Rhapsodic (The Bargainer Book 1)

Arestys: a barren, rocky landmass belonging to the Kingdom of Night; known for its caves; smallest and poorest of the six floating islands located within the Kingdom of Night

Barbos: also known as the City of Thieves; the largest of the floating islands located within the Kingdom of Night; has garnered a reputation for its gambling halls, gangs, smuggler coves, and taverns

changeling: a child swapped at birth; can alternatively refer to a fae child raised on Earth or a human child raised in the Otherworld

dark fairy: a fairy that has forsaken the law

Desmond Flynn: ruler of the Kingdom of Night; also known as the King of Night, Emperor of the Evening Stars, Lord of Secrets, Master of Shadows, and King of Chaos

fae: a term denoting all creatures native to the Otherworld

fairy: the most common fae in the Otherworld; can be identified by their pointed ears and, in most instances, wings; known for their trickery, secretive nature, and turbulent tempers

glamour: magical hypnosis; renders the victim susceptible to verbal influence; considered to be a form of mind control; wielded by sirens; effective on all earthly beings; ineffective on creatures of other worlds; outlawed by the House of Keys because of its ability to strip an individual of their consent

Green Man: king consort of Mara Verdana, Queen of Flora

House of Keys: the global governing body of the supernatural world; headquarters located in Castletown, Isle of Man

Isle of Man: an island in the British Isles located between Ireland to the west, and Wales, England and Scotland to the east; the epicenter of the supernatural world

Janus Soleil: ruler of the Kingdom of Day; also known as the King of Day, Lord of Passages, King of Order, Truth Teller, and Bringer of Light

Karnon Kaliphus: ruler of the Kingdom of Fauna; also known as the King of Fauna, Master of Animals, Lord of the Wild Heart, and King of Claws and Talons

Kingdom of Day: Otherworld kingdom that presides over all things pertaining to day; transitory kingdom; travels around the Otherworld, dragging the day with it; located opposite of the Kingdom of Night; the eleven floating islands within it are the only landmasses that can claim permanent residence within the Kingdom of Day

Kingdom of Death and Deep Earth: Otherworld kingdom that presides over all things that have died; stationary kingdom located underground

Kingdom of Fauna: Otherworld kingdom that presides over all animals; stationary kingdom

Kingdom of Flora: Otherworld kingdom that presides over all plant life; stationary kingdom

Kingdom of Mar: Otherworld kingdom that presides over all things that reside within bodies of water; stationary kingdom

Kingdom of Night: Otherworld kingdom that presides over all things pertaining to night; transitory kingdom; travels around the Otherworld, dragging the night with it; located opposite of the Kingdom of Day; the six floating islands within it are the only landmasses that can claim permanent residence within the Kingdom of Night

ley line: magical roads within and between worlds that can be manipulated by certain supernatural creatures

Lephys: also known as the City of Lovers; one of the six floating islands within the Kingdom of Day; believed to be one of the most romantic cities in the Otherworld

Mara Verdana: ruler of the Kingdom of Flora; also known as the Queen of Flora, Lady of Life, Mistress of the Harvest, and Queen of All that Grows

Otherworld: land of the fae; accessible from earth via ley lines; known for its vicious creatures and turbulent kingdoms

Peel Academy: supernatural boarding school located on the Isle of Man

Phyllia and Memnos: sister islands connected by bridge; located within the Kingdom of Night; also known as the Land of Dreams and Nightmares

pixie: winged fae that are roughly the size of a human hand; like most fae, pixies are known for being nosy, secretive, and mischievous

politia: the supernatural police force; global jurisdiction

portal: doorways or access points to ley lines; can overlap multiple worlds

Sacred Seven: also known as the forbidden days; the seven days surrounding the full moon when shifters remove themselves from society; custom established due to shifters’ inability to control their transformation from human to animal during the days closest to the full moon

Somnia: capitol of the Kingdom of Night; also known as the Land of Sleep and Small Death

seer: a supernatural who can foresee the future

shifter: a general term for all creatures that can change form

siren: supernatural creature of extraordinary beauty; exclusively female; can glamour all earthly beings to do her bidding; prone to bad decision-making

supernatural community: a group that consists of every magical creature living on Earth

Thief of Souls: the individual responsible for the disappearances of fae warriors

werewolf: also known as a lycanthrope or shifter; a human that transforms into a wolf; ruled by the phases of the moon

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