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Chapter no 12 – SHELBY

The Inn on Harmony Island


I shouldn’t care.

It was stupid of me to even entertain the thought.

I paced in my kitchen, trying hard not to let my gaze drift to the window that faced the back of the inn. I was trying hard not to stare at Miles and Laura as they turned and headed inside. And I was trying hard not to wonder what the two of them were saying to each other that had them looking so engrossed.

I was failing miserably.

My body shook as I finally stopped pacing and collapsed on the kitchen chair. It had been an emotionally draining day. First, with seeing Miss Porter when I walked into the inn. Then, the will reading. Then, my extremely long walk around Harmony Island. Then, finding out about Miles’s daughter. And now this.

No wonder my muscles felt like a pile of goo. I’d been running at full steam, and I hadn’t had a moment to take a deep breath and think.

I rested my forearm on the table and pushed the chair out far enough so that I could lay my forehead down on my arm. I closed my eyes, reveling in the darkness, and took in a few deep breaths.

What did it matter if Miles was talking to a girl? He had every right to do so. After all, I had a life outside of Harmony and our weird family history; it was only right for him to have the same.

My stomach growled, and I groaned as I grabbed at my middle. The only thing I’d had to eat was the muffin, and it was no longer satisfying me.

I was certain I burned about three thousand calories during my walk, so I was famished.

I pushed away from the table, eager to distract myself. I padded over to the fridge and pulled open the door. One quick scan and I picked up the plate that Miles had brought over for me this morning. Based on the smells that had wafted around the kitchen, it was going to be delicious—even heated up.

I pulled off the tinfoil and stuck it in the microwave. It whirred to life, and I could see the plate spinning inside. I leaned down in front of the door and let my mind wander.

How long had Miles known Laura? Did he do this on the regular? Have single women over to the inn to “show them around?” What about Belle? What did he do with her?

And who was Belle’s mother? Did I know her? Where was she?

The microwave rang before my mind became an even more tangled mess. I blinked a few times and then straightened and pulled on the handle. The smell of bacon and cinnamon filled my nose, forcing out all my questions and leaving me with only one thought. Food.

I grabbed a fork from the drawer as I walked by and settled down on at the table. Before I even realized it, my plate was empty and my stomach was full.

I leaned back, licking the remaining frosting from my fork before setting it on my plate. With my hunger in check, my thoughts returned to Miles and Laura.

Was she still there?

I peeked over my shoulder and then sighed. I knew I shouldn’t care that Miles had a girl over. After all, it was none of my business. But I also knew that I wouldn’t sleep tonight if I didn’t find out.

I didn’t want to admit it, but I was jealous that Miles seemed so happy. He had a baby. He had women in his life. And here I was, trapped in my hometown by my grandmother and with a fake boyfriend I still had to reach out to.

It wasn’t fair.

Why did he get to move on? After all, if it wasn’t for him…

It didn’t help dredging up the past. It only broke me even more. I couldn’t change what happened. Even if I wanted to.

I blew out my breath, determination pumping through my veins. If I was going to be miserable, so was Miles. He was the reason I was in this much pain, and he wasn’t going to get off this easily.

I quickly washed the plate and dried it before tucking it under my arm. I took in a few deep breaths as I slipped on my shoes. The walk to the inn took less time than I’d anticipated, and as my feet hit the wood steps leading to the back door, I suddenly wanted to split.

No amount of frustration was worth the flashbacks I knew were coming if I set foot in the inn. But my body acted on its own, and suddenly my hand was on the door handle and I was turning it.

I could hear Miles and Laura talking before I could see them. But as I pushed further into the kitchen, I forced a smile as both turned to look at me. I slipped the plate out from underneath my arm and held it up.

“I’m not interrupting, am I?” I asked innocently as I made my way further inside before Miles could try to stop me.

Miles was off his chair before I made it to the counter. He took the plate from me and moved to set it in the sink. “Nope. Laura was just leaving.”

I glanced over at Laura, whose eyes were wide. “I was?” she asked.

Realizing that I’d been wrong all along—this wasn’t a welcome interaction—my game plan changed. “She was?” I asked as I leaned in toward Miles.

He stiffened before glancing down at me. “Yep. I have rooms to tend


I frowned when I saw Laura wring her hands. She wanted to stay. She

so obviously wanted to stay. But Miles? He wanted her gone.

This just got interesting.

“Where are you from, Laura?” I asked as I rested my hands on the counter next to me and pulled myself up onto it.

She flicked her gaze from me to Miles before she settled back on me. “Louisiana. I’m here visiting my aunt, Betty Lou Thompson.”

I swallowed at the mention of Miss Thompson. She owned the antique shop in town, and there was a time or two that Clint had used me as a distraction so he could swipe her antique pipes.

“Oh,” I said before I shook those thoughts from my mind and focused on the present. If Laura was just visiting, I doubted she knew who I was.

“And how long are you in town for?”

Miles turned to stare at me as if to say, “Knock it off,” but I just shrugged off his look.

Laura fiddled with her purse. “A few weeks…” Then her gaze migrated to Miles, who was washing my plate over and over as if desperate to keep himself distracted. “Unless…” she whispered, clearly hoping Miles would pipe up and ask her to stay.

“Well, Miles should take you out sometime. After all, he’s lived in town a long time. And being part owner of the inn, he has the inside scoop on where the hidden gems are.” I patted his shoulder. He stiffened before he turned around to glare at me.

“What are you doing?” he whispered as he leaned in so close that he was only inches from me.

Suddenly, a wave of heat flooded over me, startling me into silence. I blinked a few times, confused at what that reaction was. Thankfully, he’d straightened before I had time to dwell on it, and I brought myself back down to the present.

“It’s the neighborly thing to do.” The words came out weaker this time.

This game was suddenly not as interesting as it had been.

He glared at me. “Don’t you have somewhere else to be?” “I’d really like that.”

We both jumped and turned to see Laura standing next to us. Realizing that I’d forgotten she was there, I jumped down from the counter and waved my hand in her direction.

“She’d really like that,” I parroted.

A small hand tugged on my dress. I glanced down to see Belle reach her chubby hands up. Out of instinct, I picked her up and set her on my hip. “I can babysit this little tyke. I bet it’s been a long time since you’ve had a break.”

My voice softened as I turned to look at Miles. He’d abandoned the dish in the sink and had turned to face us. His expression was stony, but there was a softness in his gaze as he stared at me and Belle. Not sure what to do, I brought Belle’s cheek to mine and gave him a smile.

“She and I will do great.” I waved my hand between the two of them. “Go. Have fun.”

“I’m free Wednesday night,” Laura piped up as if she didn’t want to give him another chance to say no.

Miles glanced over at her before sighing. “You sure you want to go out with me? Ever since she came around” —he waved at Belle— “I’m not much of a partier.” He sighed. “I’m in bed by seven most nights.”

Laura laughed. “I’m fine with whatever you want to do.” Then she dropped her gaze before slowly bringing it up, raking it over his body until she got to his face. “I love a man who would do anything for his daughter.”

Miles eyes widened, and suddenly I felt very uncomfortable. It was fun when I was the one doing the prodding. But the situation had taken a completely different turn.

“Well, it’s settled then,” I said as I set Belle back down onto the floor. “I’ll watch Belle, and you’ll entertain Laura until seven.” I grinned at the two of them. “It’s a win-win.”

Miles looked confused as if he’d just gotten whiplash. He glanced from me over to Laura before shrugging. “I’m game if you are.”

Her smile made me want to barf, but I clapped my hands, startling her. “Wonderful. I’m glad I came over to help out.”

Laura giggled. “Me too.” Then she sighed. “I should get back. Betty Lou will have a conniption if I’m gone while she’s trying to close the store.” Her gaze lingered on Miles. “I’m excited for our date.”

Miles nodded. “I’ll text you?”

“Perfect.” She gave him one last long stare—as if she were afraid he would dissolve into thin air—then grabbed her purse, made her way to the back door, and disappeared outside.

When the sound of the door latching filled the air, Miles turned back around, resting his hands on either side of the sink. I turned too, so I could watch him. He was quiet as he stared outside.

“What are you trying to do?” he asked. I frowned. “What do you mean?”

He growled before turning to look at me. “I’m not interested in dating anyone.” He pushed off the counter and scrubbed his face. “I have too much going on in my life to bring someone else into it.”

I sighed as I folded my arms. “It’s one night. You’ll be fine.”

He tipped his face toward the ceiling and paused before bringing it back, so he could glower at me. “Stop.”

His word cut through me, causing me to step back. There was a bite to his tone that I’d never heard before.

“Stop what?”

Anger flashed in his gaze. “Stop acting like you know me.” I scoffed. “What are you talking about? I do know you.”

He shook his head. “No, you don’t. You know the old Miles. Things have changed.” His voice tightened as if emotions had lodged themselves there. “I’m not the same man I was before.”

There was a depth to his gaze that shocked me. I took another step back as I appraised him. He wasn’t wrong. Things had changed. He wasn’t the lanky boy I knew as a kid or the tall young man I knew in high school. He’d filled out. I could tell from the way his t-shirt hugged his chest that he had muscles for days. His shoulders were broad, and his biceps caused the sleeves of his shirt to strain.

My cheeks heated as I dropped my gaze to the floor and stared hard at the spot in front of my feet. What was I doing? What was I thinking? Had I gone crazy?


“I’m sorry,” Miles muttered, drawing my attention back up. “About what?”

He sighed as he leaned back, bringing his feet in front of him and folding his arms across his chest. “I’m just not ready for a relationship.”

I fiddled with my dress, needing to think about something other than how much Miles had changed. “It’s a date, Miles. Not a lifetime.”

He peered over at me, his gaze dark. “I don’t date like that anymore.”

I swallowed. He was a man who knew what he wanted. And I? I was a fired, floundering, broken woman.

I envied him.

“Dating like that got me Belle. I love my daughter, but she’s growing up without a mother. I couldn’t do that…” His voice broke as he turned to set his hands on either side of the sink again before dipping his head forward and taking in a deep breath.

“I’m sorry,” I whispered. I really hadn’t meant to cause him this much stress.

He shook his head. “It’s fine. I just never figured you for a matchmaker. You caught me off guard.” He tipped his face toward me and gave me a small smile.

I found myself smiling. “It’s that bad?”

He chuckled. “There’s Miss Patty and her dog walker. Miss Trish and her second cousin’s step-niece…” He continued, tapping each finger on the

counter as he listed them off.

I raised my eyebrows. “So basically, the entire town is trying to marry you off?”

He nodded. “Everyone but Charlotte. She left me alone in the romance department.” A sad expression passed over his face that I could only imagine matched mine.

But I knew his was for different reasons. Whenever I heard her name, my chest filled with pain. But I could only assume that when Miles talked about her, he genuinely missed her.

What might that be like?

I cleared my throat, suddenly feeling as if the walls of the inn were closing in on me.

I needed to get out of here.

“Well, I’m sure you will survive when you choose to go out with Laura,” I said as I headed to the back door.

Miles straightened and turned. He looked confused as I reached out and turned the door handle. “Okay,” he said as I stepped out onto the deck.

I bounded down the stairs and hurried into the cottage. Once inside, I leaned against the door and took a deep breath.

That whole situation had been so strange. I went from feeling devious, to sympathetic, to pain. My whole body felt as if it had been run ragged and left out to dry.

I pushed off the door and headed to the bathroom. I was going to take a hot bath and crawl into bed, where I’d watch chick flicks until I passed out.

I was going to forget everything about this day and wake up tomorrow anew.

It was the only way I was going to survive living here. Forgetting the past and just focusing on the present.

The future? Well, that was future Shelby’s problem.

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