “You look like a dream.”

“Then go back to sleep,” Molloy called back, as she waited at the bar with her friends, while the barman prepared their drinks.

“Why don’t you come over here and sit on my face, sweetheart?” another one took a swing before striking out in glorious fashion.

“Why?” Molloy said sweetly, as she took her drink from the barman, and sauntered off in the direction of our table. “Is your nose bigger than your dick?”

Laughter erupted from the rugby table, and I couldn’t stop the surge of heat that spread in my chest when she looked across the room at me and beamed.

She was something else, that girl.

She fucking beamed at me like I was someone worth being that happy to see.

I’m not.

Her smile caused the dull ache to settle in my chest.

I watched as her redheaded neighbor said her goodbyes to Molloy and Casey before joining the Tommen table and making a beeline for who I thought looked a lot like Shannon’s friend’s brother.

“Evening, lads,” Casey said brightly, taking a seat at our table beside Alec. “Mind if we join ye? Katie’s gone off with her fella from Tommen, but we’d rather sit with our own boys.”

“Be our guests.”

“You’re looking well tonight, Al.”

Alec’s cheeks turned bright red. “Her,” he whispered to Podge. “She’s my favorite.”

Podge smirked. “Of course she is.”

“I hear congratulations are in order, Joe. Mack told us that you got the call up for the minors.”

“Nice one, Case,” I replied, not taking my eyes off Molloy, who was removing her coat, and holy fuck, if my heart wasn’t racing before, it gunned in my chest at the sight of her little red dress.

The girl had an unreal body.

Seriously, she was something else entirely.

Tall and blonde, with curves in all the right places, a nice big ass, and fabulous fucking double-d tits, I didn’t blame the lads at the other table for trying their luck.

She had the face of an angel, and the tongue of a devil.

“Lads,” Molloy acknowledged as she subtly lowered herself down on the bench next to me. Her gaze flicked to me. “Joey.”

My lips twitched. “Molloy.” “Nice shirt.”

“Nice legs.”

“So, girls, are ye out on the drink or the pull for the night?” Podge asked, making conversation.

“Well, since it’s my birthday, I have every intention of pulling,” Casey laughed. “If the right fella asks nicely enough.”

“Happy birthday,” all three of us chorused in unison. Casey grinned. “Thanks, boys.”

“What about yourself, Aoife?” Podge asked. “I heard things are finally over between yourself and Ricey. Have to say, girl, I think you made a smart move.”

“Yeah,” Casey agreed. “Especially since he started texting Danielle an hour after you broke up.”

I watched Molloy’s face for any indication that she was still bothered by Paul.

She didn’t bat an eyelid at the news.

“Oh, yeah, I heard about the breakup.” Alec waggled his brows. “I heard Ricey caught the two of you shifting the faces off each other.”

I rolled my eyes. “Lies.”

“Yeah,” Molloy said in agreement. Grinning devilishly, she used a straw to sip on her bottle of Smirnoff Ice, and then she subtly slid her hand under the table, not stopping until she had her hand between my legs. “All lies.”

Jesus Christ.

A deep shiver rolled through my body. She made me weak, this girl. It was insane, but I forgot about things when I was with her. Things like time, school, hurling, home. She even made me forget about him.

“What about you, Molloy?” I replied, quickly snaking a hand under the table to stop her from palming my rapidly hardening dick. “Are you out on the hunt tonight?”

“You know what, Joe,” she replied teasingly. “I think I am.”

“Well, be careful,” I shot back with a smirk. “Because I hear there are some bad pricks out tonight.”

“That’s good to know,” Molloy purred. “I’m thinking of finding myself a bad boy to walk me home later. I hear they hit the spot just right.”

“He’ll hit more than just the right spot, if he gets you alone in the dark,” I told her in a low, warning tone. “It’s a dangerous move. You should have your daddy come get you.”

“Dangerous sounds like just what I’m looking for,” she whispered, hand sliding under the table once more to touch me, but I was prepared for her this time.

“Keep it up, Molloy.” Snatching her hand up, I leaned in close, lips brushing against her ear, as I said, “He’ll look forward to finding you in the dark later.”

“I’ll keep my window open for him,” she whispered, breathing hard.

“You should keep your legs open, too,” I whispered, resisting the urge to lean in and kiss those pouty red lips. “I hear he loves eating pussy.”

A deep shiver racked through her, and I smiled when she squeezed her thighs together, before dragging in a steadying breath, and standing up. “I’ll be right back,” she whispered, as her finger trailed down my arm. “I need some fresh air.”

“I need a smoke,” I replied, not even managing to count to three before I stood up.

“All lies, was it?” Alec grinned as he watched me trail after the fucking fantastic blonde. “Yeah, lad, I believe you.”

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